Saturday, May 11, 2013

International Concerns...

Is This What Will Happen To Your Country?

When the shearing sheds are silent and the stock camps fallen quiet
when the gidgee coals no longer glow across the outback night

And the bush is forced to hang a  sign, 'gone broke and won't be back'
and spirits fear to find a way beyond the beaten track

When harvesters stand derelict upon the wind swept plains
nd brave hearts pin their hopes no more on chance of loving rains

When a hundred outback settlements are ghost towns overnight
when we've lost the drive and heart we had to once more see us right

When 'Pioneer' means a stereo and 'Digger' some backhoe
and the 'Outback' is behind the house, there's nowhere else to go

And 'Anzac' is a biscuit brand and probably foreign owned
and education really means brainwashed and neatly cloned

When you have to bake a loaf of bread to make a decent crust
and our heritage once enshrined in gold is crumbling to dust

And old folk pay their camping fees on land for which they fought
and fishing is a great escape; this is until you're caught

When you see our kids with yankee caps and resentment in their eyes
and soaring crime and hopeless hearts are no longer a surprise

When the name of RM Williams is a yuppie clothing  brand
not a product of our heritage that grew off the land

When offering a  hand makes people think you'll  amputate
and two dogs meeting in the street is what you call a 'Mate'

When 'Political Correctness' has replaced all common sense,
when you're forced to see it their way, there's no sitting on the fence

Yes one day you might find yourself an outcast in this land
perhaps your heart will tell you then, I should have made a stand'

Just go and ask the farmers that should remove all doubt
Then join the swelling ranks who say, ' don't sell  Australia out'

 Author  unknown

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Murdering the Messenger...

Those That Kill The Messenger…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

How many critics and soothsayers can there be?  It seems public safety, security, law enforcement and crime fighters worldwide are always under the double microscope, by people who are total cowards.  This people could not say boo to a goose, but can deliver a self-serving message to the media, as long as the red light is on the video camera.

Is the reason why they attack successful people simply that their own inadequacies pain them so much, that they have to be as anti as they can be?  They call black, white and argue so violently they become flustered, with a Nixon sweating top lip and rouge filled cheeks.

Politicians are the worse and the poster child for Messenger Killers!  Just like when the Police Chief is holding a press conference (Presser) and it is fact they are not going to reveal the evidence of
the on-going case.  There is always a group of dumb journalists who keep asking the same question that has already be answered, by stating, “it is an on-going case and I can’t answer that at this time”, or, simply, “I don’t know.”  Is that why they call it a presser?  They are pressing for answers they should know they will never get or did they just walk in off the street and pretend to be a journalist?

On the hill (Washington D.C.) yesterday, politicians where grandstanding over the a key Benghazi whistle-blower, responding to Democratic claims that the prolonged scrutiny over the administration's botched talking points is unwarranted, testified Wednesday that the early mischaracterization of the attack may have actually hurt the FBI's investigation.

"I definitely believe that it negatively affected our ability to get the FBI team quickly to Benghazi," said Greg Hicks, the deputy chief of mission in Libya who became the top U.S. diplomat in the country after Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed. He claimed the Libyan president was angered by the mischaracterization, in turn slowing the U.S. probe.

In murder or abduction cases, yes the police want the help of the public and let them assist, they are the experts, and layout the case in the manner they know will garner assistance.  Media manipulation by law enforcement is necessary as it seems the education level is getting lower and lower and the asking of senseless questions in most cases.

The Tracometry Group of Companies stands by our public servants and are proud to work hand in hand in the fight against crime and supporting the public by increasing their safety.

I ask you to stop and think for a moment if you can tear yourself away from Twitting crap to your so called “followers”, start understanding there are people who know more than you and have great success when they are allowed to do their job.  Stop using your thumbs as your way to change the world, we cannot “thumb” our way out of the problems, mainly by using unsocial media.

The message is loud and clear, think before you attempt to be a so-called expert and really know nothing.  Reason, you know nothing!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Law Enforcement, is this a case of Excited Delirium?

Excited Delirium can be the most expensive
death for a city or municipality.

By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

An in-custody death is always tragic for both the family, officer and department.  They are preventable!

By using a restraint solution ( and a medic using a knock out spray, the subject is rendered harmless for medical reasons, so not to do harm to him or her self.

MJM Restraints created the most universal suspect restraints for vehicles and airlines.

Combative suspect restraint is a very sensitive subject to most law enforcement departments and airlines. 

How do you protect the citizens of your area or passengers on your aircraft and still have if safe for your Officers/ Air Crew/ Passengers and the Suspect, even when a suspect may not be cooperative?

MJM Restraints has over 13 years of actual law enforcement experience and testing put into the design of our Suspect Safety Sling.

Also excellent for securing unruly passengers on an aircraft.

See the videos on
For more information contact our in-house experts

Latest Story for KSL News:

Officer deploys stun gun during arrest; man later dies
By Geoff Liesik
May 6th, 2013 @ 5:28pm

VERNAL — Police are investigating the death of a man who died three days after an officer used a Taser to subdue and arrest him.

On April 30, officers were called to the Sage Motel, 54 W. Main in Vernal, after someone reported that a pickup truck was being burglarized in the parking lot, according to Assistant Vernal Police Chief Keith Campbell.

The officers found Jayson Leon Carmickle in the motel parking lot. A witness identified Carmickle as the person who was breaking into the truck and officers attempted to arrest him, Campbell said.

"Verbal commands were issued to the suspect and he refused to comply," the assistant chief said. "Attempts to physically restrain the suspect resulted in his resisting arrest and in him assaulting officers."

One officer used a Taser to subdue Carmickle, who was arrested and taken to the Uintah County Jail. He continued to be combative, Campbell said, so he was placed in a holding cell.

"Within minutes, it was discovered that Carmickle was unresponsive," Campbell said.

An ambulance was called to the jail, and Carmickle, 28, was taken to Ashley Regional Medical Center. He was later flown by medical helicopter to University Hospital, where he died May 2.

Authorities are awaiting the results of an autopsy to determine the cause of Carmickle's death.

A check of state court records shows Carmickle has prior convictions for assault by a prisoner, propelling a substance or object at a corrections officer, DUI and damaging a jail. His most recent conviction was a March 12 guilty plea in 8th District Court to a misdemeanor theft charge.

Geoff Liesik, Reporter/Eastern Utah Correspondent

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Cuts with an Ax Have No Precision, Just Fallout... - The Solution...

Getting the Home Office/Department of Public Safety
 In Order, When Your Budgets Are Cut 20%
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

With every economic downturn politicians always view to begin with, how they can muddle through, it is in their DNA and goes back generations.  It is later on they admit, their hit and miss belt tightening fails and then they go back to the public with a plea that there are no more notches on the belt to tighten and the coffers are empty.  What that means is simply, the public will pay with increased taxes and less much needed services.  It is the people you voted in that have failed in handling the budget correctly.  What happened to good solid rainy day funding, preparing for adversity and economic preparation?  Not in the vocabulary of a politician, so it seems.  This is just the way the wheels turn in every municipality, USA and every town or city in the rest of the world.

City Hall serves the people, not ignores them and just does it the Sinatra way. 

Accountants or bean counters are not the most popular people in the world as they tell us what is available in reality on a monetary basis and what you must focus on with cost cutting and what can be spent.  Our societies today want it all now and we cry foul when we cannot achieve that selfish goal.

In public safety, budgets can be gone in the flash as events are unplanned and socially you are on call for anything, 24/7/365.  Public Safety Directors have a worse job than a weather forecaster.  The difference is, we see the information on the coming weather patterns because corporations, both private and government, have invested in technology and forward thinking solutions for the sake of the public’s safety.  Is it the best? No!  Have other nations spent more and developed other technologies that are not in use in the USA? Yes they have.  This though in the USA is on the right track and more innovation is on the way.

20% cost cutting in an area of public safety, that never has enough money in the first place, is nonsensical. Criminals have far better weapons, mobile communications and connected intelligence at the higher levels.  Mid-level criminals only think they have and still cost major resources, it is the lower level criminal, which there are many, which have a constant drag on costs, manpower and lacking resources. This the area of expertise that we can make the vital difference.

The financial stability of a nation is predicated on the further stability of the streets.  Budgets have to be realistic and created by those that understand finances and public safety.  Problems in the past have been that the individual that might be elected or placed in a position as head of public safety/law enforcement have not had the financial skills necessary.  We understand that must make changes, slashing budgets by a figure of 20% is as bad as not having financial understanding.  A middle ground must be found.

Public safety and especially law enforcement has to make a radical and forward think change now!  The development of these exciting proven techniques by the Tracometry Group of Companies did not happen overnight and certainly will always be improving as we create new technology and learn each and every day from the streets.  Why?  We listen to the streets and our clients.  It is a mindset that our company does not want the ownership of the criteria and successes, it the overall improvement worldwide for public safety that is the ultimate satisfaction.

We have a worldwide conference table at our fingertips to discuss the necessary changes that are required now.  Money is not flush, so we are cognizant of the abilities and levels to invest with the opportunities to use the limited resources of departments today. 

Private enterprise has invested enormous amounts of capital, expertise, street smarts and developed a successful Tracometry Group of Companies crime fighting circle of fire, powered by BAIR Analytics, covering all eventualities. For municipalities, law enforcement, both international, regional and local to try to develop what has already been achieved is pointless and not cost effective.  Crime cannot be fought with just more IT!  In fact you would end up with thousands of different analytic systems that have no ability to share the information.  This is putting you back to square one.  You only have to look at radio communications systems and how, even today, we lack in cross agency secure communications, which hampers us all, except the criminal of course.

It is not just about what is available today with technology, it is about the experienced officers, mangers and the thought processes that have been entrenched in professional people who really care.  You lose them when you cut budgets with an axe.  In England the same cuts are occurring and more than 2,000 of the most experienced police officers will be made to retire by 2015 as forces across England and Wales try to find 20% budget cuts, a British Labour political party survey has claimed.

You lose them and then have to fill their shoes with younger inexperienced recruits, spending even more money which you do not have on training and not expanding your technology base, which will make a radical change in crime fighting and the solving of crimes.  Is that not what policing is all about?  Stopping crime occurring and solving those that do, efficiently and productively is the basis of professional crime fighting.

So why are Tracometry Group of Companies being touted as the most successful in the realm of crime fighting technology?  Simple, their solutions, approach, staff and full understanding of the situations.  We work in the Real World of getting the job done.  Our customer service is our highest priority and second to none, in any industry in the world.  It is a family that treats all of client’s analysts as they are employees.  Nothing is too much trouble in advising and demonstrating how to achieve a particular analytic goal.  It is our core, it is our life…    
  •  Crime analytics
  •  Tracking Analysis
  •  Calls for Service Data
  • Social Media Tracking in Real Time
  • Next Event Predictability
  • Over 500 agencies use our services + Internationally
  • DoD (Department of Defense) Military Success
  • Street Level Data Input in Real Time Distribution
  • The Pied Piper Community Rejuvenation
  • Recoupeit – reuniting revenues (Municipality Debt Collection)
  • 43 years of proven experience

Electronically we are as close as you want us to be.  Allow us to show you the solutions, via a 30 minute live webinar.  We will introduce the solutions, that are the change, in a cost effective form necessary with the investment perspective and the solution criteria at hand.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Copyright 2013