What Does A Weekend Mean To You?
Just A Cushion To Monday Morning CACA
or The Chance to Woo Your Potential Clients?
By Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group
We start thinking about the weekend every time something goes awry, even on Mondays!
Friday can never come quick enough for us all. For what reason though?
The weekend is a stalling tactic without resolution or real satisfaction to the ultimate end game. How are we still lying to each other or how we are conning the crap out of each other, in thinking that the world around you is in peace and harmony.
It is not!
Las Vegas is the proof!
Las Vegas is the proof!
It is about time for a realization of the failure of the Decision Making ‘Fear Factor’ of with a commitment, a solid understanding and not procrastinating whilst the value diminishes.
Damn It! Commit with solid facts, work for it just like you did and do to capture a close lover’s heart! Chasing your potential soulmate is absolutely an art form with a phenomenal end result that will place more than a smile on your faces.
When in the ‘chase’, you notice everything, you never take your eyes off the goal. Every action is under scrutiny, movement, eye twitches, placement of hands and the whole damn demeanor is in the spotlight of ‘wantonness’.
Bring it to the tabletop meeting in the same manner and coo the potential corporate account in a decision-making move.
Straight talking is our game to be proactive and decisive in the ability to win the day of the corporate contract or even capturing your lover and soulmate.
Wooing is cool when you have all the corporate and human tools at your fingertips and now realize what has been missing.
Conversing with each other, not ‘telling’ in a manner that is overpowering. You know just telling never works when attempting to date and winning over that special person.
It does not work in business either!
Yes, the conversation is a two-way street to success.
Let’s converse, we know how to make things happen!
Oh, even our Keynote speeches mean so much more…
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