Saturday, October 3, 2015

Why Do You Check The Weather Forecast More Than The Security Of Your Smartphone, Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop, Tablet Or Phablet?

Why Do You Check The Weather Forecast 
More Than The Security Of Your Smartphone, 
Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop, Tablet Or Phablet?
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Simply because you have been indoctrinated in wanting to know about the climate on the outside of your inner comfort zone!

If you get wet, you can dry off. If you are cold, you can warm up. If your personal and financial information is hacked, stolen, phished or you fall foul of a man in the middle attack, you are in deep do-do, for a very long time!

Time to change!  It is up to you to check your security and of those that have access to your information.

Malware Threat Detection is not that simple and needs secure expert advice.  

The Dashboard or Portal to your clients and to for their safety requires, no demands, secure access and movement of data without risk.

Take a few moments to contact us, CommSmart Global worldwide has the solutions and with frugality to solve your concerns, issues and importantly protect your Brand!

Telephone" +1 (614) 655-1247

Thursday, October 1, 2015

It Is Not Just All About Money...

It Is Not Just All About Money...
by Nick Ashton, Founder, Tracometry People

CEOs and the C-Level suite of large companies face a puzzle: they are challenged with a growing number of frugal consumers clamoring for affordable solutions, yet their existing corporate culture and incentive systems are designed to support a “bigger is better” business model — not to deliver more with less. As the Age of Austerity begins, however, corporate leaders will have no choice: they will have to bite the bullet and infuse their organizations with a frugal mindset. In sum, CEOs and the C-Level suite with the Board and the blessing of the shareholders need a frugal innovation agenda.

Frugal innovation is the ability to innovate cost-effectively and sustainably under severe resource constraints. We have spoken of “frugal engineering”, which is reinventing your entire company so it can innovate faster, better, and cheaper in a complex and resource-scarce global environment.

Visionary CEOs aren’t caving in to Wall Street’s demands for short-term gains. Rather, they are boldly restructuring every function in their organizations to boost their firms’ long-term ability to deliver affordable and sustainable solutions to increasingly cost-conscious and eco-aware consumers.

Frugal Innovation is not new and there are those of us that embraced the needs and developed the steps to do so.

Tracometry People suggest that CEOs eager to do more with less drive systemic changes across their entire organization — focusing their change management efforts on three functions: R&D, marketing, and sales.

CEOs who are bold enough to implement this frugal innovation agenda — as leaders at P&G, Renault-Nissan, Siemens, and Unilever are doing — will be able to deliver significantly more value to customers while saving on costs and reducing environmental impact. According to the World Economic Forum, corporations can save a whopping $2 trillion by 2030 by implementing frugal innovation strategies that do a better job of utilizing resources.

It is not only your own R & D, which would take time, investment and shareholder approval to ramped up, it is turning to out-sourced companies that have all embraced, developed, designed and tested the marketplace reactions that must be allowed to present their products and findings. 

Listening and allowing these out-source companies to share their expertise under NDA agreements, will save you creative time, production costs and that visit to the Board and shareholders to secure the extra funds.

When companies like Tracometry & Infobricks install Beta Testing, they do not do it by half.  Our latest was in Germany with 9,000,000 subscribers.  That is knowing your product and A-List companies can share with us.  Joint ventures are an excellent means to a frugal innovative end.

Tel: +1 (614) 655-1247


copyright 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

You Cannot Afford To Ignore Frugal Innovation & Change Management…

Frugal Innovation in the enterprise, business “outside-in” thinking mode has become more important, as the fusion between social CRM (community-based customer relations) and design-oriented thinking is creating and instilling a new paradigm.  Innovations are easily incorporated into interaction patterns between businesses and customers.  The rise of Social Media/Web is also playing an important part.  Social computing, enterprise mobility and personalization provides customer insights from a multitude of touchpoints.  As the customer’s understanding deepens, enterprise organizations evolve to offer more personalized services.
Tracometry People & Infobricks

Frugal Innovation & Change Management…
by Nick Ashton, Founder, Tracometry People

Global leadership in an industry is often linked to having demanding domestic market consumers. It is so partially because Japanese consumers are extremely demanding when it comes to electronics, German consumers for automobiles, Americans for fast food products, and French and Italian consumers for fashion, so much so, in fact, that one observes leading companies in these industries from the vantage point of their respective countries and the needs of their respective markets.

In recent years, companies looking to expand have shifted their focus to emerging markets. But if they are to succeed in these markets companies must understand that they will also have to effect another, highly important shift. They will have to change their approach to innovation.

For most companies in Western markets, innovation has meant the development of new products with more advanced features at premium prices. But in emerging markets, where their products must appeal to the millions who don’t have millions, companies will need to master the art of frugal innovation.
However, understanding frugal innovation and learning how to practice it are much easier said than done.

Affordability is the key

While planning innovations for bottom-of-the-pyramid customers, affordability becomes the key issue. Companies need to understand what customers feel is an affordable pricing structure.

The answer can often surprise companies because the price point could be just a small fraction of prices being charged today.

The challenge for companies is to use innovation to drive down the price to a level that economically disadvantaged consumers feel is affordable. This is what we mean by frugal innovation. Different approaches have been used to achieve this objective.

Tracometry People & Infobricks believe that the Cup of Coffee approach is the answer.  No, we are not selling coffee!  It is the pricing, everyone can afford a cup of coffee, say €3.00 or $5.00 for a good cup of beans.  Meaning that you are marketing to the masses with a frugal innovation that all can afford and has the ability to satisfy their thirst for available technology. 

Perhaps the biggest hurdle in crafting frugal innovations is the highly inflexible value chain. Though several companies pride themselves and feel that they possess exemplary value chains, the chains pose a serious hurdle when it comes to creating offerings for economically disadvantaged consumers. In fact, the value chain needs to be tweaked at both ends – suppliers and vendors as well as distributors and channels.

The issues are virtually critical for companies hoping to penetrate emerging markets and serve the needs of the bottom-of-the-pyramid customers. The aspects of affordable pricing, addressing critical considerations of customers, and re-constitution of the value chain will decide the winners and losers in frugal innovation.

Especially when it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT).

Knowing that the savvy techno-geeks are a small percentage of computer users, we were lead to design and develop a portal, gateway, dashboard that anyone could use.  This is then their repository of everything they do or want to do on the Internet of Things, (IoT).  This becomes your corporate dashboard to all your services.  Healthcare, Media Services, Cable or Satellite providers, Internet (ISP), Security Services, Customer Service, Banking etc.

All with a single sign-on, military encrypted and all data in motion fully encrypted, end to end. The public are terrible at security, not just on their computers, Smart phones, Tablets, etc.  They leave doors unlocked, windows open, faucets dripping, lights on and television and radio blaring when they leave the home.

Everything is now under one roof, so to speak.  On all platforms, Apple, Linux, and Windows.  Even further, on all devices!  

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concerns are gone!

We are the Poster Child of Frugal Innovation.

Through outside-in frugal innovation, A-Listed conglomerates now have the ability to expand without the inner worries of expenditure for their shareholders. 

Tracometry People invite you to discuss how together we can open doors securely and deliver to your existing customers and potential new clients, technology to revolutionize your communications capabilities today!

It is all about simplistic secure access to all…

Telephone: +1 (614) 655-1247


copyright 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

FRUGAL Innovation – Tracometry People

FRUGAL Innovation – Tracometry People
by Nick Ashton, Founder, Tracometry People

To increase the customer base, with frugal innovative technology, increased selection of services, additional revenue generating subscription applications/services and storage space.

All of this and the wealth of the company and its shareholders by Frugal Innovation.

What is Frugal Innovation?

Frugal innovation is the ability to “do more - and better - with less.” It is a breakthrough growth strategy that enables companies to develop high-quality products and create more business and social value while minimizing the use of vital resources such as energy, capital and time. Once the preserve of companies in developing markets, frugal innovation is now being adopted by global enterprises, large and small. It is not only a game-changing business strategy but also a new frame of mind – one that perceives resource constraints as an opportunity, not a liability.

With an estimated trillion-dollar global market for sustainable products and huge cost savings to be gained, frugal innovation is revolutionizing business across industries and reshaping management thinking worldwide. As such, frugal innovation is the key to success in a business landscape increasingly defined by mega-trends such as collaborative consumption, the circular economy, and the maker movement.

Tracometry People are a laboratory for frugal innovations and the knock-on effect this is having on business and society and the global community.
Innovation has raced in many parts of the world and especially the Indian Government’s agenda in recent years, and the Indian President has declared the next ten years the ‘Decade of Innovation.’

Input-output metrics are a useful way of benchmarking research excellence, they don’t capture all of what is important about innovation, and miss the distinctive models and approaches to innovation of very different systems.  Traditional metrics also miss what this research uncovers as a distinctive specialism of global system: frugal innovation. Combined with deepening scientific and technological capabilities, this could be an important source of competitive advantage for our clients, and is an overlooked opportunity for strategic collaboration in some cases.

Frugal innovation is distinctive in its means and its ends. Frugal innovation responds to limitations in resources, whether financial, material or institutional, and using a range of methods, turns these constraints into an advantage. Through minimizing the use of resources in development, production and delivery, or by leveraging them in new ways, frugal innovation results in dramatically lower–cost products and services.

Successful frugal innovations are not only low cost, but outperform the alternative, and can be made available at large scale. Often, but not always, frugal innovations have an explicitly social mission.

Contact us and find out how we have increased secure computer accessibility on all platforms and devices with military grade encrypted security, meaning that BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is not an issues anymore!  

Just for just a cup of coffee a month...

Tracometry People Amount To More Than A Hill Of Beans...


Telephone: +1 (614) 655-1247
copyright 2015