Saturday, February 2, 2013

Something For The Weekend...

Just Where and What Are You Living In (the Neighborhood)?
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry.

We all work during the week and never see the day to day activities of the neighborhood that surround our homes.  Someone does!  The neighbor that is retired and home each and every day, go visit them and find out just what is going on.  It is not that they are nosey neighbors and see it all, they hear and see things each and every day and know the neighborhood better than anyone.  Maybe they have needs as well.

Most of us have never met our neighbors and have no idea of the local activities.  We are immersed in our workday worlds and as long as it does not affect us, we don’t care.  Is your street, circle or cul de sac a drug supermarket during the day?  Yes, it is happening in any neighbor, any town! 

One circle in Salt Lake City, Utah had upward of 60 (sixty) vehicles during daylight hours coming into the neighborhood just for drug buys.  No one really knew, as during the week, they were all at work and the retirees said nothing.
It was the sleeping hours that were even worse, we slept and the heroin, meth and crack was exchanged just across the street!  Not the type of people you were expecting in your neighborhood and who knows what else can happen.

Remember your children come home from school before you do and this activity is going on right in front of them.  What examples are being shown?

By the way, do you know where the sexual predators live in your neighborhood?  A friend just found out that he was surrounded by them and two were there illegally.  They never reported they had moved into the neighborhood as they are directed to.

The tenants who are always fixing cars, the revving engines, oil spots all over the street and people hanging around waiting on their car to be fixed.  All in your neighborhood as an illegal business.

You bought a home and have respect in your property, nice yard, flowers, cut lawn and you keep the place nice and tidy.  Do your neighbors?  Is the house next door overcrowded?  Too many people living in the home or sleeping in the shed in the back of the home?  City codes can fix that!  If people are breaking simple laws, they are breaking even larger laws and this brings distrust into a neighborhood.  

Your community needs Respect and Trust at the Forefront.

Wanting that Trust and Respect is a phone call away, bring the Pied Piper Project to your community and make that change in a few short months?  It includes Internet accessible analytics that let you know what is going on and how you can report problems and keep your anonymity, if you wish to.

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Join In The Discussion and Solutions on LinkedIn

Or Call +1 (317) 426.0110


Copyright 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

What Were You Thinking?

City Managers, Mayors and City Council, are you thinking it through?
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry.

Running a city is like running a business.  You have costs and expenditures and even when you invoice, you expect payment, do you not?

It is all well and good to have the means to raise revenues with fines, infractions and code violations in a cost effective way, the other is dealing with those that fail to pay those levied monies and how to collect the missing funds.

It is not an easy matter and like all cities, you believe you will collect 100%, you don’t!  You will be lucky if you collect above 49% and even that is at a massive additional cost. 

Cities that believe they can obtain the outstanding monies by offering amnesty for partial payment have made a rod for their own back and will collect even less, if any!  Some describe it as a vicious financial circle and the truth meter of collections proves the point that it is not working and the revenues are being left on the streets.

The Tracometry Group of Companies has all the proven elements and experience to solve this major nationwide financial problem.  From all aspects that you require:
  • ü  digital method of issuing parking citations
  • ü  full photographic evidence
  • ü  moving violations
  • ü  code enforcement issuance
  • ü  building permit inspections/issuance
  • ü  health violations
  • ü  database management
  • ü  online payment solution
  • ü  full crime and civil analytics
  • ü  tracking
  • ü  next event predictability
  • ü  collections - reuniting the revenue$

Through our solutions and company’s we are a virtuous financial circle, with the final results of reunited revenues to the rightful recipient.

Tracometry Group of Companies:

Penamatics Digital Pen & paper Citation Issuance/Collections Solution with Street Level Real Time Data Collection, which includes Volunteers in Street Policing (VSP). 

PosiQR - secure QR codes for counterfeit recognition and compliance

Tracometry – BAIR Analytics - RAIDSONLINE – Crime Analytics, Tracking, Call for Service Data, & Next Event Predictability Either State repository for crime data and analytical department Street Level Data, enhancing full effective crime solving.   Allowing the public to see the calls for service and crime statistics via the Internet 24/7.

The Pied Piper Project – Involving revival of communities and neighborhoods, effectively bringing back Trust and Respect for All.  Using existing city codes and laws to clean up the problems in a few short months.

recoupeit collections that reunite revenues for cities and commerce

Let the Tracometry Group of Companies become your strategic partner and work with you to formulate your solutions for issuance to collections.  Yes, we complete the virtuous financial circle and bring your citizens the revenues to provide the promised and expected services.

CALL +1 (317) 426.0110

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Monday, January 28, 2013

If You Have An Emergency, Please Lock And Load...

Do Not Call 911, It Will Take Too Long To Respond, Please Defend Yourselves...
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry.

That is the message that is echoing all over the nation.  911 is not what it use to be!

As stated this week, a sheriff who released a radio ad, urging Milwaukee-area residents to learn to handle firearms, so they can defend themselves while waiting for police said Friday, that law enforcement cutbacks have changed the way police can respond to crime and your call for help.

In the 30-second commercial, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. says personal safety is no longer a spectator sport.

"I need you in the game," he says.

"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," he adds. "You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. ... Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there."

Under Wisconsin's "castle doctrine," someone who uses deadly force against an unlawful intruder to their home, business or vehicle is presumed to have acted reasonably. 

A spokeswoman for the state Department of Justice said that as of this week, there are about 155,000 concealed carry permits in Wisconsin.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Clarke said he just wants people to know what their options are. While self-defense isn't for everyone, some people see personal safety as their own responsibility, he said, and they should be trained properly.

"I'm not telling you to `Hey, pick up a gun and blast away.' ... People need to know what they are doing if they chose that method -- to defend themselves," he said.

But he also said he wanted to call on residents to be law enforcement "partners." He said he could either whine about budget cuts that forced him to lay off 48 deputies last year or he could get creative.

This is just the tip of iceberg and funds have to be raised so citizens can be protected.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's office released a statement criticizing the ad: "Apparently Sheriff David Clarke is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie." 

Barrett was beaten up several years ago by someone with a tire iron, and Clarke said he thought that would make the mayor "a lot more sensitive to people being able to defend themselves in such instances. A firearm and a plan of defense would have come in handy for him that day."

The point is simple, we must all pay our way and feed the city coffers.  That means, parking and infactions fines, court dues, property taxes and all paid on time.  If not, the next step is going to cost you a lot more.

Cities, municipalites and business are resorting to the most effective methods of debt collection, recoupeit, which reunities revenues with their rightful and legal owners.

If the city bills are paid, the police can protect you, the pot holes get filled and everyone is happy.

recoupeit, will come knocking on your door if you owe your city monies.

recoupeit, collection perfection in reuniting revenues...

This allows you to afford the law enforcement services the public demand and deem right under the law.

Use full crime analytics, tracking, call for service and next event predictability to enhance your services, save time and importantly expenditures.  With the less officers you have, we can maximize their time from our company, Tracometry.

copyright 2013

Where Is Your Respect?

When Are You Going To Grow Up Or Do You Need To?

By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry.

We are all childlike and have these idiosyncrasies that annoy others, totally fail ourselves and they just will not go away.  It is the likes of Jerry Lewis, Dick Van Dyke and Ricky Grevais who in front of our eyes have stayed in their childhood years and make us laugh and even be amused with ourselves.  It comes from within and without it, well...

Some things are no laughing matter and no matter how much humor you place upon a situation, it really should be bringing "real" tears to your eyes.  Life itself, the way cities, communities and families are being dragged down hill at break bent speed and the braking system is broken and overheating, is causing structural decline of the family, neigborhoods and businesses.

Those that are lucky enough to be employed have the same routine, day in and day out.  Rise, dress, go to work, come home, fix dinner, sleep and then repeated at least 5 days a week.  Many never stick their nose outside their home and speak to their neighbor or even see what surrounds them.
Communities have changed and sitting on the porch seeing your neighbors walk by is long past.  I supposed it is when we moved the social porch to the backyard and closed our eyes, ears and concerns of what went on in the front of our homes.  Turning that blind eye is now being paid for and will get even worse!

What about the rest?  What about those that are unemployed?  What is their day like?  I know questions and more questions and you just don’t want to know!  It is not my concern, you say, I have a job and I keep myself to myself, Okay?

Even if you are bringing in a paycheck, today most are living from that paycheck to paycheck, making ends meet and only just.  Shopping has become a burden, finding the bargains, food to feed the family at prices you can afford.  Think what the other half, the unemployed are doing.

It is time to bring back your community, placing and creating respect and trust into the streets.  Look, we have built a brick wall of shame over the decades and it has just kept getting thicker and higher, the wall of disrespect must be torn down.  No one likes change, this change is a positive change and must be enacted now!

The Pied Piper Project is a proven catalyst that makes that difference in a few short months when residents, landlords/tenants, code enforcement, community police all come together in one cohesive group to make this happen.  

Cleaning up, from the abundance of stray animals, colleting them, fixing them and placing back into the community.  Removing the broken down abandoned vehicles, stopping the street level drug supermarket buyers and dealers.  Those with criminal tendancies are told to sing to the comunnity tune or go find another stage for their criminal ways.  Once it is in place the maintenance is simplistic.  This is not like a bad diet, we will shed the problems and remove them for good.  Residents are happy and local business thrives once again.

So, shall we all grow up together and make the change?

The Pied Piper Project is a true and fruitful change that brings back the smiles and happiness of our childhood.

Make that change, make it now!

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013