Religious Killings Are Back
On The Streets Of London
On The Streets Of London
The Message Is Clear!
Beware, Raw Terrorism!
By Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group
Search the Internet or have lived the problem, Sectarian Violence and/or
sectarian strife is violence inspired by sectarianism, that is, between different sects of one particular mode of ideology or religion within a nation/community. Religious segregation often plays a role in the sectarian violence.
In London yesterday, blood was purposely spilled.
Through social media and Smartphones, not only captured in its morbid display of hatred, the killer got his 15 minutes of fame which stopped the world, as all watched in horror.
A Lone Wolf obsessed with what we can only assume was Radical Islamic extremism became front and center after the fact.
The unknown lone wolf acted on the anniversary of the Belgian attack and UK law enforcement was prepared as always for something, where, when and how was totally unknown.
Those that believe we should stop a 'lone wolf' do not understand the first thing about radical nutjobs! They are unknown until it happens!
Someone somewhere does know something and will only click one the deed has been carried out. Socially, lone wolfs do leave 'bread crumbs' of information which can only be put together 'after the fact'Dozens of armed police swoop on address in Birmingham ‘where car used in London terror attacks was rented from’ and 'take a number of people into custody'
The car was used yet again to start the terroristic event and no one could have known their day on the iconic Westminister Bridge would have been shattered in such a manner.
This brings a whole new perspective to security in the capitals of the world, not just for public gatherings, but the man in a street situation. Normal everyday activities are now in the cross-hairs.
Is this a now the new attention-getting tactic to be used by terrorists?
No bombs, no detection and no chance for that next event predictability factor.
Through social media and Smartphones, not only captured in its morbid display of hatred, the killer got his 15 minutes of fame which stopped the world, as all watched in horror.
A Lone Wolf obsessed with what we can only assume was Radical Islamic extremism became front and center after the fact.
The unknown lone wolf acted on the anniversary of the Belgian attack and UK law enforcement was prepared as always for something, where, when and how was totally unknown.
Those that believe we should stop a 'lone wolf' do not understand the first thing about radical nutjobs! They are unknown until it happens!

The car was used yet again to start the terroristic event and no one could have known their day on the iconic Westminister Bridge would have been shattered in such a manner.
This brings a whole new perspective to security in the capitals of the world, not just for public gatherings, but the man in a street situation. Normal everyday activities are now in the cross-hairs.
Is this a now the new attention-getting tactic to be used by terrorists?
No bombs, no detection and no chance for that next event predictability factor.
This killer had so called friends, worked somewhere and must have shown some signs in their conversational moments. If you hear any type of threat to anyone or place, please tell the police immediately!
Everyone is a suspect and the need for profiling is demanded more than ever.
Groups will be very concerned that this has put the spotlight on a color of skin, ethnicity etc. A Muslim can be any color and really has no outward sign of his or her religion as any good Catholic or Jew.
Groups will be very concerned that this has put the spotlight on a color of skin, ethnicity etc. A Muslim can be any color and really has no outward sign of his or her religion as any good Catholic or Jew.

So who do we trust?
No one!
This graphic is how the radical Islamic Terrorists spread their words and incite!
The fear of the Lone Wolf or Wolf Pack has returned and did not use technology like a bomb or even a gun. They used the oldest weapon known to man, a knife or cutting instrument. Proving that basic methods are effective in spreading terror. A butcher’s meat cleaver and kitchen knives to inflict death on a single brave man doing his duty for his nation.
Yesterday, terrorism went to yet another level of a Lone Wolf or Wolf Pack attack. It can happen anywhere at any time to members of society.
A police officer was murdered in cold blood at the heart of Great Britain in London.
A police officer was murdered in cold blood at the heart of Great Britain in London.
This morning all Public Safety departments worldwide will be analyzing the situation and the concerning content of this attack and its far-reaching ramifications.
A little background, terrorism on the streets is relatively new in this manner and Muslim terrorism against the West did not only occurred with the New York City attack on the World Trade Center. It goes back much further and deeper.
Since the 16th century, there has been a sectarian conflict of varying intensity between Roman Catholics and Protestants in Ireland. This religious sectarianism is connected to a degree with nationalism. Northern Ireland has seen an inter-communal conflict for more than four centuries and there are records of religious ministers or clerics, the agents for absentee landlords, aspiring politicians, and members of the landed gentry stirring up and capitalizing on sectarian hatred and violence back as far as the late 18th century.
William Edward Hartpole Lecky, an Irish historian, wrote: "If the characteristic mark of a healthy Christianity is to unite its members by a bond of fraternity and love, then there is no country where Christianity has more completely failed than Ireland".
Reactions to sectarian domination and abuse have resulted in accusations of sectarianism being leveled against the minority community. It has been argued, however, that those reactions would be better understood in terms of a struggle against the sectarianism that governs relations between the two communities and which has resulted in the denial of human rights to the minority community.
The period from 1969 to 2002 is known as "The Troubles". Nearly all the people living in Northern Ireland identified themselves as belonging to either the Protestant or the Catholic community. People of no religion and non-Christian faiths are still considered as belonging to one of the two "sects" along with churchgoers. In this context, "Protestants" means essentially descendants of immigrants from Scotland and England settled in Ulster during or soon after the 1690s; also known as "Loyalists" or "Unionist" because they generally support politically the status of Northern Ireland as a part of the United Kingdom. "Catholics" means descendants of the pre-1690 indigenous Irish population; also known as "Nationalist" and "Republicans"; who generally politically favor a united Ireland.
Sectarian violence between the two major sects of Islam, Shia, and Sunni, has occurred in countries like Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Lebanon etc. This violent conflict has roots in the political turmoil arising out of differences over the succession to Muhammad. Abu Bakr, a companion of Muhammad, was nominated by Umar and elected as the first Sunni Rightly Guided Caliph.
However, another group felt that Ali, the cousin, and son-in-law of Muhammad, had been designated by Muhammad and is considered by Shia as the first Imam.
Abu Bakr was followed by Umar as caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, then by Uthman ibn Affan and finally by Ali. Ali's right to rule was challenged by Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan, governor of Syria, who believed that Ali should have acted faster against the murderers of Uthman. The situation deteriorated further when many of those responsible for the death of Uthman rallied behind Ali.
However, later on, both the parties agreed to have someone as a judge between them. This led to the separation of an extremist group known as Kharijites from Ali's army, which pronounced the judgment belonged to God alone. A member of this group later assassinated Ali. At the demise of Muawiyah, he appointed his son Yazid as his successor. The credentials of Yazid were challenged by Ali's son Hussein ibn Ali (and grandson of Muhammad). A battle of Karbala in Iraq led to the martyrdom of Hussein and dozens of others from Ahl al-Bayt (the members of the family of Muhammad).
However, later on, both the parties agreed to have someone as a judge between them. This led to the separation of an extremist group known as Kharijites from Ali's army, which pronounced the judgment belonged to God alone. A member of this group later assassinated Ali. At the demise of Muawiyah, he appointed his son Yazid as his successor. The credentials of Yazid were challenged by Ali's son Hussein ibn Ali (and grandson of Muhammad). A battle of Karbala in Iraq led to the martyrdom of Hussein and dozens of others from Ahl al-Bayt (the members of the family of Muhammad).
This tragic incident created deep fissures in the Muslim society. The conflict that had started at a political plane intervened with the dogma and belief systems. Those who considered Ali to be the true heir to the Caliphate split away from the main corpus of Muslim society and traditions. They developed their distinct sect, known as "Shia" referring to Shian-e-Ali. The majority of Muslims are known as "Sunni" meaning "followers of the Traditions of The Prophet ". They are of the view that the bloody conflict between Ali and Muawiyah was a result of a tragic misunderstanding and regardless of who was wrong, the matter should have been solved peacefully.
Most probably the first real view of the issues and how you must understand the background.