Apple, Tax Avoidance & A Critical
Law Enforcement Resignation
More in the Wings, As the Silence, Will Deafen You...
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group
They say nothing should shock you anymore and certainly at my time of life I suppose it does not, it just makes me mad that we have these type of issues hitting the headlines and being generally ignored.
I will go bassackwards in discussing the headline if I may.
It takes a lot for a corporate leader to throw in the towel and to do so by using social media, a tweet.
A tweet use to be the sound of a beautiful bird singing a song, this tweet was a slap on the side of the head of law enforcement and its failure from a managerial perspective.
Norfolk and Suffolk assistant chief constable announced her departure from the force after 30 years in a series of tweets which criticised the force.
She tweeted: “After 30 years @NorfolkPolice I’ve resigned to the fact that my values no longer fit the org. I can’t make a difference, support front-line.”
In a later tweet, she posted: “And so I wish colleagues & friends all the best. Let’s hope #policing can recover & the officers & staff welfare is prioritised.”
She then tweeted: “To clarify I am retiring! Looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Playing golf and kayaking!”
In a statement, Norfolk’s Chief Constable Simon Bailey said: “As an Assistant Chief Constable for both forces, Sarah has made some significant contributions across many different areas."
“As head of protective services she has helped shape everything from intelligence to major investigations, and throughout her career, she has worked closely with some of the most vulnerable members of society. Alongside this, Sarah has played a key role in helping us all to think differently about how we deliver policing in today’s online world.”
Suffolk’s Chief Constable Gareth Wilson said: “Sarah’s joint role across Suffolk and Norfolk helped us to work together more effectively. In this challenging financial climate, collaboration has helped deliver our services more efficiently and Sarah’s knowledge and experience have made a real difference.”
Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk Lorne Green said: “I was sorry to hear the news that ACC Sarah Hamlin will be leaving Norfolk Police. In the three-and-a-half months, I have been Police and Crime Commissioner, I have had the opportunity to work with her a number of times and have been impressed by her commitment and professionalism. I am aware of the important contribution she has made over 30 years and am disappointed the Constabulary will no longer benefit from her knowledge and dedication. I know she had even more to give but wish her well in her retirement.”
I bet a thousand canaries that the conversation prior to these comments being fashion and created, there was some straight talking between all parties.
In fact , the same conversation is reverberating around all law enforcement departments, from officers to Chief Constables and I hope including Police Crime Commissioners.
The failure to support the 'Front-Line' is not just police officers, it is the public, businesses and communities they all reside in. There is the diabolic issue that because of budgets and politics is failing society.
Budget cuts have been the #1 concern for decades and now it has caught up to the inability to protect and serve.
When corporations like Apple fail to pay their fair share of taxes, services cannot be supported. This means that the public's individual tax paying contribution is diluted by those that fail to pay. Apple, Starbucks, Amazon, McDonalds to name but a few of the Brands we all use daily and are the cause of the demise, directly and indirectly to public services.
Policing is a critical service and the foundation of a safe society. Sir Robert Peel states in his Nine Peelian Principles of 1829 that the 'people are the police and police are the people', this is an overall failure and politicians should be ashamed of their actions or lack of them.
Sarah Hamlin has a very interesting last name, Hamlin. This allows me to inform you of the Pied Piper who worked with Hamelin, the town. His task was to remove the RATS, I am not speaking of the endearing name given to Traffic Officers within the London Metropolitan Police or other agencies, I am talking criminal vermin. I normally associate criminals with the term RATS who will not sing to the right society tune and need removal for their off notes of crime.
CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solution Partner, has created and used the Pied Piper Principle (P3) for decades to clear out the issues. With our Digital Policing Acumen, the solutions are cost effective for communities, officers and all of the safety factors of day to day policing.
Proactive information gathering, or as we call it 'Atmospherics' begins with Social Media Monitoring combined with our proven Crime Mapping, Crime Analytics, and Predictive Analysis. This is a productive tool chest which is not even the price of a cup of coffee a week per sworn or warranted officer.
No, I am not going to continue to market or sell you on this, as this, our inner passion, dedication and gut feelings tell us you want to the right thing too!
That means to speak with us and hear our abilities, look into our eyes, yes a team that has more street level straight talking internal experience than most.
Life is a story and we all want that happy ending as the Prince and Princess ride off into the sunset and not being dragged through a darkened forest with storm clouds all around.
Life is sadly not 'Once Upon a Time', in Sarah Hamlin's case it is an extremely sad end to an incredible book.
Sitting on shelves in corporations and law enforcement agencies are many Sarah Hamlin characters, who are under so much pressure they cannot continue to deceive their beliefs and those that have entrusted the safety and security with them.
The Book Does NOT Have To Be Closed!
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