Obama Et
Al, The Enemy Within!
Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.
Since a leftist,
dominating assemblage decided that, the United States of America, with a black
president at the helm, that the world would be their oyster in socially
changing the landscape of what once was a great nation, the decline is now
visible and emerging to the intellects, who, previously could not see the wood
for the trees.
The lyrics
of the song state it so well, we are caught in a trap!
This last
decade, the plans of a few clandestine chosen, have decimated the social
structure of the American people. Black,
White, Latino, it does not matter whether you are a citizen or an illegal
immigrant, times have not only changed, they has been burned a blight into what
once was a thriving prosperous society.
This Democratic
Party affiliated regime, has broken
the back of what was once, the American
Dream. They have stolen the souls
and minds of generations and taken the chance for the middle class and youth to
every make it out of their growing and spreading social drug infested, murdering
There is
more than one great divide in America, one was created by Mother Nature over hundreds and thousands of years. The winds of time and fury of water eroded
solid rock and carved a deep divide in the land, which, by the way is beautiful
and sight to be seen.
The other
is pure man-made hell! Created by using psycho-anti-social
information organizational techniques and tactics against its own people. Dumbing them down and becoming so beholden on
government that they cannot think for themselves.
It is in
fact what we, Tracometry People, have created this for use against our enemies to
gather chatter of the streets, which
informs us of what the people or citizens are requiring and asking for. This way, the planning and implementation is
far simpler, effective and a far better use of resources.
What the Obama machine is doing and has done, is
the reverse, they are broadcasting information, feeding the news media, filling
You Tube and Blogs and websites with
their created information and making the people believe it is true. Which by the way is dis-information to dupe
the American people into the “O” way
of thinking.
division between Black and White communities is very much part of the plan,
Black president, Black power, controlled Black power, in fact worse than slavery. The entitlements granted to the Black society
that has more unemployment than Whites, massively more Blacks in prison than
whites and a birth rate among Blacks that is off the charts, compared with
Whites. Do not get me started on the
abortion statistics among Blacks, as they is sickening.
To get
Obama elected, the Black community was given and promised so much and it was
backed up by Black churches and their pastors, who thought Obama was the new
messiah. Have I got news for you!
The likes
of so-called Black leaders, Sharpton, Jackson and others who line their own
pockets before they even think about the communities they once lived in, are a
major cause of the problem. If there is
no conflict, these so-called cannot make a living and we need to make sure that
they do not continue on this downward spiral.
You have an
Attorney General who is showing his puppet master’s strings and never more
evident than in the George Zimmerman trial.
Holder has made a mockery of the Black community and his fellow puppets
are just merrily following along.
Why does
our company take this position on the
events of the last decade and the last eighteen months? We know psycho-social information
organizational techniques and tactics like the back of our hands. Tracometry
People invented and perfected it!
Like all
things in life, when used in the correct manner, it is for the benefit of
society and that is what we have been
doing these last decades.
Using Atmospheric Noise Collection, psycho-social information organizing and gathering,
(Chatter on the Streets), social medium information scraping (SMI),
crime analytics, next event predictability and factual real time reporting.
This then
enables to plan and proceed for the betterment of all. Sadly this is not the case of the American
government and the Obama administration.
They may tell you they are worried about cyber-attacks against the
nation, what they are not telling you is, they are using cyber-warfare against their
own people. It is a full blown
information war, using perception management solutions in reverse and against
the people.
Is there
hope? Of course there is, once you
recognize the enemy’s tactics and planning.
The counter offence in this case is well documented within Tracometry People’s files and
capabilities. When someone is trying to
use tools and solutions that you invented, they only have certain options, we
hold the keys to bring the communities back, with all people working cohesively
Be warned
that all you see and read is manipulation that continues until you pull the
plug and rid ourselves of the rats…
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Call: +1 (317) 426.0110
Street Level Digital
Input Real Time Solutions &
Atmospheric Chatter
People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability,
Pied Piper Project - Intelligent Social Survival Initiatives
Web Site: http://www.tracometry.com
Blog: www.tip2tap.blogspot.com
Copyright 2013