The Divide...
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group
The divide between those that scoff the law and law abiding citizens is racially driven.
The divide within law enforcement between black and white crime is real. Not from the law enforcement perspective but from those that commit the crimes.
The majority of police work is chasing the criminal element and hoping that the law abiding citizens take care of themselves.
You cannot miss the racial tension between law enforcement and blacks in the United States. It is about attitude toward law enforcement, the criminal justice system and certain racial provocative groups that have propelled themselves to the forefront by grasping at half truths regarding incidents with blacks that have been killed due to not respecting and compiling with the laws on the books.
Just some of the gleaned facts from surveys conducted in the last couple of years:
- Black Americans are nearly four times as likely as whites to describe violence against civilians by police officers as an extremely or very serious problem.
- More than 80 percent of blacks say police are too quick to use deadly force and they are more likely to use it against a black person.
- Two-thirds of whites label police use of deadly force as necessary and nearly 6 in 10 say race is not a factor in decisions to use force.
- There is support among both blacks and whites for many changes in policies and procedures that could be effective in reducing tensions between law enforcement and minorities and limiting police violence against civilians.
- For example, 71 percent say body cameras on police would be an effective deterrent to police aggression and 52 percent think community policing programs would help reduce the friction in minority communities.
Only about 2 in 10 say they are confident that the police treat whites and blacks equally, whether or not they have committed a crime.
Hang on!
If the law is broken, it does not matter what color, class or creed you are. It is your attitude to the police officer when confronted with this fact and how you act that will decide how you will be treated.
Let us forget color, class or creed and look at the law and police officers.
Let us refresh your memories regarding these well tried and tested principles which are the Policeman's Bible:
#3 makes the point for us.
#7 lays it out for us all.
It is purely abiding by the law and listening to those paid members of the public, (a police officer), who will ensure your safety and compliance with those laws that is important.
It is about CHANGE, change to how we view law enforcement that has been on this global since 1829 and its Nine Peelian Principles that worked then and will work NOW!
William Bratton, NY City Police Commissioner states, 'the Nine Peelian Principles are his bible' and they should be yours also.
For the full Nine Peelian Principles go to:
Full video of the Nine Peelian Principles:
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