This may be a new decade, but our security is still vulnerable as ever if we view it in the same manner we have for the previous 10 years.
The Risk Factor has Changed!
Iran has threatened us for over thirty years and no one has said 'boo' to them, until now. Economic sanctions have been placed upon them to point of poverty, still, the leadership continues building their bombs, supplying other maniacal groups to do harm on the Western world, we just watched.
The Iranian threat is real, the means to stop them is even more powerful, but with consequences for us all to play our part. Security must and will take on a new realm via technology, passionate individuals and corporations.
President Donald Trump took assertive action in removing a terrorist leader of a threat to global peace. Times changed from that moment for the good, as the USA showed we will once again stand firm for world peace.
The daily global attacks on all levels are more than concerning. Whether it be a domestic attack on police or a terrorist event, there is one common factor.
Someone somewhere knew something, they never shared the facts, and failed us all. They are as guilty as those that drove the vehicle, planted or carried a bomb, or pulled the trigger of the gun!
Sociopathic killers are living in your neighborhood, street, apartment building, and go about life in a seemingly ordinary way.
The Risk Factor has Changed!
Iran has threatened us for over thirty years and no one has said 'boo' to them, until now. Economic sanctions have been placed upon them to point of poverty, still, the leadership continues building their bombs, supplying other maniacal groups to do harm on the Western world, we just watched.
The Iranian threat is real, the means to stop them is even more powerful, but with consequences for us all to play our part. Security must and will take on a new realm via technology, passionate individuals and corporations.

The daily global attacks on all levels are more than concerning. Whether it be a domestic attack on police or a terrorist event, there is one common factor.
Someone somewhere knew something, they never shared the facts, and failed us all. They are as guilty as those that drove the vehicle, planted or carried a bomb, or pulled the trigger of the gun!
Sociopathic killers are living in your neighborhood, street, apartment building, and go about life in a seemingly ordinary way.
I found a quoted overview of a sociopathic killer, and it was a simple way of explaining:
"A person who would kill anyone without feeling any remorse or anything else. If anyone gets this person's want or has something he/she wants, then he/she is going to get it using any means necessary. A sociopath realizes that killing is against the law, but does not care."
Killers use a variety of methods from their hands, bombs, guns, knives, and rope. Even automobiles are used as a weapon of choice; it is that choice of killing anyone that is inside these people and can be triggered at any time and anywhere.
The argument of the use of the weapon, the gun, is causing shoutouts for the banning of ownership in America. The gun has never killed anyone!
It is people killing people.
It is people killing people.

A series of uncoordinated mass stabbings, hammer attacks, and cleaver attacks in the People's Republic of China began in March 2010. The spate of attacks left at least 21 dead and some 90 injured. Analysts have blamed mental health problems caused by rapid social change for the rise in this kind of mass murder and murder-suicide incidents.
The last few month's attacks have been global and only increasing...
The last few month's attacks have been global and only increasing...
The murder of any individual is disgusting, and the perpetrator must be brought to justice. The death of anyone is a tragedy, of children, it is heinous and tears at all of our heartstrings. Innocent and defenseless is their plight, having to depend on others to protect them in all instances.
Former President Obama stated:
"We've endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years, and each time I learn the news I react not as a president but as anyone else would come as a parent and that was especially true today. I know there's not a parent in America who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief as I do. The majority of those who died today were children. Beautiful kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them. Birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers. Men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams."
Obama did nothing, allowing the festering of the global situation!
"We've endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years, and each time I learn the news I react not as a president but as anyone else would come as a parent and that was especially true today. I know there's not a parent in America who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief as I do. The majority of those who died today were children. Beautiful kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them. Birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers. Men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams."
Obama did nothing, allowing the festering of the global situation!
"As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it was an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago. These neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children. We're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this regardless of politics."
More of Obama's empty words have got in the pickle we are in today
More of Obama's empty words have got in the pickle we are in today
Shirley Scott, in 'What Makes Serial Killers Tick?' Wrote:
"I'm the most cold-blooded son of a bitch you'll ever meet," said Ted Bundy. "I just liked to kill, I wanted to kill." The hallmark of the psychopath is the inability to recognize others as worthy of compassion. Victims are dehumanized, flattened into worthless objects in the murderer's mind. John Gacy, never showing an ounce of remorse, called his victims "worthless little queers and punks," while the "Yorkshire Ripper" Peter Sutcliffe brashly declared that he was "cleaning up the streets" of the human trash.
"I'm the most cold-blooded son of a bitch you'll ever meet," said Ted Bundy. "I just liked to kill, I wanted to kill." The hallmark of the psychopath is the inability to recognize others as worthy of compassion. Victims are dehumanized, flattened into worthless objects in the murderer's mind. John Gacy, never showing an ounce of remorse, called his victims "worthless little queers and punks," while the "Yorkshire Ripper" Peter Sutcliffe brashly declared that he was "cleaning up the streets" of the human trash.
In the 19th century, psychopathology was considered to be "moral insanity." Today it is commonly known as "antisocial personality disorder" or "sociopathology." Current experts believe that sociopaths are an unfortunate fusion of interpersonal, biological, and sociocultural disasters”.
In his book Serial Killers, Joel Norris describes the cycles of violence as generational:
"Parents who abuse their children, physically as well as psychologically, instill in them an almost instinctive reliance upon violence as a first resort to any challenge."
Childhood abuse not only spawns violent reactions, Norris writes, but also affects the child's health, including brain injuries, malnutrition, and other developmental disorders.
"Parents who abuse their children, physically as well as psychologically, instill in them an almost instinctive reliance upon violence as a first resort to any challenge."
Childhood abuse not only spawns violent reactions, Norris writes, but also affects the child's health, including brain injuries, malnutrition, and other developmental disorders.
Some parents believed that by being harsh disciplinarians, it would "toughen" the child. Instead, it often creates a lack of love between parent and child that can have disastrous results. If the child does not bond with its primary caretakers, there is no foundation for trusting others later in life. This can lead to isolation, where intense violent fantasies become the primary source of gratification. "Instead of developing positive traits of trust, security, and autonomy, child development becomes dependent on fantasy life and its dominant themes, rather than on social interaction," writes Robert Ressler, Ann Burgess, and John Douglas in Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives.
When the child grows up, according to these authors, all they know are their fantasies of domination and control. They have not developed compassion for others. Instead, humans become flattened-out symbols for them to enact their violent fantasies.
In looking at the parents for explanations, we see both horrifying mothers and fathers. The blame usually falls on the mother, who has been described as too domineering or too distant, too sexually active, or too depressed. Perhaps the mother is blamed more because the father has often disappeared, therefore, "unaccountable." When the father is implicated, it is usually for sadistic disciplinarian tactics, alcoholic rants, and overt anger toward women.
It all seems to begin or end with Mother. Henry Lee Lucas launched his murderous career by killing his mom; Ed Kemper ended him by killing his mom. Even the Shakespearian multiple murderer Hamlet had an unnatural obsession with his mother's sexuality. "Serial murderers are frequently found to have unusual or unnatural relationships with their mothers," notes Steven Egger in his book The Killers Among Us. In our culture, the imposing image of "Mother" looms large in our collective psyches, and some writers easily accept that these killers are lashing out at maternal tyranny. If these murderers are still dominated by Mother (Hitchcock's Norman Bates is the archetype), then it is easy to dismiss them as "mama's boys" who never fully matured. Perhaps we find comfort in this cliché — the mother is a ready-made excuse, particularly in our contemporary era of obsessive parenting. Yet, as we look at some of the techniques of the serial killers' mothers, we are inclined to see a deadly link between the womb and the tomb.
The solution is not the removal of guns for law-abiding citizens, it is the community’s residents and workplace employees to make them themselves aware of whom they are living and working with. The mental institutions are the streets, homes, and workplaces of the world. It is not wrong to have concerns and report such information to those that should know.
Domestic violence and family arguments are being brought to the workplace, and it started somewhere with others witnessing the occurrence. This is the chance to ward off a deadly result. By doing nothing, you are placing all in harm’s way, which could be dangerous for all. We are not saying to intervene physically, everyone carries a mobile phone and help is only a phone call away.
Have some trust in your local law enforcement, they are humans as well and care beyond their daily duties.
Our Pied Piper Projects (P3) works, by creating awareness in communities of the problems; from drug dealing, gangs, tenant/landlord concerns, domestic violence, an increase in a strange child in the neighborhood (runaways) and general anti-social behaviors, which in turn, overflow into the workplace.
Having the eyes open at all times, absorbing what is going on around you, and storing the visible information in your mind’s hard drive and being ready to communicate when events do not add up.
Having the eyes open at all times, absorbing what is going on around you, and storing the visible information in your mind’s hard drive and being ready to communicate when events do not add up.
The street-level problem is in the hands of the citizens, they must understand that being a noisy neighbor label is not a bad thing when it saves lives.
We Are in the NOW and KEEP YOU;
in the KNOW...
in the KNOW...
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