Saturday, May 3, 2014


By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

A simple thought for this weekend.

I always make notes when I hear something that fits a situation, needs some explaining or highlighting.  So many suggestions, statements and single solitary words that standout or float by, that make you stop.

My notes:



-------------- THE MOMENT --------------

Not next week or later,
it is now!

Never to experience again

---------------------- NOW ---------------------

Do not ever forget this, as tomorrow never comes,
it is always today…

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking… Key Talking…
Secure Connections

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London, U.K., Netherlands, K.L. Malaysia

Copyright 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Anonymous Is Good!

Anonymous Is Good!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Invisible, anonymous, hidden and undetectable that is so exciting to be able to achieve that!  Hiding in the Dark side of the Web waiting to pounce on the unwitting, fragile and uninformed is not pretty and happens every single second of the day.

Having the most sophisticated software solutions that are ingenious in what they accomplish is useless, when they are open and in plain sight for all to see.

Those that do not wish to be seen for criminal or terroristic purposes is not cool and downright disgusting.  In the darkness are hiding hundreds and thousands of lowlifes who only want what you worked hard for and they want it for free!

The disgusting Hitchhikers on the side of the Internet Highway are not bothering to stand in plain sight and use their thumb to show they want a ride to your information. 

They hide behind Hacking, Phishing and Man in the Middle Brutal Attacks to take what is rightfully yours.  They may not attack you directly, they will attack the data silos of corporate America and the worldwide corporations.  Why?  Simply because we are useless at listening to what we must do to protect what is ours.  In fact, the majority believe that others have our 6 (our back) and really they do not!

CommSmart US’s suite of solutions has the pleasure of being protected by KEYTALK, secure communications for end to end data in motion.  Meaning all our clients are even Darker that Dark, when it comes to being secretive in its actions.

Today we must fight fire with fire,  blocking the morons who think they can have information that does not belong to them.  It does not stop there, M2M (machine to machine), that is devices talking to each other, which must be certified to make sure they are rightfully exchanging information is vital. 

Sadly the world of certificates took the lazy, expensive route and managerial nightmare to supposedly protect us all. 

Just because it is a machine, a CCTV system, an ATM, VOIP (Voice Over IP) telephone system or a satellite/cable television box sitting next to your Smart TV, they talk to other machines, they are connected and accessible by dubious characters.

The world of long term certificates is why KEYTALK was created.  It is effective, simply to install and managerial into only a couple of hours of maintenance per year.  That was twenty years ago and like Timex watches, we keep on safely ticking!

Passwords have been with us since the beginning of time and it has been the main method to secretly enter a myriad of locked secrets.  Even in the prohibition days at the Speak-Easy, the slot in the door would open and you gave the password of the night to gain entry.

Today, we have so many passwords to remember, that some even write them down, place them in their wallet or pocket book.  Or, heaven forbid, in a file on their computer, smart mobile phone or tablet!

The computer, that is what a smart mobile phone or tablet is, a computer, you have been indoctrinated to use a password to secure your precious information, the guarded secrets of you inner world.  So why do you share them with family members, business associates and even put them on a notice board?

Passwords have gone beyond being secure and the human element stepped in decades ago.  Yes, humans, you and I, are forgetful beasts and dumb in many ways in our actions. 

Time to dump the password!  I mean dump, get rid of, never use again.  Now that would be one bad headache to remove.

I know you are panicking and wondering how you are going to lock your information away from prying eyes.  Simple, just like keylocks have now moved into the computer age, we shall use something electronic.  A digital lock, you know, the one where you have a key pad and you type in your passw..., wait a minute, we just came full circle and have forgotten to dump the physical password system and…

No, there is another, proven method, Device DNA!  Not new, but solid and you are wondering why you have never heard of it!   Simple question and an even simpler answer, reason is, we are stuck in traditional ways that have been programmed over the decades, if not centuries. 

Corporations use passwords and you know what we have already stated about those!  They also use tokens which generate certificates to gain access to the corporate database and all the wondrous company treasure, electronically stored. 

Secured by a password!

Corporate use of Device DNA is the answer and has been in use for decades by some of the largest corporations in the world and they do not advertise that they do so. 

With KEYTALK, you are using an anonymous, invisible bullet resistant tube to connection both ends and allow secure data in motion.

If you wish to know more, then you have to ask.  Then, when you simply understand that all your fears and worries regarding using any device (BYOD) is not an issue anymore, you will be a user of Device DNA.  Inexpensive, secure and you will breathe easier at night, as will your IT Department.

You have just read above, why CommSmart US is here.  It is the passion to succeed for all and to bring to market precise solutions under Total Recall:

  •  KEYTALK, the basis of all we do.  With secure anonymous and invisible connections.  Even in Public Wi-Fi Hotspots, using Device DNA.
  •  Action In Motion, full video, audio and image transference “live” from any Smart Mobile Phone, Tablet or Laptop.  GPS Location, Date, Time and Originator are stamped on the information that is being sent directly to the backend servers in real time. This is a full chain of custody for evidence purposes.  Nothing is left on the sending device whatsoever.  Uses range from, surveillance, private security, Enforcement Agencies (formerly Bailiffs), CSI collection, information on rallies, protests, DOT surveys, Emergency Management and the list goes on…
  • DocUmatics, paperless operations using tablets for up-to-the-minute collection and transference of data and images.  SceneDoc is the CSI application already in use.
  • Secure Comms BB.  Our full 100% connectivity for use in Public Safety vehicles or in the field.  Allowing full communications capability, including satellite.  This is available in four operational units, firm base, vehicle/mobile, military and transportable (briefcase).  Additionally, a full 1000 foot Wi-Fi Hotspot is there for usage by authorized devices, fully secured with KEYTALK.  Excellent for events, crime scene or mobile HQ.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking… Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London, U.K., Netherlands, K.L. Malaysia

Copyright 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Who Is Duping Who, In The Food Chain?

Who Is Duping Who, In The Food Chain?
By Nick Ashton, CEO/Founder, Tracometry Group of Companies.

After all the concerns regarding Antibiotics and how they are failing, I revisited a piece I wrote last year.  

Our food is the issue and what it is that is being pumped into the animals to fatten them, cut back their health issues.  

What about us?  What do those drugs do to us?

So here is the take last year and is more relevant than ever!

So what did you have for breakfast this morning or dinner last night?  

Was it fit for human consumption?  The label said it was!  What are we eating and who good not give a toss about your health or demise.

Families could still be unwittingly tucking into horsemeat which may be harmful to human health, the U.K. Environment Secretary warned yesterday.

Owen Paterson, said he was prepared for ‘further bad news as the results of tests on processed beef products are published later this week.

Regarding public health threat, he stated to London’s LBC radio: ‘We may find out as the week progresses and the tests begin to come in, we may find out there is a substance which is injurious to human health. We have no evidence of that at the moment. At the moment this is a labeling issue.’ 

As the contamination scandal deepens, the U.K. Food Standards Agency is conducting tests to determine whether veterinary drug phenylbutazone, known as bute, is present in some of the horse meat. 

Animals treated with the drug are not allowed to enter the food chain.

Meanwhile, officials are investigating whether a Romanian abattoir was the ultimate source of the ‘beef’ products harboring horse meat in Britain, via France.

However he did say legal action over the horse meat scandal is to be mounted in Europe.

'This is a case of fraud and a conspiracy against the public, this is a criminal action, substituting one material for another,' he told BBC Breakfast in answer to questioning about calls for a ban on meat imports.

'If a British consumer goes into a retail store and buys a beef product, they should expect to get beef in that product, not horse.

'So this is a straight case of fraud and I think you will see legal actions beginning in certain continental countries today.

'I will be taking it up with certain ministers and also with the Commission in Europe, because this is overall a European Commission competence.

'It is absolutely unacceptable that consumers are being passed off with one product when they buy another.'

So I ask, is this just going on across the “pond” or is it here in the USA or totally worldwide?

This is a classic case of profiteering without a care for the end user or the health dangers involved.

Is Homeland Security investigating in the USA?  The food chain is a vital conduit to us all and the public is at the mercy of out of control commerce.

All USA supermarkets need to collectively test meat products and frozen products that are labeled to contain  (beef) meat.  This will stop any concerns and financial and health risks to all, both consumer and business.

If, as stated, the Mafia is supposedly involved, if so, this is not the first food on their list.  Cheese, Mozzarella is part of the Mafia Empire and has been controlled for decades.  How safe is the cheese?

Romania has for years been in the grip of an epidemic of 'horse aids', with animals 'endemically' infected with the disease.

Known as 'equine anemia', it led to a ban on live exports from the country three years ago but experts say that it poses no risks to humans who eat them.

To get round the ban the country's businesses transported huge amounts of frozen or fresh meat across Europe instead.

Almost 7,000 tonnes was shipped to nations like France, Belgium or Italy in 2011.

There have been some isolated cases of horse aids in Britain, with two horses in Devon and Cornwall destroyed when found to be carriers.

Anyone in the UK with animals they believe are infected must contact the authorities and have them put down if they are ill.

Meat scandal

  • In mid-January, Irish food inspectors announced they had found horsemeat in some burgers stocked by UK supermarket chains
  • Subsequently, up to 100% horsemeat found in several ranges of prepared frozen food in Britain, France and Sweden
  • Up to 16 countries involved
  • Concerns that drug used to treat horses, and which is harmful to humans, could be in food chain
  • Meat traced from France through Cyprus and The Netherlands to Romanian abattoirs
  • Investigation suggests contamination was not accidental but the work of a criminal conspiracy
Italian and Polish mafia gangs are blamed for horsemeat scandal as government warns MORE British products will be contaminated
  • Experts say beef is substituted for horse as part of multimillion pound scams
  • Environment secretary raises concerns of worldwide 'criminal conspiracy'
  • Food officials are being intimidated by cartels to sign off products as beefs 
  • Testing is stepped up in Britain for horse DNA and results due within days
  • Wild horses in Romania are being slaughtered and shipped to Britain as beef
  • The animals suffer appalling cruelty, including being beaten with crowbars
It is Profit over Safety and the perpetrators could care less on how they make an almighty dollar.

This is Domestic Terrorism and a terrible case of duping the public who rely on food supplied every single day.  What else in the food chain is being compromised?  We know fish is on the list in the types of fish sold as other higher priced foods.  Maybe a higher scale of profiteering!

Why are we concerned at the Tracometry Group of Companies? 

Simple, we care, we are concerned and see that society is being eroded minute by minute.  Communities and nations are being “used” and “abused”.  It is time to take a stand and work on the problem to eradicate the problems.

Whether it is a community going to rack and ruin, where people just do not care about where they live, and what criminal activity goes on in the streets and how they run their lives, the total lack of respect and trust to all in their social view. 

Is it about just labeling?  The illegal labeling and counterfeiting which can be stopped with a solution we have is at the heart of the matter.  It is what we are accepting because it says so on the packaging that is a major concern.  

Are we being self serving and promoting ourselves?  Damn right we are, we are not going to sit back and let the world drift by and affect the population.

You may kill the messenger, but do not kill the real message!

The circle is broken and we can and are fixing it on a daily basis.  We as a society must circle the wagons and defend each other.  

It seems many others could care less about YOU!

We Do...........!

So call your local authority and find out who is testing your meat supply today!

Call us: +1 (317) 426.0110


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When You Develop, Create, Partner & Innovate, Then The Results You Flaunt & Promote, To Make All, Have Total Recall

When You Develop, Create, Partner & Innovate, Then The Results You Flaunt & Promote, To Make All, Have Total Recall  
By Nick Ashton, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies - The Home of CommSmart US

When you have a solid foundation, a full understand that communications, written, video, images and audible, 100% connectivity, with total security, for end to end data in motion with secure connection, then you have all today’s and tomorrow’s bases covered.  You have no fear to inform of the issues, solutions and resolution, then you can bring to all for a secure comfort zone.

CommSmart US has Total Recall!

The foundation of all is KEYTALK, the secure end to end data in motion with secure connection for all corporate data transference. 

It is the passion to succeed for all and to bring to market precise solutions under Total Recall:

  • KEYTALK, with secure anonymous and invisible connections.  Even in Public Wi-Fi Hotspots, using Device DNA, not passwords to connect.   More KEYTALK information
  • Action In Motion, full video, audio and image transference “live” from any Smart Mobile Phone, Tablet or Laptop.  GPS Location, Date, Time and Originator are stamped on the information that is being sent directly to the backend servers in real time. This is a full chain of custody for evidence purposes.  It is also shared “live” with other officers or individuals on scene. Nothing is left on the sending device whatsoever.  Uses range from, Law Enforcement, surveillance, private security, Enforcement Agencies (formerly Bailiffs), CSI collection, information on rallies, protests, DOT surveys, Emergency Management and the list goes on… Brochures:  Law Enforcement Broadband Connectivity   Fire/Rescue Broadband Connectivity -  More Action In Motion Information
  • DocUmatics, paperless operations using tablets for up-to-the-minute form filling, collection and transference of data and images.  SceneDoc is the CSI application already in use. More Information
  • Secure Comms BB.  Our full 100% connectivity for use in Public Safety vehicles or in the field.  Allowing full communications capability, including satellite.  This is available in four operational units, firm base, vehicle/mobile, military and transportable (briefcase).  Additionally, a full 1000 foot Wi-Fi Hotspot is there for usage by authorized devices, fully secured with KEYTALK.  Excellent for events, crime scene or mobile HQ.
  • 2G/3G radio modem
  •  CDMA radio modem
  •  2G/3G/4G radio modem
  •  WLAN 802.11 b/g/n
  • 10/100 FE
  •  USB connected devices
  • Supports a wide variety of wireless networks  and 2G/3G,CDMA, WiMAX, LTE, WLAN and Flash OFDM embedded mobile terminals. Brochure: CommSmart/GOODMILL v24e-S MultiChannel Router    -     More Information

For Full Information:

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking... Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London, U.K., Netherlands, K.L. Malaysia

Copyright 2014