By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group
The public, sadly demand the impossible, not seeing the overall picture of what it takes to keep us safe. It is a world of nutcases and the single solitary loner that sneaks through and plies their awful deadly deed.
Who Is NEXT?
Who Is NEXT?
With every day that passes since this terrible event, we move into a complacent state, taking for granted that someone is watching over us. Yes, they are, but each safe day that passes, we as humans, and relax our guard. That you cannot and must not do, we must stay on guard at all times.
Former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher said it best, “we have to be lucky, (safe), all of the time, the terrorist only has to be lucky once.” Somehow our ring of steel was broken, as it is a circle we can reconnect and become more vigilant once more.
I have been involved in protection from bombings since my days in the 1970’s, learning and creating the counter-terrorism techniques. Being front line in the mass amount of Irish Republican Army’s bombing on the mainland of Britain. The days of my Metropolitan Police training at Hendon, London, with the street level experience of the inflicted violence of the bomb. The understanding of the terrorist sick mindset has kept me in contact and on the ground with the situations worldwide.
Spending time in Iraq some twelve years ago and the terror lessons learned with the al Qaeda factions that have been causing death and destruction worldwide. We have the experience, although distasteful, it is the knowledge and understanding that keeps us safe. We look at events and situations with different eyes, from the dark side, so to speak.
It was with a business partner, in the development of Bomb Blast Window Film, in the early 1970’s, which is attached to the inside of the glass and holds it together in the event of an explosion. Flying glass is the cause of most injuries and deaths in a bomb blast.
It is the technology side of crime and terrorism that we continue to today.
It is the technology we have brought under one roof with that has made the difference.

Over the decades we have worked for hand in hand with law enforcement to assist them to understand all the data that is generated and collected each single day.
Humans cannot cope any longer in today’s world without the analysis of information in a timely fashion.
Public Safety has information flowing in from so many conduits and being able to be working on the information immediately, saves resources, gives intelligence information to make arrests and maintains a flow of success.
It is the technology we have brought under one roof with that has made the difference.

Over the decades we have worked for hand in hand with law enforcement to assist them to understand all the data that is generated and collected each single day.
Humans cannot cope any longer in today’s world without the analysis of information in a timely fashion.
Public Safety has information flowing in from so many conduits and being able to be working on the information immediately, saves resources, gives intelligence information to make arrests and maintains a flow of success.
Predictive capabilities are second to none! Next Event Predictability is so needed today in the repetitive crimes, like, bank robbery, car thefts, rape, assault, murder, and arson, to name just a few. Real time information that can be accessed by all security cleared staff is vital to successful policing.
Public gatherings are now top of our priority list, in knowing all surrounding the events is of the most utmost importance. They must all continue and not allow the terrorist win over, it is the reduction of the fear factor by not being complacent of the situations.
Public Safety departments are working hard to keep everyone as safe as possible and it is with your help, this will be achieved. Vigilance, keeping your eyes open and reporting anything strange, report it immediately.
Time is of the essence, we must use every single tool in the crime fighting toolbox to succeed for us all.
This is not just on the physical terror front it as important in cyber as well!
This is not just on the physical terror front it as important in cyber as well!
WE are in the NOW and
copyright 2017
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