By Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies
Every single one of us is connected and has full responsibility for our actions. The Internet connects us all and there is no six degrees of separation!
Great statement, the truth is so sickening!
The End of Life is but the turning of a switch to the off position. All actions are simplistic with most being final.
Man, Woman as well, have goals and aspirations to which we follow and only wish we could achieve. It is the stumbling blocks that get i our way that cause the frustration, stress and failure.
The ultimate responsibility for all, is YOU, no one else, just YOU!
It is truly the collision of Good and Evil on all levels. Pedophiles to Putin, Terrorists to Tort Reform, Government Gaffs to Gullibility, Presidential Morons to Sheeple. I believe you get the picture and whiff the odor.
As I have previously stated last year:
When I
heard the name Clapper, well, I think you might be going in the same direction
as I am. Clap on, clap off… Where does government find these people? If government understood hiring practices,
leadership and real communications, we would not be this Bovine Slurry of a situation!

If there
was ever a Poster Child for Liars, Government hierarchy is on the front page! Most people are not idiots! Yes, I said most people. Do not get me wrong, humans do have issues
and there are pockets of morons everywhere.
Where is
the TRUST? It is certainly not within the present leadership,
which is going downhill so fast, the ink is not drying on the page. It is
uncanny to think that America and the world has come so far and still be so
Snitching, or as I like to look at it, telling the truth regarding concerns or
highlighting problems, is part of human nature.
The trouble is, those that are the concern, label those that tell the
truth, as busy bodies, snitchers with nothing better to do and should mind their
own business.
If we all
stood by, there would be no USA, successful business, families, educated people
and a level of common sense! Is telling
the truth regarding your concerns wrong?
No! What is a concern, is how you go about it!
We must
look at the ulterior motives. If it is
just to make a name for yourself, then it is wrong. If it is that you are passionate and
concerned for your fellow man and woman and this is the only way, then yes.

So, if
someone calls out government for stepping over the line on all of us, is it
wrong? Was the action of the individual
legal? Could it have been achieved
another way? Questions that will be discussed
around the water coolers of the world as we run out of water to drink.
The Forefathers of America did it their way,
their concerns of how another nation, Britain was using America and not
allowing them to govern themselves and forge their own destiny. They revolted, they took charge and fought
for their God given rights and won.
question is simple, where do you stand?
Are going to be a sheep and led to slaughter? Are you part of a herd of Lemmings
committing suicide and jump off the cliff?
Will you stand tall and stand up for your God given rights and not be
bullied by anyone?
Your answer
is awaited…