Friday, October 9, 2015

Cyber Security Has Never Been So Important For Protecting The BRAND!

Cyber Security Has Never Been So Important For Protecting The BRAND!

Security is an exceptional IT discipline. It overlaps and supports all other disciplines: computers, networks, access, storage, app's and data in motion. As IT evolves, so should IT security!

The failure is in those that they believe they know it all, it worked last time, why should it not work now? IT, from the C-level Executive to the IT grunt is no ordinary job! It is far different from marketing, accounting or inventory control, it is in the NOW! It is “real time” which demands hands on actions and a knowledgeable discipline which must be second to none.

Cyber security is a proactive control with loyalty and integrity beyond reproach.

Telephone: +1 (614) 655.1247

copyright 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cyber Security, Semper Fi with Integrity!

Cyber Security, Semper Fi with Integrity!
by Nick Ashton CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Semper Fi
"The motto of the U.S. Marine Corps is Semper Fidelis, Latin for "always faithful".
Until 1871 it was "First to Fight", a motto that still applies. Through the years, Marines have
shortened it to Semper Fi, and "Semper Fi, Mac" is the universal Marine Greeting."

In fact we say Semper Fi to all platforms and devices:



In this cyber world when you are entrusted with other people’s information, all that is of value, including SSN#, banking and financial data, family members and their complete history, your integrity has to be and is demanded to be of the highest.

Sadly it is not!

As the daily news reports show, hacking is alive and well.   Very profitable for the cyber terrorists.  The victims are not so lucky!  Those that have failed in preventing such attacks have no idea why or how they were attacked until it has happened.  They had not put in place proactive measures which work in “real time” to monitor the daily usage.

Security is an exceptional IT discipline. It overlaps and supports all other disciplines: computers, networks, access, storage, apps, and data in motion. As IT evolves, so should IT security!

The failure is in those that they believe they know it all, it worked last time, why should it not work now?  IT, from the C-level Executive to the IT grunt is no ordinary job!  It is far different from marketing, accounting or inventory control, it is in the NOW!  It is “real time” which demands hands on actions and a knowledgeable discipline which must be second to none. 

Cyber security is a proactive control with loyalty and integrity beyond reproach. 

We believe and take a far different approach, we do not put the cart before the horse.  In fact in reverse!

Our Cart is Cyber Analytic Red Tag

Having decades of experience in physical and cyber security we look at the attack itself.  Knowing what you are being hit with and its magnitude is vital to your defense.

Proactive preparation is the key.  Collecting the streams of requests for information, the access by whom and where it is being sent, internal changes and all in “real time” is proactive and a must!


Telephone: +1 (614) 655.1247

copyright 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"Why-Fry" Your Brand Through Luck Luster or Non-Existent Cyber Security?

"Why-Fry" Your Brand Through 
Luck Luster or Non-Existent Cyber Security?
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

When you do not understand the ramifications of computers, cyber activity and the logic of storing information or how your customers/clients information is accessed, ask!

The world of Cyber is more important to your daily life and you still think it is complicated, when explained by your fellow Chief Technology Officer, Information Director or Head of IT. 

It is not really, but all the facets of the cyber attacks and methods are. 

Knowing who is using your computer servers, who is entering, their location, examining, transferring information, uploading, making changes and who they are sending it to, is vital information that is required in "REAL TIME".  Not twenty-fours later, which is too late!  it does not have to be!

Those who are C-level Executives have responsibility to shareholders, board members, customer/clients and their families and overall the Brand itself.

Understanding the Cyber Side of the Brand is more important than ever!  

The company, when attacked, and you will be, better have in place top level cyber security and an IT Department and management to match.  If not, the Brand is damaged and gone!  In Europe you will fined heavily for the failure!

Instead of Frying the Brand, talk to those that have made it their business to protect:  
  • the knowledge of who or what is attacking your front-end with Malware threats 
  • to the methods of accessing your corporate servers with Device DNA single sign-on
  • military encryption connection and for data in motion with all applications, 
  • working in all Wi-Fi access hot spots securely  

As they say, that is not all, it works on all platforms and devices!  

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is not a security issue any more!

If you are serious about securing your BRAND, shoring up the Cyber Holes and allow us to work with you and your IT team.  Making sure the allocated IT budget can work and not be a fantasy figure that is being broken by cyber attacks on a daily basis.

Make this a joint venture to protect your customers/clients, their information they entrusted to you, the shareholders and importantly the BRAND!

Our Frugal Corporate Innovative Approach is your cyber security success.

Our global approach with our partners, who include CommSmart Global, Infobricks and IBM Softlayer and Tracometry People are second to none.

Just want to talk?  Call me direct and let us see how our global team together can stop this aggravating cyber attacking issues!


Telephone: +1 (614) 655.1247

copyright 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Maybe you have forgotten what a “Penny Farthing” was, it was a strange looking bicycle with the front wheel larger than the other and extremely tall.  It stood out and could be seen above all else.  It is gone and been replaced with what is thought is a far better mode of transportation, the car, which now gets you from A to B on congested roads, frustrating you whilst you make those mobile phones calls explaining why you are running late.

A lot of things have changed, some for the good and others have just not kept pace.  Culturally, sales and marketing has radically changed in our selective process, it has slowed to a speed the tortoise can beat each and every time.  There are those that rush to market and fail to understand their failure because of their single mindedness. Others, which sadly are in the majority that think, if they didn’t think of it first or invent it, it cannot be any good. 

It is a deranged corporate world!

I am not saying it has to be hyper-speed mode, I am saying that the pace of life itself dictates change in analyzing, understanding and meeting the goals regarding what is being directed at us, in a far more reasonable time frame.

The corporate world is entrenched in churning away at such a slow speed! 


Please do not answer, “Because that is the way we do it”!  Decision making with all this information at our fingertips has nearly come to a halt!  Time to procrastinate is gone!  There are others that are beating you to market hands down.  They have embraced the Frugal Corporate Innovation Approach!  It does not have to be their idea, they can partner and succeed in a cost and time effective manner.

What happened to a returned phone call in a respectful time frame?

Stop hiding behind “Voice mail”!

Last evening I received a returned phone from the City of Columbus technology department, three weeks after making the call!  My attitude was pure shock and surprise.  I even had called the Mayor’s office to find out if they knew what communications was.  I feel sorry for the guy who called me, he is on lower rung of the communications totem pole and although I made an appointment, I am cancelling, as the meeting will be a pure waste of time and effort.  Sad for you Columbus!  You just missed out on a project that you should be embracing.

The Chief Technology Officer is too busy playing “I’m the Boss” game and delegating what he thinks is trivial to his minions.  Why?  That is now his status, “I do not have to meet people, I can have others do that and waste other people’s time.” 

Not mine!

On looking back on my technology:
  • Was successful in building and marketing micro-computers in 1976, all software had to be written and created back then, there was none!
  • Innovated the first word processors that worked in English and Arabic on the same keyboard in 1981.
  • Developed and marketed Email and had the first commercially successful methods back in 1982/83.

These innovations were embraced with open arms by people of a different era.

Now, today, not just innovation but trusted means to be communicating and not worrying who hacked who today.  Yes, we have means to protect those that cannot think for themselves.  We have made it simpler to access the Internet, stop the hackers, phishers and man in the middle brutal attackers and allow the IT department to do its job and not be the SWAT team, always fixing hacking issues.

Our solutions work across all platforms and devices, not just selective genres or operating systems.

Yes, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concerns are a thing of the past!  

Today, it is hurry-up and wait!  The wheels have fallen off the sales and marketing cycle.

It seems that Plato knew what he was talking about in ancient Greek times when he stated “Necessity is the mother of invention.”  A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem.  Little did he know it would grind to a screeching halt in the corporate world!

Necessity has never been more relevant than today!

What is it that I am expecting?

It was Lord Nelson that stated “That England Expects Every Man To Do His Duty”.

Let us substitute a few words if we may:

That Every C-Level Executive Is Expected To Do His Duty of Care & Corporate Governance In A Timely Manner For The Betterment/Protection of the Clients/Customers & Shareholders.”

Meaning, use all tools at your disposal and those you must search for to improve the day to day running and protection of your Brand! 

Before you lose it!

Stop using Gatekeepers and People as barricades for Innovation.  Open your mind, ears and eyes and see for yourself what has transpired whilst you play with your Apple watch, iMac and iPhone 6s.  

There is much more to life than an Apple core!

Start working on the security and success of your company.  If you do not think these are serious times for productive action, resign!  Let someone who has the forthrightness to take the reins and lead from the front and not sitting on their rear!


Telephone: +1 (614) 655-1247 (We do answer and return calls!)

Copyright 2015