Friday, April 14, 2017

Be Good So They Can't Ignore You...

Be Good So They Can't Ignore You...
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

It is a fact that in this fast pace environment, trust in anything has been diminished. Even Einstein is questioned or Madam Curie dissected to the point of mistrust in all they are to supposed to have said or achieved.

The bomb, bullet, beheadings and political correctness have captured center stage.  Not a headline goes by without the spillage of blood somewhere.  In this instant information age, which in some cases are not the real facts, we live and breath on deceptive and erroneous, false information.  Who do you believe anymore?

So-called religious factions tell you that their God is better than your God and GM states that their cars and trucks are better than Fords!  Well, my washing powder gets my clothes whiter than yours, so there!

Demands are made for us all to be as completely honest in all we do. There are those that do not like that we market our wares and have an ulterior motive in statements we make. Of course, we do, it is a marketing world with half truths abounding like "fly balls" at a baseball game. It seems that anything to do with marketing is not to be trusted. Does that go for political wannabes too?

Steve Martin, that wild and crazy guy, is quoted as saying "Be good so they can't ignore you".  Well, I am that kind guy!  Not perfect, rough around the edges and have certainly changed over the years.  I have, like us all, evolved, learned lessons and evoke that knowledge on a daily basis for the common good of us all.  

Grumpy, argumentative and stubborn can also be adjectives you can loosely attach to my persona.  Pedantic, but not perfect is an understatement!  I do not make statements that cannot be backed up or verified.  Today I am proud to be part of a team that can lay it on the line when it comes to getting it right. Especially on the security of information or all data in motion.

Having cut my teeth in counter-terrorism and seeing the horror of man, I fully understand that the human race is a sadistic, grotesque group of conniving bastards, to say the least. 

Entering the world of computers, in 1976, bringing that terroristic mindset to the world of noughts and zeros, has made me fully understand both worlds and even more so today.

Some twenty-five later, being called back to share my counter-terrorism expertise in the Iraq conflict changed my thinking.  Internet communications were in its infancy and what we term "normal" communication was changing right under our noses.  

The initial attack on Baghdad was controlled from the back of a truck on the outskirts of the city with two laptops and the Internet.  Truly a major attack through what we now call the Internet of Things (IoT)! 

The other real factor was creating the ability to hear the "chatter of the streets" or Atmospherics, as we call it.  Mashed old fashion listening by humans with disruptive technology to enhance our overall success.  For instance, the digital pen and paper.  Who would question someone writing notes in a cafe on a notepad?  Ah, if the pen is digital and everything that is being written is transmitted via the cell phone to another source a world away.  With pinpoint GPS accuracy or location and solid information.  That is the mindset we have created for use in these cyber terroristic times.

Cyber terrorists cost more worldwide that physical blood-curdling terrorism and are ignored by all. 

Financial hackers affect billions annually and cost every single one of our time, money and aggravation, which we can ill-afford.

Why then do you individually download APPS to your Smartphones, knowing full well that the APP is spying on you and can copy all your personal information?

Why do corporations, who demand you give them freely all your financial information and I.D. Numbers never protect you from the hacker?

Is it that we are risk takers, gamblers or just plain stupid?

Corporate Board members, Chief Executive Officers are employees and can be fired or dismissed at will.  Their failure is obvious and Shareholders and Customers alike should screaming Blue Bloody Murder over these daily cyber thefts!

Then again as individuals, YOU must understand how to protect your own information too!

If you won't WE will!

Our Red Tagged Division was formed from a successful group of "like-minded" corporate individuals who are far from the "norm".  Collectively we know our cyber security business inside out and from both sides of the cyber fence. Approaching with candor previously unknown in the "geek and nerd" world of computers.

No one and we mean no one has the mind or tool set to combat this aggressive and progressive dire issue.  Hacking, Phishing, and Man in the Middle Brutal Attacks are not slowing down and corporately the public is being compromised with extreme cost.

Who we are?
  • Origin in Counter Terrorism from 1976
  • Global organization with offices in Europe and US
  • Trusted Partnerships with specialists
  • Cyber Forensic Archaeologists
  • Specialized in Cyber Security
  • Hands-On Security Consultants
  • Security Innovators
Importantly we can talk one on one. Red Tagged is not there to slap or embarrass you or your Information Technology Department. 

Red Tagged is here to show you your issues, recommend security changes and importantly, leave you with on-going security measures in "real time" to protect all your daily and future needs.  Importantly your shareholders, customers, and clients.
It is all about Duty of Care and Corporate Governance!

So in true Red Tagged style, Do Not Ignore Us!

We Are Not Going To Ignore The Cyber Terroristic Issues!

copyright 1976 - 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Proactivity Is The Demanded Requirement From This Day Forward

Proactivity Is The Demanded Requirement in Global Security,
Both Physical Terrorism and Cyber Crime.
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Having a foot in both camps of both physical counter and cyber terrorism for thirty-nine (39) years or more, means we have seen and been involved in the worst situations this world has seen.

Information gathering in this digital age is seen by most as the ultimate defense as long as it is not just stored in a data silo.  

There are not enough intelligence eyes, ears and algorithms to be on top of the morons of terror.  For both physical and cyber terror it has to be a mixture of human and digital searching.  It takes a special commitment with a working knowledge.  Knowing it is all time sensitive.

Atmospherics, the collection of street chatter is just as important.  

Most will have never heard of Atmospherics, it has saved our rear ends in a war against the Irish Republican Army, the Red Brigade (Baader-Meinhof), Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the world's terror spots. 

It is all about chatter, humans cannot keep their mouths shut and discuss their plans and successes in great detail.  Just like the local burglar, he would spend his ill-gotten gains at the local pub and we all know that with a few beers, the mouth runs and information flows.  That is where used Atmospherics in the old days.

It is the same for cyber hackers, they want recognition for their success and discuss on social media and in Internet cafes.  Things have not really changed in how we must gather information.

That is why the formation of IRATC (International Repository of Analysis for Terrorism/Cyber Crimes) was formed.

The software is proven and working internationally and in over 650 law enforcement departments.  It has proven its worth in event predictability for the US D.O.D.  It is not just for internal use, it has a public information capability for all to see the crimes and their locations.

It is a solid bridge for communications of crime issues between all nations and simply links all, with solid facts.

Knowing both sides of these actions, you understand that the terrorist wants to instill FEAR in all, whether physical attacks or cyber, it is all about FEAR!

It is returning to the COMFORT ZONE that is all important...

Let us take this short journey together...

copyright 2016

Sunday, April 9, 2017



Reduce crime and improve public safety. CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner’s public crime map, Community Crime Map, connects law enforcement with the community to reduce crime and improve public safety. Crime mapping helps the public get a better idea of the crime activity in their area so they can make more informed decisions about how to stay safe.

Community Crime Map goes beyond crime mapping by automatically alerting the public about recent crime activity and by improving communication between the public and law enforcement through anonymous tips. Community Crime Map empowers the public to make better decisions about crime by putting the same technology used by law enforcement to analyze and interpret crime activity into the hands of the public.
Sources of information

Community Crime Map compiles crime data and other information from law enforcement agencies to make it easier for the public to stay informed about crime. Data in Community Crime Map is provided directly from each law enforcement agency. Because Community Crime Map is just the public side of a much more robust crime data sharing and analysis system for law enforcement, we take every step to ensure that the data is of the highest quality and accuracy. To uphold these quality standards, LexisNexis works with each agency to set up an automated feed of the data from their crime database into the database. Receiving the data directly from each law enforcement agency ensures that the data is always up to date, accurate and complete.

You can see the source of the crime data for any incident by clicking on the incident on the map. The information window lists the "Agency" that provided the information. The Metadata tab also lists the source and links to each source's web page for the incidents that are currently in view.

How does it work?

Law enforcement agencies keep detailed records about each incident that occurs in their jurisdiction. When an incident happens, the officer that responded to the incident writes a detailed report with information about the event including the location, people involved, related vehicles and other useful information. This information is stored in large, secure databases within each law enforcement agency. Between departments, these databases can vary in structure and complexity, and even the data itself can follow different standards to describe the event. This can make it difficult for two neighboring cities to share crime data and benefit from being able to analyze events and offenders that cross city boundaries. CommSmart Global Group's regional data sharing products help centralize and standardize this information into a national database of crime to improve regional data sharing and analysis. Community Crime Map takes this data, cleans it to protect victim privacy, and displays it to the public so citizens can be aware of the events that occur in their area and take action to stay safe.

How can your city participate?

CommSmart Global Group with LexisNexis offers Community Crime Map as a way to give back to the community. As former (and current) analysts and officers, CommSmart Global Group hopes to help law enforcement and defense use cutting edge analytics to protect and serve the community. Providing crime mapping and tips to the community help law enforcement keep the public aware of the crime, it builds trust with their citizens and it improves communication between the public and law enforcement. By allowing law enforcement to provide these services to the public at no cost through Community Crime Map, LexisNexis reduces any barriers for law enforcement to use public crime mapping as a crime reduction strategy.


Telephone: (515) 300.6130

copyright 2017