Saturday, March 18, 2017

Bank Robbers Should Know, We Have Next Event Predictability, WE CATCH 'EM!

Bank Robbers Should Know,
We Have Next Event Predictability,
By Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Let us revisit why we need to use all data collected!  Yes, Big Data and Predictive Analysis!

Carmel, Zionsville, Avon PD and the FBI have caught the bank robbers, congratulations. Taking criminals off the street makes us very happy that the streets are safer for all.

Catching Serial Bank Robbers is an important part of our business.  Indiana State, Indianapolis, cities of Carmel, Zionsville and others, nationwide, are having a slew of bank robberies, the dye packs and GPS are helpful, but the CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner goes way beyond those base and fine technologies, we use, Proven Next Event Predictability.

This the same crime analytic technology that we use in our counter-terrorism activity.

Wait a minute!  Is this some sort of movie promo? 

Didn't Tom Cruise do all that in "Minority Reports"?  That was a movie and this is now and yes, we catch the criminals by predicting their next actions.

Police work is always reactionary and if you like, with no fault, a little late, as we are focusing on the event after the fact. CommSmart Global Group has first class Crime Analytics, Tracking, Calls for Service Data and Next Event Predictability, powered by Accurint Virtual Crime Center.

Allowing an agency to utilize proven a proprietary technology to collect the data, analyze using algorithmic sequences, we save the excessive use of time and resources, thus now being proactive in the capture of criminals, allowing the police department to police.

We are in over 800 agencies globally.  Exclusive DOD (Department of Defense) Single Source Contractors in Afghanistan and saving thousands of lives in a terroristic landscape.  This same technology, in fact, is used in your local Big Box Retail Outlet on Retail Theft Analysis.

We, from the information, in this case, bank robbery, which can be extracted from just news media stories and police reports, analyzes and predicts the next hit by a serial bank robber or criminal.

We have been doing this since 1998. Our overall employees are law enforcement with analytic overtones and importantly street smart attributes. Our leadership is not sitting in ivory towers, they too, work the streets for the cause.  Changing the vista and removing the criminal blight that is at epidemic proportions. 

We are a full circle solution, why a circle? 
  • Because a square has 4 ends 
  • A triangle has 3 ends 
  • A line has two ends 
  • But a circle has no end!

We are a circle of fire and those that break the law will be burned in the end!

From the digital collection of data from street level, the analytics, and next event predictability, to rejuvenating communities with the Pied Piper Project and final, assisting municipalities in the usage of the information economically.  Yes, a full circle of services that serve the citizens to the fullest extent. I can allow you to see a couple of graphics from our presentation on the "Bearded Bandit" who we caught in Arizona.  

This is just simple sample of a complex technology that police can use with minimum training.

Available data gathered in this case, via the news media only!

Predicted one of four locations, date variances of two days.  he struck, law enforce was not prepared, as they did not believe we could do this, understandably, when you first hear it, it sounds far-fetched.

Now we had the attention with the next robbery, we predicted just two locations and not even in the same original area, this was a robber who was crossing seven jurisdictions.  They caught him at one of the locations between the dates specified that we predicted.

WE are in the NOW
and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...

We Pick-Up the DIRT
(Digital Input Research Tracking)

Call: +1 (330) 366.6860

copyright 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

No Good Biting the Bullet, Actions Speak Louder Than Words...

No Good Biting the Bullet
Actions Speak Louder Than Words...
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group

The public, sadly demand the impossible, not seeing the overall picture of what it takes to keep us safe.  It is a world of nutcases and the single solitary loner that sneaks through and plies their awful deadly deed.

Who Is NEXT?

With every day that passes since this terrible event, we move into a complacent state, taking for granted that someone is watching over us.  Yes, they are, but each safe day that passes, we as humans, and relax our guard.  That you cannot and must not do, we must stay on guard at all times.

Former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher said it best, “we have to be lucky, (safe), all of the time, the terrorist only has to be lucky once.”  Somehow our ring of steel was broken, as it is a circle we can reconnect and become more vigilant once more.

I have been involved in protection from bombings since my days in the 1970’s, learning and creating the counter-terrorism techniques.  Being front line in the mass amount of Irish Republican Army’s bombing on the mainland of Britain.  The days of my Metropolitan Police training at Hendon, London, with the street level experience of the inflicted violence of the bomb. The understanding of the terrorist sick mindset has kept me in contact and on the ground with the situations worldwide.

Spending time in Iraq some twelve years ago and the terror lessons learned with the al Qaeda factions that have been causing death and destruction worldwide. We have the experience, although distasteful, it is the knowledge and understanding that keeps us safe.  We look at events and situations with different eyes, from the dark side, so to speak.

Right now, we must reduce the Fear Factor and Increase the Comfort Zone of the public.  That can only be achieved when you maintain your vigilance, increase your normal awareness and challenge anything out of the ordinary.  

It was with a business partner, in the development of Bomb Blast Window Film, in the early 1970’s, which is attached to the inside of the glass and holds it together in the event of an explosion.  Flying glass is the cause of most injuries and deaths in a bomb blast.  

It is the technology side of crime and terrorism that we continue to today.

It is the technology we have brought under one roof with  that has made the difference. 

Over the decades we have worked for hand in hand with law enforcement to assist them to understand all the data that is generated and collected each single day.

Humans cannot cope any longer in today’s world without the analysis of information in a timely fashion.  

Public Safety has information flowing in from so many conduits and being able to be working on the information immediately, saves resources, gives intelligence information to make arrests and maintains a flow of success. 

Predictive capabilities are second to none!  Next Event Predictability is so needed today in the repetitive crimes, like, bank robbery, car thefts, rape, assault, murder, and arson, to name just a few.  Real time information that can be accessed by all security cleared staff is vital to successful policing.

Public gatherings are now top of our priority list, in knowing all surrounding the events is of the most utmost importance.  They must all continue and not allow the terrorist win over, it is the reduction of the fear factor by not being complacent of the situations. 

Public Safety departments are working hard to keep everyone as safe as possible and it is with your help, this will be achieved.  Vigilance, keeping your eyes open and reporting anything strange, report it immediately.

Time is of the essence, we must use every single tool in the crime fighting toolbox to succeed for us all.

This is not just on the physical terror front it as important in cyber as well!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Email: info@

copyright 2017

Any Given Day, Fear & Scaredness Surface

Any Given Day, 
Fear & Scaredness Surface
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Today and all days forward are not the days of our Great Grand Parents and most of our Grand Parents.  Times have more than changed in this morbid anti-social world.

Waking up and checking the newspaper's obit column to see if you made it through the night, is not a laughing matter.  That is if you can find that column in a newspaper or online.

Fear and Scaredness is not something new.  It is up front and personal in varying degrees in us all.  

Even if we are supposedly far better communicators with the radical inventions:
  • radio
  • telephone
  • over the air television
  • cable and satellite television
  • analog pager
  • facsimile machine
  • personal computer
  • mobile phone
  • social media
  • smartphone 
Then what has happened?

We have declined into a degenerative mire and cesspit of failure to each other! 
As communities, governments and corporately, thinking that no-one else matters!  This "I could careless attitude" is biting us in the ass and killing each other.

Civility, morality and the respect of and for life are gone! 

The expectation of someone dying in a public place or in the neighborhood is out of control.  No one knows whether they will be a target for no apparent reason is now top of the mind.

Law enforcement is not the law enforcement envisaged by our leadership of centuries ago, the Forefathers or leaders of other nations.

Society is built on trust, respect, and believability.  Find it?

This morning, Chicago, Baltimore, Akron, Cleveland, Burlington, North Carolina, Tulsa, New York, San Diego,  and even your city has murder, drugs, trafficking, and this disconnected continuum for life and survival.  

The sun might rise and go down and that maybe the only guarantee you can expect!

There is a group of experienced ex-law enforcement businessmen who are passionate about getting society back on the right track.  Using the well tried and trusted principles, the Nine Peelian Principles when utilized with proven digital policing make the difference.

This is not some concocted marketing plan, it is a reality!

CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis, Risks Solutions Partner is an international group that has the answers through being Street Smart and know the issues having been there.

Invite them in!  

How Do You Know They Are Not RIGHT? 


YOU Cannot Afford Not To!

Do not let this just be Any Other Day!

This will change the street smart information of a community and enhance officer and public safety.

Yes, this is a Change, a change that is for the betterment of all.

copyright 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Internet Attack - This Is Not the Venue to Discuss Cyber Security Solutions!

This Is Not the Venue to Discuss Cyber Security Solutions!
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Examples every day of hacks, attacks and so call fixes!

Stop talking and just bloody well do the job of cybersecurity right in the first place!

The hacks are coming like we have never seen before and this is just a test!  

A test to see how we handle the situation and of course, we place all our thoughts and actions on the Internet for the Hackers to see!

Stop discussing in open forums the cyber security issues of the world. 

Having the perfect solution or the workarounds should never see the light of day in a forum, discussion panel or on social media.

Stop assisting the Hacker and Cyber Terrorist attacking you and making their diabolic job easier.

We have all been guilty of voicing opinions, challenging the written solution and downright idiotic comments regarding cyber issues, it must cease NOW!

The Hacker, (Cyber Terrorist), is our enemy and we must stop feeding them our thought patterns and ideas.  They are criminals and cover all information spectrums!

Social media could not be more antisocial in nature, Blogs and comment forums should not contain supposed security solutions.  I know, you are wondering how we can discuss this in public securely, you cannot!

Protection, Privacy, and secretive ploys have no use whatsoever in this day and age.  Silence is the key, but that will never allow for the information to be shared and assist in protecting us all.

The problems are not the computer, software or the programming.  It is YOU, the human element and our natural need in sharing the details.  it is an ego driven phenomenon. 

Shhhh... is a protective signal that is ignored by us all.

It is going to take collective groups of intelligent individuals who are passionate to stop the cyber issues.  Only discussing with TRUSTED individuals, if there is still that sort of person living and breathing today.

Who would have thought this would be so difficult?

As we do in our group of companies, we only discuss cyber issues in a completely secure created environment.  Never outside of the Trusted Circle. We know it is slower, but the results are what we want and need to achieve.

Humans talk too much, have deep opinions, which become more than a disagreement, it becomes deeply argumentative.  

Being a global group of companies we rely on telephone, video conferencing, emails, texts and believe it or not, rarely, but snail mail. All can be snooped on extremely easily and it will surprise you what the cyber terrorist can view on your entire life.

Overall protection is impossible and does not think for one minute others have the answer and can protect you.  They cannot completely!

It is a lifestyle and culture change that has to be enacted and the only person to do that is YOU!

YOU are Your Worst Own Enemy has never been so true.  

Before you think of replying to this Blog, think and think extremely hard on who else will be reading your thoughts, ideas and use them against you.

At long last Europe has moved in the right direction on Privacy Protection and how others must protect your shared data.  

So think about who knows what about YOU, Your Family, Business, and Friendships.  Then think on what you have said to others and how it comes back to you and see the circle of deception regarding communications.

If you are Catholic, does your Priest really keep your confessions secret?

The web does not contain full truth, the lies that have been posted, people who have been smeared and daily information that can be found relatively easily, should never be believed unless verified.

Just some woven thoughts...

copyright 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Another Monday, Another Cop Shooting - The War on COPS...

Another Monday, Another Cop Shooting
Remedial Societal Change Demanded
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

The reports you wake up to are horrific in more ways than one. Society is going to hell in a hand basket.  

Good news is unbelievably missing!

Another police officer shooting, in another town USA!

We must know our communities and use all the tools available to have the underlying information.  That is not snooping or being 'Big Brother', it is common sense!  Facts are facts and are required for our protection, including those who are paid to protect and serve.

The Peelian Principles state:

The people are the police and the police are the people.

Our community is us, all of us and it has radically changed and even on a daily basis, as this sickness needs more than medical help.

The information and data on all of us are there and must be used to secure our society.  That is what we, CommSmart Global Group do!

Affordable proven knowledge for predictability, crime mapping, and analytics. 

Yes, knowledge is KING!

Stop being a receiver of bad news, be part of the solution, after all, it is YOUR COMMUNITY.

Politicians, you must afford law enforcement and public safety the tools to protect you and stop shaking your head each time you hear the bad news.

copyright 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Just What Are You Thinking?

Just What Are You Thinking?
By Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO CommSmart Global Group

Can you honestly say that your life, social and business wise, is really on track?

What is leading you and are you sure it is for your best interest? In fact, as a collective nation where the heck are we going and is anyone listening?

Yes, there is a new administration, who are certainly listening.  You though must be active in your own day to day and not rely on others to solve for you.

Think, are we all just winging the daily tasks that are placed in front of us? What happened to all of us in our lifetimes that affects our future? 

Questions and more questions that it seems we deny we have to answer. I thought we all had a learning cycle that we retained the experiences too? 

See, more questions!

Education, knowing right from wrong is the basis of society, but you would never know it. Collectively, we have responsibilities up front and center. It starts with parenting when children have no idea about life and must be taught the basics. From potty training to tying shoelaces, writing cursive to where babies come from.

The real basics of life… What went wrong?


Man and woman have been killing each other since time began. With fists, rocks, club, knife and gun, in fact, anything that will stop the person breathing.

Why? Simply that we cannot get along with each other, as humans it seems socially we are incompatible.

War, both foreign and domestic continues in more places in the world that would care to know about. They say 33 wars are being fought in 32 countries as we speak. This does not include the civil disobedience in your local town.

As I am writing this morning, as I have just witnessed audibly a domestic confrontation of cursing, doors slamming, objects being thrown, not for just a few minutes, but for a good hour or so.

So do you call immediately or give them time to settle their differences?
Every weekend there is proof that any time you can do something that circumvents the law, you are taking the chance of being stopped, questioned or arrested. From pot smoking to celebrity DUI’s, all anti-social events are front page news.

With the cohesive commitment over the last week in Baltimore to hold a city together, people work tirelessly in solving these issues. They listened, complied and came through with a much better attitude. When asked to assist police with information, they came through once more and new communications have been established.

The potential for more incidents of terrorism is right in front of our eyes. Those that hate the Western world, will do anything, in any way, to kill us, inflict harm and terrorize us, they are among us and we must be stringently aware.

Concerns should not just be on this subject, parenting or non-parenting is killing our children. Parents must be parents, not friends, parenting is a stern hold on a child to teach them about life and what they face. Friends play basketball and converse, parents can do that too, but control is needed to build a future for us all.

Neighborhoods are falling apart socially and physically. Sure, rebuilding can and will occur, but do we have time? 

Public safety is a major concern and law enforcement is but part of the picture, it takes everyone to rebuild our social infrastructure, including YOU!

Are you willing to roll your sleeves up and assist in your future? 

CommSmart Global Group is! Our successful Pied Piper Project rejuvenates a neighborhood and rebuilds all aspects of a community. 

Bringing back Trust & Respect to all!

From clearing out the social blight, assisting parents to parent again, give the children a purpose in their future and look at the importance of employment and entrepreneurship.

Stop denying there is a problem, it is time be a person of positive action. 

It is the proactive approach that works and so must you!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Call: +1 (330) 366.6860

copyright 2017