Dysfunctional Does Not
Mean You Ignore The Issues…
Look, dysfunctional families are in the majority!
We are surrounded by them, you might be a member, as I am.
Normal is what? Certainly not what we once thought.
You have been hearing the word, radicalized which is bantered by the media, in regard to the two brothers and their horrific violent act at the Boston Marathon, other attackers globally and the latest in the New York attack.
If someone is radicalized they change and someone or all of the family noticed this change.
They said nothing to anyone whatsoever. Muslims know better than anyone of the effect of labeling since 9/11. In fact, many Muslims who watched in horror the bombing and then the release of the photographs of the suspects seemed that they could breathe easier, as the bombers looked like regular “white guys” and not members of their faith.
Dysfunctionality or traits are not just associated with jihad terrorism and we can draw lessons from these other areas of concern. Something someone will do, that is out of the ordinary is a trigger for a future event in that person’s life.
Traits such as personality, intelligence, attitude, and beliefs are important characteristics to measure and assess. Whether you're hiring people, helping team members understand themselves and their relationships with others, or trying to figure out what you want to do with your life, it's useful to assess these types of "hidden," less obvious attributes.
We have to be taught it seems, to question and not be political correctness and accept statements by others, including country leadership.
If you want to determine someone's attitude, you can ask the person directly, observe the person in action, or even gather observations about the person from other people. However, all of these methods can be affected by personal bias and perspective. If you are suspicious of someone’s actions, you cannot ignore, for all our safety, we must question and share concerns as you never know what this or these persons will do in the future.
Assessing and appraising people is a highly complex and subjective process as is stated by many. No, it is not! Logic and common sense is the simplest way to determine the situation. The initial stages of radicalization are when the individual tests their newly gained inner feelings and experiments by making statements, then refines the wording and statements to garner the reactions and establish the footings of their new beliefs.
Extremism (represented on both sides of the political spectrum) is any ideology or political act far outside the perceived political center of a society, or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards.
Extremism is usually contrasted with moderation, and extremists with moderates (for example, in contemporary discussions in Western countries of Islam, or of Islamic political movements, it is common for there to be a heavy stress on the distinction between extremist and moderate Muslims, and it is also not uncommon to necessarily define distinctions regarding extremist Christians as opposed to moderate Christians, as in countries such as the United States).
Political agendas perceived as extremist often include those from the far left or far right as well as fundamentalism or fanaticism.
The term extremism is almost invariably used pejoratively, however, the term may also sometimes be associated with a person(s) who have a different view(s) which is not consistent with the existing norm(s). It need not necessarily imply that the person is a threat to the society or the government or any other agency.
Power differences also matter when defining extremism. When in conflict, the activities of members of low power groups tend to be viewed as more extreme than similar activities committed by members of groups advocating the status quo. In addition, extreme acts are more likely to be employed by marginalized people and groups who view more normative forms of conflict engagement as blocked for them or biased.
Extremist acts often employ violent means, although extremist groups will differ in their preference for violent vs. non-violent tactics, in the level of violence they employ, and in the preferred targets of their violence (from infrastructure to military personnel to civilians to children). Again, low power groups are more likely to employ direct, episodic forms of violence (such as suicide bombings), whereas dominant groups tend to be associated with more structural or institutionalized forms (like the covert use of torture or the informal sanctioning of police brutality).
The terms extremism or extremist are almost always exonymic — i.e. applied by others to a group rather than by a group labeling itself. Rather than labeling themselves extremist, those labeled as such might describe themselves as, for example, political radicals. There is no political party that calls itself "right-wing extremist" or "left-wing extremist", and there is no sect of any religion that calls itself "extremist" or which calls its doctrine "extremism".
Extremism or radicalization is not only held to political events and used by terrorists. Sexual abusers, which include incestuous perpetrators, such as abusive fathers have characteristics that vary widely from the standard profile of a pedophile.
On the surface, sexually abusive parents can be "normal" (typical) in every way. Many like children, play with them, guide them in life, teach them morals, protect them from harm, and are willing to adopt poor or orphaned children of either sex. The abusive men or women are usually heterosexual but sexually interact with both girls and boys. Objective statistics show the equal prevalence of sexual abuse in both genders and invalidate the notion that abuse of girls is much more prevalent than abuse of boys is.
The above statement may seem like an exaggeration of reality or outright nonsense. Most people believe that it is impossible for the whole society to be psychopathic and not to recognize its mental and moral corruption. If sexual abuse of children is as widespread as claimed, there would have to be an acknowledgment of the phenomenon by doctors, and there would have to be some kind of evidence of such abuse.
The same can be said on the preachings of religious leaders of all faiths. Fire and Brimstone have always been present in the oratory statements of pastors, priests, and Islamic Imams.
Why do the individuals who are violated either sexually or by radical teachings say nothing? Is it the suggestions of the information, which has now been an indoctrination that has penetrated so deep into the individual's mind, the fear of reprisal be that strong? It is a fear factor that is exerting the individual to execute the will of the speaker. Following through on the request for action, hence bombings and doing harm the USA and the western world.

According to a new study published by the Association of Psychological Science, terrorists become suicide bombers because they have a “fused” personality type. Supposedly, people with “fused” personalities have a bond much stronger than just simple group identification with their group and are willing to take extreme action to protect that group, including sacrificing themselves for the group. The researchers use this “newly discovered” personality type to explain why terrorists are willing to become suicide bombers. I guess it’s easier to blame terrorism on a personality type which differs “them” from “us” than to focus on what really makes someone willing to commit a terrorist act, like not having basic human needs met for example. Before terrorists became terrorists, they were just like you and me. So let’s focus on what would make your and my personality type become a terrorist.
Instead of philosophizing about how much of a martyr we would be in a given situation, let’s look at recent history. Hitler convinced an entire nation that Jews must be killed by creating a “fused” identity of the Aryan race in Germans who were suffering from a bad economic depression following World War I. He even convinced way too many Germans to torture and kill Jews for no good reason – keep in mind that these Germans weren't even willing to save other Germans, they were just killing Jews because they were Jews.
Ever since September 11th, terrorism has been on virtually all of our minds. And now, over a decade later, our fears remain. The frustration that most people experience in the aftermath of extreme violence is largely the result of the question why.
Why would anyone want to commit so heinous a crime? How could they live with themselves? Terrorism is a widely researched topic, but it seems to be particularly salient now, as it hits closer to home. Are terrorists different than the rest of us? Are they different than serial killers? If brain equals behavior, then yes, they are. But perhaps that equation is only true in some cases.
Because the acts that terrorists execute are so disturbing, many people think they must be crazy - that there must be something fundamentally wrong with them or with their brains. There is an ongoing debate on this matter - especially since different research shows variations in the extent to which terrorists are perceived as "crazy."
If it is so evident that they have changed, why has no one, family, friends or associates said nothing?
It is the discovery that terrorists and non-terrorists are not as different as originally thought that is so unnerving to non-terrorists (the "us"). It is difficult for most people to accept that they could, that anyone could, hypothetically, commit mass genocide, use commercial jets as missiles or place bombs among a public gathering.
The path that future terrorists follow is a gradual one, for it is almost impossible for someone unaccustomed to killing, to suddenly be able to do so. The ability to kill must be nurtured over time, usually through the group dynamics of terror networks: "The terrorist has a fixation on systemic value. This means that they emotionally crave membership in the organization, group, or order to which they belong".
Terror groups are like families to terrorists, each with their role, and each providing support for their fellow terrorists. Terrorists live for the survival of their group and for the group's ideas and rules. The meaning of terrorists' lives "comes from being a dutiful soldier and member of the group".
In order for this type of blind loyalty to occur, subjects must lack any personality, individuality or sense of self - this is the mechanism that allows terrorists to kill, for, without any solid conviction of who they themselves are, they cannot understand the value of individual or collective human life: "a terrorist does not see the infinite, unique, singular value of people and therefore does not see what is wrong with killing or maiming another person".
In this way, terrorists are able to almost alienate themselves from social norms and completely immerse themselves in the ideology of the group.
Terrorists' motivation to kill is comprised of a combination of factors. They may kill for political or economic reasons, but they may also kill for the sense of power it generates. Terrorists, according to Stephen J. Morgan, "crave the ultimate power, that of power over life and death of innocent people. They believe themselves to be omnipotent, messengers and agents of God, without feeling guilt or shame for anything they do".
This seems logical, but if terrorists see themselves as being divine or immortal, then they should have no reason to believe that other nations would be able to affect, manipulate, or disturb them - unless, of course, they kill because they see the other nations and civilizations that populate the world as threats.
There is a general discourse on the nature of terrorist psychology and behavior - some researchers accept terrorists as "neurotics" or "psychopaths", while others emphasize the importance of examining "the social, cultural, political, and economic environment in which they operate" Akin to this is Khachig Tololyan's argument that as a result of terrorists' humanness, "their behavior cannot be understood by the crude - or even by the careful - application of pseudo-scientific laws of general behavior".
Rather, he claims, "we need to examine the specific meditating factors that lead some societies under pressure, among many, to produce the kinds of violent acts that we call terrorism".
This seems a logical argument, for the environment can certainly influence one's behavior. Although the acts of terrorists are hardly forgivable, they do not necessarily immediately qualify terrorists as clinically insane, for there may be some external forces or circumstances (political, social, and/or economic constructs) that may provoke terrorists to respond violently.
It is difficult to compare terrorists to other criminals because so few terrorists have been caught and those who have been caught are rarely willing to talk about their experiences. Therefore, it is hard to know whether terrorist motivations stem from abuse, trauma, or biological problems. However, although terrorists and serial killers are both thoughts of as "rational," meaning that their mental states are stable enough to allow them to organize, plan, and execute their attacks, they are certainly not sane - at least not by Western standards. In their own minds, and to their groups, they are sane - and perhaps in the future, we will be able to more fully understand their rationale.
CommSmart Global Group has involved itself though staff, to be informed regarding terrorism for over forty years. Our knowledge is vast and improves every single day that goes by.
At our core is the ability to sort through street-level information, it is the ability to place this information within the database and not in data silos, hidden away until a request on a subject is received. Real, live data is needed now! This allows us to be predictive in our information and not behind the times.
Allowing public safety departments to be on top of the situations and utilizing resources in a more profitable manner.
Information is bombarding us every single millisecond and humanly it is impossible to search through so much without spending thousands and thousands of man-hours. With the human element, things will be missed, it is human nature that things get missed.
The media reported, Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was radicalized in the United States by someone who brainwashed him — and roped his younger sibling into the despicable plot that killed three and injured more than 180, a relative charged.
Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the two Chechen brothers who planned and executed the worst US terror attack since 9/11, said Tamerlan, 26, had fallen under the thrall of a religious leader while living in Cambridge, Mass.
Tamerlan — killed in a gunfight with cops — took the “path of God” after losing hope because he didn’t have “any point in life,” the uncle said, recalling a 2009 conversation.
My point is made, someone
knew something and did nothing!
Dysfunctional Does Not Mean
You Ignore The Issues…
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