Friday, June 16, 2017

Stop Standing On The Sidelines!

Stop Standing On The Sidelines!
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Information and connected actions are the keys for all.

Others will provide you with information but you must take the proactive actions to secure yourselves.  

Really, no cares about you as an individual.  It is all about 'ME syndrome'.  Even your hospitals do not have enough facilities in the case of cataphoric disasters, including a Greyhound Bus crash.  Yes, that feeble and that concerning. 

Cities have Limited or NO preparedness plans and are all talk and no actions.

It is now 'a do for yourself world'!  Everything is geared to 'reactionary' solutions.  After the fact in most cases is too late.  Yes, reactionary by a doctor to your injuries or illness is one thing, prevention of terrorists or mentally ill on the streets with possible pending actions is a whole different kettle of fish.

Words, overheard words are vitally important and any statement you hear that seems to be a threat or a concern must be reported to keep us all safe.  Snitching saves lives and protects us all.

Information and data are available by the tonne.  That may be the case, it is what you can do with it.  Information has a 'sell by date' and becomes useless if not acted upon in a timely fashion.

CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner believes in actions, not just talk!  

Our data analytics with law enforcement is the most in-depth and usable at all levels.  Mix billions of public data records with local street information and you have the best opportunity to solve crime and stem issues.

Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and whatever else is being used to anti-socialize our world needs more than a cursory glance.  

Social Media Monitoring is the key to knowing what is going on in our tragic world.

Predictive Analysis is vital when you know how to use and utilize it.  

There lies the key, down to earth coaching and mentoring is our success, as is yours.

Stop dumping data into stagnant data silos and never letting them see the light of day or for your street-level law enforcement officers to know what they are facing each day at each event before they hit the pavement.

Proactive Solutions are here, now and ready to save you time, money, lives and resolve your issues at more than a cost effective level.  

How about less than the price of a cup of coffee a week, per sworn officer? 

Be proactive and communicate with us today.

USA: (330) 366.6860 or (515) 300.6130
Europe: 072 4059420

copyright 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Budget Shortfalls - Why Is Money Left On the Streets Awaiting Collection

Budget Shortfalls
Why Is Money Left On the Streets Awaiting Collection
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Money, 'the root of all evil' has never sounded so close to home.

Our new Iowa governor has now had to face the reality of money shortfalls, failed budgets and paying the bills for all the people she represents in the state of Iowa. 

Governor Kim Reynolds was the #2 in the state as the former Lt. Governor but had no part in passing any budgets or signing the passed legislation, but she is now facing the problems front and center.

Firstly, a budget is nothing more than fantasy land, as they never balance and crystal balls do not work for politicians or fortune tellers at the fair.  

The budget shortfall started earlier in the year as reported by the Des Moines Register:

"A new state fiscal year begins July 1, and the Iowa Legislative Services Agency has warned that state revenues for the past 11 months have fallen about $97 million short of projections. The Republican-led Iowa Legislature has already approved $118 million in budget cuts this year and has withdrawn another $131 million from the state's cash reserves to fill financial gaps."

CommSmart Global Group, a LexisiNexis Risk Solutions Partner met with the Iowa Department of Revenue to discuss the announced shortfall earlier in the year.  Offering a proven solution to locating the missing monies through fraud that we know are literally laying on the streets.  Also showing how this is occurring and more to the point, the ability to stop, detect the culprits and putting into effect a formula to maintain the needed cash flow.

Our conversation is continuing...

Our proven solutions will stem the criminal actions of those scoffing the laws regarding failed taxation payments, identity clocking, non-existent building permits and those totally circumventing paying collected sales taxes.

This is not some wild scheme that may work, it is working and repatriating millions and millions of unpaid monies to states in the USA.  All occurs with a simplistic usage of data and information and our abilities to track, trace and outing the culprits.

The state of Iowa cannot afford not to accept our solution as there is literally no risk as the cost or investment is neigh zero!  Of course, there is a cost, so minuscule it has made other states climb on board to increase their rightful monies that are being lost, unknown and hidden by those that are placing financial pressure on the citizens of the state with shortfalls.

Believe you me, we know what we can do, Ohio was able to collect over $100 million in just one year.

Counties and cities, it works for you too!

Contact us to find out more details:

USA:     (515) 300.6130 or (330) 366.6860
Europe: 072 4059420

Copyright 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Secure With The Circle Of Digital Policing Fire

Circle Of Digital Policing Fire
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

There is a sickening burning smell in the air and yes, the smoke detectors are sounding.  The smell of increased crime by criminals who know they can get away with it and have no respect for society or the law.

As with forest firefighters, we utilize the art of setting fires to stop the growth of an out of control fire by starving it of fuel.  Similarly, this works with criminals and with their crimes.  

It starts with proactive awareness in both the community and police agencies.  That can only happen when Community Policing is ever present and not just a few times a year. Prominently providing current and up-to-date data/information to all, across all agencies with no borders for knowledgeable, usable facts in the palm of their hands.

Placing data in silos is an entire waste of time and when it is accessed by analysts, the resulting statistics are so far out of date, they are useless.  We know how to use it successfully NOW!

Fire and Crime Watch are a Constant!

Two-way information flow must be brought back to the forefront through developed community street programs like the Pied Piper Project which has a two-pronged purpose of awareness of what a community must be involved in and informing the hardened or ‘wannabe’ criminal what he or she will expect when caught. 

The art is prevention by instilling ‘fear’ into being caught in the first place.  Just like we must do with Islamist Terrorists, to break down their ideology and cultural aggressions.

See Something, Say Something is not just about the terror plotters, it is about communities that want Trust, Respect & Pride to resurface, maintaining and improving their societal structure once again.

CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner has decades of street smart experience with a global team that knows the crime factors, society breakdowns and importantly, the dire loss of public safety services.

The ‘Fear Factor’ answers from politicians and management, like ‘we don’t have the money or we have more important things right now’, are lame and pathetic excuses!

To ignore Progressive Proven Digital Policing, believing we will go away, fade into oblivion is senseless, we are going nowhere, whilst all forms of crime grows.  Communities have the right to be restless on the public safety services failing, due to the catastrophe of ‘Political Correctness’ and ‘out of touch’ leadership and politicians.

Reduction of services is costing billions to all. A police agency or department, who has no additional monies due to budget cuts, knows so well what it now takes to patrol the streets, answer calls, solve the crime and always be ready for the unexpected!  The public has expected you to protect and serve and that in itself is a just a glimmering light in the distance!

It used to be great to be a cop, respected by all, smiling faces as you interacted with the public, which you are one of.  Then it all changed!

It is about interaction!  There are police officers who are wondering ‘what the hell did they ever get themselves in the job in the first place for, that has done an 180-degree turn, from being a pleasant shift to an unknown factor of uncertainty.

Some may and do say that we are very direct in our communications, including social media interactions and ‘in your face’ on these failings.  We have every right and someone has to take the ‘the bull by the horns’, pulling back on the out of control reins, making others listen to the increasing crime issues and decreasing budgets, which do not correlate to successful protecting and serving!
There is a far better-proven method which is available, working in over a thousand police agencies with success.

CommSmart Global Group and our Risk Solutions Partner, LexisNexis are standalone in the Art of Data Triangulation:
Our capabilities and delivery are second to none, translation of your data is cost saving factor as we have agreements with the majority of CAD/RMS providers. 

Our analytics, especially predictive, are proven and honed with the Department of Defense in America’s global war zones with reliability.  Now all available for our streets which are progressively worsening.

We ask one simple thing that law enforcement agencies are good at, asking questions, investigating, listening and then when all said and done, an applicable decision can be determined. Until then, the policing and community problems get worse and worse and then, there will be no turning back!

Telephone: USA: (515) 300.6130         Europe: 072 405 9420

copyright 2017