If The U.S. Military Is Not
Ready for Cyber Warfare,
What About You?
Ready for Cyber Warfare,
What About You?
By Nick Ashton, www.redtagged.us
The Armies
of Kings and Queens, all powerful, commanding and a privilege to join. They are the power source for protection of
our shores, family and the value of a nation.
Not anymore!
The weapons
used included fist and feet, knives, guns, grenades, mines, bombs, missiles,
satellites, sex, MRE’s and importantly military tacticians. The military keep
their abilities close to their chest and you trust them implicitly.
So what the
H E 2 x Hockey Sticks happened?
Quote for
the top military man:
“The U.S.
military is ill-prepared for waging cyber warfare and needs to bolster defenses
against the growing threat of cyber-attacks against both military systems and
private infrastructure, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command told Congress on

Alexander, in prepared
testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, sounded the alarm on the need
for better cyber-attack and defense capabilities. He said the command’s
priorities include setting up a secure “defensible” telecommunications
architecture, training cyber warfare personnel, increasing intelligence data on
global cyber threats, and clarifying lines of authority for conducting cyber-attacks
and defending government and private networks.”
me? The attacks are not coming, they are
here and getting worse, ignored, not reported immediately and swept under the carpet! That is why I cannot understand why they call
it Cyber Command, as they are not in

So who is
A company, who, for the last twenty years has
protected more computer data, both personal and corporate from the new cyber terrorists
who steal the information directly from the files on your Desktop PC/Mac,
Laptop, Tablet and Smart Mobile Phone.
They get so close you can smell their hardware. They do not spill blood, they spill the inner
most secrets of your life, both business and pleasure. Some and most should never see the light of
RED TAGGED END2END ENCRYPTION (E3) Trusted Remedy was created because there was
nothing out there in the computer security world that protected data, was easy
to manage and worked! Hence, the Secure Connection Solution for Data in Motion or In-Transit of
Passwords are useless, so to
speak, on an education campus they get passed around, households all use the
same one and most are so easy and connected to birthdays, anniversaries or so
ridiculous you forget them or keep them on a torn piece of paper in your clutch
or wallet.
It is all
about connections, secure connections without a human element. It is your device, Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop,
Tablet and Smart Mobile Phone, they are your token, it negates the password, so to
It is the ability
to know that your Data in Motion is a mere blip in transference and all is
transparent in it actions. It is not
some elongated action that takes forever or lives on the Internet way after you
are gone.
Trusted Remedy is short lived certificate solution
based on your device’s DNA, sorry to be technical for the first time.
Trusted Remedy turns your device into a token with
no need of a password if you like. Secondly, it is not the server side that
causes the problem, but the Man in the Middle and Phishing attacks.
Only with Trusted Remedy you can use 123456 as a password because without the device, even using the
right log-in and password, the connection is blocked!
Even in a consumer
environment Trusted Remedy will secure your desktop PC/Mac, laptop, tablet, smart
mobile phone to have fully secure transactions with your bank, your website, corporate
data servers, secure your bank card transaction at Target, the gas pump or the
local restaurant, even your Linked In page!
it happens to you, and it will, you will understand the turmoil they will put
you through and will kick yourself that you did not take notice of what you can
do to protect all your information, computer based devices, your business and importantly your clients/customers.
So what
about you? Ready to corporately and personally
understand what has to happen to protect Data in Motion or In-Transit?
we must talk.
This is a commercial solution
that will Shut Both the Front and Back Doors with a secure connection.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (614)
Email: trustedremedy@redtagged.us
Copyright 2015
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