Digital Transference Is Boring for a True Customer Experience!
Of course, technological advancement is exciting, breathtaking and we should beat our chests for the incredible changes we have made. The production and concept folks, like us, tend to get into the gobbledygook, dribble on our ties and speak in a language that the end user it benefits could care less about.
A perfect example is a duck, yes, the duck. We don’t need to know why a duck floats and has a watertight ass! That is too much information and has no bearing on the beauty of the swimming duck or the taste on the plate!
It is the result for the end user, the customer, no pun intended! It must be part of life without the explanation, diagrams or strange looking people who describe the methods with weird eyes, hand gestures and a vocabulary to even challenge a synonym generator!
In 1985 you had no idea how far a new-fangled ‘brick-like device’ the mobile phone, would take us today. The ‘Star-Trek’ look of transponders, which today are carried by virtually everyone. It is, of course, the ‘Smartphone’, which is a misnomer as it is far more than a phone.
PROXCOMM has brought you to a new height of the knowledge tree. I am not going to break the theme of this blog and explain why, as I do not want you to suffer from TMI, (Too Much Information).
So, visit one of the websites on your Smartphone and find out for yourself!
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CommSmart Global Group – A LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner