Thursday, April 10, 2014

HEARTBLEED, Ransom Attacks, What Is Next? Traditional PASSWORD Authentication Failed Yet Again!

HEARTBLEED, Ransom Attacks, What Is Next?
Traditional PASSWORD Authentication Failed yet Again!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

This prove yet again that traditional PASSWORDS have FAILED!  IT managers, directors etc. are not examining their software and servers because they are too busy fighting human elements.  They are always in a reactive mode fighting the Hackers. Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers who are preying on the frailty of humans. 

Proactivity and a cohesive understanding of what part our computers play in our day to day business is not just for the IT department, it is the Chief Executive Officer, Board and those in charge of the corporation to understand all aspects on business. 

Failure here or ignoring what you are being told is a Negation of the Duty of Care/Corporate Governance.  Meaning, you are liable as you knew, as you were told verbally or in writing, did nothing and completely left the shareholders, clients and customers vulnerable.  No insurance policy will cover you, as you failed!

Humans make mistakes and leave open their front and back doors regarding personal information. 

We reiterate, that there is a far more secure method for corporations to maintain their security as they have more end to end, data in motion between their employees, satellite, regional offices that has to be totally secure.

The basis of all communications, data, video, audio and images is security.
  Today, so many want what you have and will go to great lengths to steal it. 
With this in mind, KEYTALK Secure Computer Connections is the basis of all we do.  We start with a secure connection from the outset and are able to transit all in the knowledge it cannot be seen by anyone!  Totally invisible and anonymous in sending and receiving data. 

It is an end to end, data in motion secure connection that uses no passwordCorrect no password!  Passwords are too Human and susceptible to theft and misuse.  In fact, how does the system know it is even you?  It does not!

Device DNA is the KEYTALK Way!

When your IT department sets up the devices, which takes seconds, yes any devices, a true BYOD, (Bring Your Own Device) solution, they select components within the Smart Mobile Phone, Tablet, Laptop, PC or Mac and those become your DNA.

The human element is removed and now, when you connect, you are authorized as a trusted device and now go about your business in total security.

No matter what your business or operating system, even defunct Windows XP, we can provide security from Hackers, Phishers, Man in the Middle Brutal AttackersCyber Terrorists can see nothing you do, even in Public & Hotel Wi-Fi Hotspots

This can be overlaid on Point Sale, Vehicles, machine to machine and all that require certificates that must be updated for security purposes.  Simple virtual no maintenance required!

All affordable on a monthly or annualized commitment and is included in all our services or in a standalone operation.

In one government operation, a Federal building, the log-on and password for the Secure Wi-Fi Hotspot is displayed prominently on the cafeteria wall in large readable letters and numbers.  This is a public area! 

“The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users.”

An easy-to-use exploit that is being widely traded online allows an attacker to retrieve private memory of an application that uses the vulnerable OpenSSL “libssl” library in chunks of 64kb at a time. As CERT notes, an attacker can repeatedly leverage the vulnerability to retrieve as many 64k chunks of memory as are necessary to retrieve the intended secrets.

Affected are OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 and 1.0.2-beta, which include such releases As Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, Centos 6.5, Fedora 18, OpenBSD 5.3, FreeBSD 8.4, NetBSD 5.0.2 and OpenSUSE 12.2.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

25% of The World’s Computers Are Xpeed!

25% of The World’s Computers Are Xpeed!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Yesterday was not such a good day for many of the computer networks that run the nation’s electric power, oil and gas, water, chemical, and other vital systems dubbed “critical infrastructure” – it was the day Microsoft’s popular but increasingly antiquated Windows XP operating system becomes permanently vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Really nothing has changed because most systems in these and the retail trade use the WinXP operating system as their cash register and never install the updates anyway!

It also means a new cyber-security challenges for millions of individuals and companies worldwide that still rely on the 12-year-old WinXP system to get their daily work done.  It means they have no shoulder to cry on or call up for help.

Of course XP will continue to work.  But Microsoft’s declaration means an end to free patching for XP that will make it far easier for hackers, who will no longer need to constantly develop new malicious software to penetrate more than a quarter of all the computers on the planet.

The harshest challenge is faced by critical infrastructure “enterprise asset owners” who rely on XP computers to run the industrial control systems that regulate the power grid, refineries, chemical plants, and other utilities and industries vital to the world’s economic prosperity. As it happens, many of these industrial users rarely if ever patch their WinXP work-station computers anyway – and they see no need to start now!

It seems, no it is a fact, people and business are just assisting the Hackers, Phishers and the Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers is stealing their data and supposed secure information.  Nothing like helping the cyber-terrorists!

Shutting the front and back door is important and one company can assist you in just that.  

KEYTALK is the secure connection for all your data in motion for end to end security.  BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is no longer an issue.  Bring them all!

Computers talking to computers, which is machine to machine, is automatic with KEYTALK and it is like using a secure bullet resistant tube to connect, no one can see you are there, you are invisible and anonymous.  The Public or Hotel Wi-Fi Hotspot is secure using KEYTALK.

This is just one solution from CommSmart US, a very important one, which can stop you being so concerned about XP.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Four Horsemen To Stop The Cyber Apocalypse

The Four Horsemen To
Stop The Cyber Apocalypse
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

This is not just an attention grabbing headline!  The state of warfare on your privileged information is heating up and our defense mechanisms must kick in. 

Stop relying on others to do something about it! 

Computers, data, information is not in a metal fireproof filing cabinet anymore.  Never has there been so many people worldwide, been so interested in you and what information you have on your Smart Mobile Phone, Tablet, Laptop, PC, Mac or your computer servers.

It is not that they want to be your best buddy, it is what you have stored on your computers is worth billions of dollars collectively for them.  

It is worse than Charles Dickens’s Fagan from Oliver Twist, with his trained pickpockets. 

These cyber-terrorists work in groups 24/7, 365 days a year, working on how they will induce you to open an email, send corporate information on an unsecured connection.  Yes, they rely on the mistakes humans make every single moment of the day.

These can be stopped and has to be!  The mistakes you make affect us all!  After all, we all connected through the Internet!

So who are these Four Horsemen, so to speak?

CommSmart US

KEYTALK your secure, anonymous Internet connection.  Even in a Public Hotspot!  It does not rely on a password, but you can use one, even your token system for corporate connections. 

Passwords and tokens do not tell the system who is using these methods as anyone could have access to them.  KEYTALK uses Device DNA, components of the device you are using that has been initially authorized by your IT department. Totally secure and cost effective.

Action In Motion (AIM) is your means from the palm of your hand to use “live” video, audio and image transmission to your back-end servers with GPS Location, date, Time and Originator identity stamped on the file.  This is a total Chain of Evidence and already a president has been set in the U.K. Court system with the Crown Prosecution Services
With Action In Motion you have so many attributes in securing information from a scene or event.  A Protest Rally you can now have officers among the crowd using their Smart Mobile Phone to take pictures, just like the rest of the people.  The difference, it is transmitting “live” to your Command HQ and to other officers in the same area, who receive on their mobile phone.  Instant surveillance in the palm of your hand with a Smart Mobile Phone or Tablet.

DocUmatic – SceneDoc is the closest you will to the paperless society.  Already in use with law enforcement in the USA and Canada.

Our secure platform, SceneDoc is a smartphone/ tablet-based mobile solution that provides a variety of law enforcement personnel a highly secure, accurate and consistent means of documenting scenes and cataloging evidence.
Compatible with iOS, Android, Windows 8 and Blackberry, SceneDoc ensures unparalleled data security and integrity via cloud-based and on premise deployment models.

DocUmatic is for use with any system, including Enforcement Agents/Process Servers for all documentation.  This ensures the progress of paperwork from the courts to the final sale of goods.

Secure Comms


Secure Comms w24 mobile multi-channel router solution is an enabler for critical applications where broadband connectivity is a must. Where reliable connectivity and the highest possible availability is needed. Typically, such applications are:
  • Public Safety Security (Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Fire, EMS)
  • Rail and Road Transportation
  • Industry Focused applications
  • Healthcare
Finally, making your vehicle or mobile HQ, a total connectivity super hub! 
Your communications will have never been so available, direct or productive.

As they say on those advertisements, “wait there is more”, a 1000 foot (300 m.) Wi-Fi Hotspot available for those that are trusted.  Enabling a change in devices, we now use various size tablets and smart phones and all can be in communications and on top of all that matters, with data, video, audio and images, all in the palm of your hand. 

Yes Progress… with CommSmart.  

All the four horsemen work together and separately to provide you the security and solutions your need and demand.

KEYTALK is the underlying solution for all corporate end to end, data in motion and is part of all our solutions.

These are the Four Horsemen that ride at the forefront of cyber terrorism solutions

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking… KEYTALK!

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014