and Rejection Might Be For
Solid Reasons That Become Known With Intelligence.
Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.
In any room
on any day, people will agree and disagree and in some cases come to
blows. Passionate opinions are not
always the right answers. Leadership and
a final decision maker will upset some and Grumpy
might not agree with Doc.
decisions are serious and our world has issues that focused experts will
attempt to influence those that do not have that expertise and cannot see the
wood from the trees.
To name a
few is simple:
Bahrain is suffering from a divide between
leaders and followers. The island nation
has a royal family which is in the minority as Sunni and the majority of the population is Shite. Yes, religion again! Violence is emanating from a very small group
of an unhappy few and using their religion to attempt to prove their points. Sadly they have resorted to violence of the
bomb and bullet and have been directed by outside sources from Iran and

concerns are that even outside sources are infiltrating the island and the
shipping lanes are still a main highway for smuggling and insurgency.
Ask the
former Chief Minister Norman Saunders of the Turks and Caicos Islands, how I worked to close down their cocaine
business and resulted in the arrest and conviction in what then was the largest
cocaine bust. (As reported on CBS 60 minutes).
It was all the result of intelligence gathering and following the money
trail that resulted in that arrest.
Tracometry People have the street level information,
expertise and ability to resolve their issues with them.
Syria and the rest of the Western
world. Atrocities
will not be tolerated! The Assad regime
is under extreme pressure in being charged, but yet to be proven in the gassing
of its own people. Some are stating that
warmongers, Great Britain the United States of America are too quick to send an
attacking force to teach this manic a lesson.
It is not a lesson that is required, it is the extraction of the problem
that must be completed swiftly.
Syria is a
nomadic nation and not to be confused with a Western civilization. It is tribal as all the Arab world is and
will always be. It is disgusting what
Assad and his Generals are doing to their people. Is it the Generals that are
leading the charge of genocide? Assad’s
family have been refuse exit visas over the last few months and we must wonder
what is really going on.
As of last
night the British Parliament voted against the wishes of Prime Minister David
Cameron and said no to any action against Syria.
President Obama thinks he has the power to say yes to action against Syria,
technically he does not. This though has
been used many times by previous presidents who have not garnered the support
or vote of congress.
Just like
the board and marketing rooms of all corporations, when a rival makes waves we
make challenges and take evasive action that we believe is the right decision that
will change the situation. War is not
like that and the ramification on an attack on Syria, no matter how distasteful
their actions are, we must look and gather all intelligence on what it could or
would start as a ripple effect in a retaliation to surrounding nations.
dealing with what is deemed an out of control country, Syria, you must cut the
head off the snake and stifle their effectiveness on dealing harm to their own
people and surrounding neighbors, such as Israel. This is not some Parker Bros. board game and
it is not all in the wrist action on how you roll the dice.
It is
knowing what is going on in the streets of Syria and what the people want. There is a further power struggle on who
would take over when the Assad regime is gone and in the case of America, we
have a track record of backing the wrong horse in so many war races. Afghanistan is the perfect example!

On your
return next week the world problems will still be there and further escalation
will have occurred while you partied.
And so it goes…
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
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