Relying on Statistical Information
Is Like Driving Your Car by Focusing on the
Rear-View Mirror, Reacting Only to Past Events
By Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group
To some, reversing a car is a nightmare! Trying to drive to your destination in that manner is a doomed consideration.
Think about statistical data, it has been collected through various means and placed in some sort of storage facility. Today, it is a data silo, being piled and crammed inside, without being viewed, sorted or even really seeing a flash of the light of day. Until that is, some analytic computation hits the database and it gets shuffled around months and years later.
There is always a time delay between an event’s occurrence and its perception. Sometimes the delay maybe milliseconds. Other times this delay may be a matter of months, years, or even longer. Further, all observations, no matter how thorough, always to some degree contain errors, inaccuracies, and misrepresentations about what ‘really happened’.
Thus, public managers and policymakers attempt to control the future and tomorrow by making decisions in the present, today that is, based on error-ridden information about yesterday.
It is like driving a car while focusing only on the rear-view mirror, reacting only to past events.
That is what is happening globally with collected data that if it had been passed through precise analytic software with algorithmic computations, which were designed specifically for concise extractions, then it would be a whole different world of information and solutions
Importantly it is, by those using CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner.
Our analytical and predictive capabilities are second to none when combining local, national, global and massive public data.
Crime fighting is the perfect example. All those daily incidents on which the information is within an RMS or CAD system can be placed in the direct hands of officers, detectives and administration staff with immediacy.
Not sitting in some data silo waiting months and years to see the flickering light of day. It will be working to reduce crime, catch criminals and protect the community of which law enforcement and public safety serves.
States, counties, and cities will have information at hand to improve revenues, especially taxation. Dept. of Human Services or Division of Family Services, even Probation Services can understand all information in the palm of their hand on a Smartphone, Tablet or their Desktop. Current up-to-the-minute information that will save lives and make staff productive in their over complexed lives.
This is not some pipedream, it is the pure reality that is staring you right in the face.
We totally understand communications and how to enhance lives without being complex and speaking gobbledygook! Yes, plain conversational English or whatever global language you understand.
CommSmart Global Group’s team are ‘real people' who understand life and all its failings, we are one of you.
Combine our Social media Interaction and you have a combined communications world at your fingertips. Never has there been such a precise and concise capability available to government and corporate entities, until now.
CommSmart Global Group has harnessed the data for dissemination to those that securely can have access to improve the status of all.
It is productivity personified!
For more information, please converse with us via telephone or an email.
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