by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO. CommSmarrt Global Group
How sore are your fingers, thumbs, and vindictive mindset?
Come on, the anger, I must admit also humor on the Social Media Trail is beyond Alexander Graham Bell's first statement over his invented telephone!
The Digital Age is roaring and is a plethora of golden information of whatever ilk you wish.
It is a gutter of inner truths, sordid language, unsubstantiated facts, lies and then there are politics and corporate inside information. All can be used and misused for whatever purpose.
Once it was just words that dissipated in the air, never got recorded and could only be recalled from those that had good memories.
Now we have organizations who specialize in hacking information and spreading the good, the bad and ugly facts of the innermost secrets.
Then even government in this Digital Age, believing they can create means to have the knowledge of the streets and policing an anxious society, who has become so violent, abusive and uneasy on where society is heading.
It is already here, working for twenty years with continuing upgrades to maintain the capabilities to keep us in the know!
From the days of Sir Robert Peel, some 187 years ago Peel used then modern capabilities of awareness, with the tall hat, the whistle to communicate and his street-level knowledge of the increasing criminal elements on the streets of London.
Peel did not make the hat or engineer the whistle, he used what was available and proven at the time. Of course, Peel’s people oversaw the availability and standard of the purchases and what and why they were the choice, he did not in any way re-invent the wheel so to speak.
Peel used commercial enterprise to achieve his goal, security of the public and control the out of control situation of the moment.
Just like today, we have managed how we do business and what is necessary to achieve those same goals. The difference with policing now is it is global and a lot more people, techniques, and technology that has been added to Peel’s extremely relevant Nine Peelian Principles.
There is no argument that we must improve and improve now! Criminals have so much more in their technology savvy felonious toolbox. It is not just picking up information by physically sitting in a smoke-filled pub, supping beer and listening to the criminals bragging about their criminal deeds.
Today, it is about technology, the social or unsocial media, running their fingers and thumbs instead of their mouths.
This is the Atmospherics of our world, yes CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner, has decades of collecting and analyzing both public and law enforcement data that is amassed in its billions of records daily.
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That is where we at CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solution Partner shine, we have the global knowledge and have honed our skills, listen to all and have the proven solutions to deal with all situations in the ability to know what is going on within the public.
It takes Social Media Monitoring, Public Data, Crime Analytics, Community Crime Mapping, Predictive Analysis and a strong listening ear. It is not about marketing services, it is about the passion we have for making our social world more acceptable, safer and this we commit to you.