Communities & Law Enforcement, Which Have Gone Before Us!
Ideas, initiatives, and intelligence are always among us. In many cases not really a ‘new’ idea but one of using existing thoughts and ideas and adding to them. Many that have gone before us have had brilliant ideas, innovative suggestions and never moved forward. It is all about ‘timing’.
Society has changed so rapidly and the effective means of communications brings these societal changes before our eyes have moved like even Edison or Tesla could have ever comprehended.
Having stood in the same laboratory that Edison created so many of his patents, walking in the gardens and by the river in Fort Meyers, his summer home, it opens a thought process, even with your eyes open.
In the world of policing society, we have lost sight of the reason we require the police in the first place! It has become a ‘Them and Us’ world and hurdling toward such a dangerous outcome.
Criminals are as up-to-date as the latest ‘app’ and type of gun available. Thank goodness they are not that ‘bright’, in the intelligence department.
Saying that though, law enforcement does not have access to the same tools because of depilated budgets and the slowness of the political machines.
Police chiefs are hired by local cities and work with a cloud over their head of the council or commission to which they serve and can be ‘fired at will’. The decisions have always a connection to political concerns and not always on the community itself. Meaning, the community has no say in the police department as such.
The Sheriff is elected by the people and even the elected period is short, they like all have to campaign for the next round of votes, they have always a niggling thought of how this will be accepted by the voters.
We must remember that ‘the People are the Police and the Police are the People’. It might have been stated in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel, the father of modern day policing, it stands true and must be readopted to bring us back to a formal society regarding criminality.
It is about TRUST & RESPECT!
Police Best Practice believes in the Network Sharing Solution, it is now a stronger search engine format than you have ever seen or touched!

Everything you require is encapsulated within NSS, DMV, NCIC, HIDTA, Safety Net, LPR, PNC, CRIMINT, Accurint local crime and public data with any other databases you wish to add. As you action your normal verification process via LENSS, it accesses all these steps on one screen, smartphone, laptop, PC Desk it works with all.
Within one operation, no additional programs to use, no more retyping names, vehicles tag or other vital information, right in the palm of the hand and at the
It is the additional information that is the key, every report and officer’s notes are matched in real-time and alert the officer of every interaction the individual has had with law enforcement, from traffic stops to infractions, with important detail from the notes which will be compared and matched.
Checkboxes cannot do that. The simple visual ability, comments, location, associates are brought right to you. Preparing you for the true statements
which have previously been stated. This is ensuring your safety as to who you really are encountering.
Police Best Practice believes in the Network Sharing Solution, it is now a stronger search engine format than you have ever seen or touched!
Everything you require is encapsulated within NSS, DMV, NCIC, HIDTA, Safety Net, LPR, PNC, CRIMINT, Accurint local crime and public data with any other databases you wish to add. As you action your normal verification process via LENSS, it accesses all these steps on one screen, smartphone, laptop, PC Desk it works with all.
Within one operation, no additional programs to use, no more retyping names, vehicles tag or other vital information, right in the palm of the hand and at the
It is the additional information that is the key, every report and officer’s notes are matched in real-time and alert the officer of every interaction the individual has had with law enforcement, from traffic stops to infractions, with important detail from the notes which will be compared and matched.
Checkboxes cannot do that. The simple visual ability, comments, location, associates are brought right to you. Preparing you for the true statements
which have previously been stated. This is ensuring your safety as to who you really are encountering.
Trust & Respect from all, not taking sides. After all, we live together, side by side, shop at the supermarkets, eat at the same restaurants, use the same entertainment facilities and send our children to the same schools.
Is there an issue in society? Yes, and none of us are perfect or ever will be.
Public safety is a priority and having the facts at hand, with proactive enhancement results this way:
- Bring back Trust & Respect of communities
- Save Lives
- Solving crimes expeditiously
- Create a myriad of necessary reports
- Augment officer safety
- Utilize Information/data NOW
CommSmart Global Group can and will make logical use of the data NOW!
Effectively on used all fronts, the data/information and written narratives with public data become an integral daily part of proactive Digital Policing.
We are proficient not only in analytics, but we also encompass cyber from all of the good, bad and ugly angles with IT archeological data aspects. If that is not enough, our law enforcement expertise is second to none, both from the London Metropolitan Police and US law enforcement understands of yesterday, today, and the future, which is Digital Policing.
Social media interaction and analytics are now the foundations of communications both social and criminal. That is why it also plays a major role in all we do. All government and law enforcement must embrace, understand and importantly use to interact with the communities.
This is not some entertainment programming that has appeared since Hollywood or television programming created ‘Minority Report’ or Fox’s ‘APB’.
It was 22 years ago that our initial development created aggressive crime analytics with the ability for street-level officers to have information at hand. Back then we had no mobile phones, so it was slower and very manual.
The importance is it worked and proficiently!
Today, we now have the Smartphone which places all information in the palm of the officer’s hand, immediately.
Our National Sharing Solution has taken what has been working extremely well and moved to the next step for making a definitive difference in the use of crime data, combining public data and placing into the hands of law enforcement securely. Oh, you also do not need to be a ‘geek’ to operate, no disrespect to our learned IT friends!
We work alongside Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Public Safety Commissioner & the Dept. of Public Safety, Dept. of Intelligence (Fusion Center), IT management (NIBRS) and other law enforcement management and will open their eyes to the Digital Policing Attributes for Transformational Policing which brings them beyond the criminal deficiencies of budget and staffing cuts.
Our team of management, analysts and an overview of both Social Media Interaction/Analytics, Crime Analytics, Predictive Analysis, and Community Crime Mapping with Anonymous Tip lines. Our presentation is conversational, passionate, with true street-level experience and a listening ear.
Yes, a two-way street for sharing from all sides the desires wants, dreams and capabilities required. No holding back!
So don’t you hold back! Converse and communicate and see why we have the success you and your community deserve.
Contact Us
Located Globally in Europe, U.K. & USA
U.S.: (515) 200-7068
U.K.: 0207 1019247
copyright 2019