Friday, December 4, 2015

Come On, It Is A Humping Duck!

Come On, It Is A Humping Duck!
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies


SoCal jihadist wife reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS before massacre

San Bernardino shooting: Policeman speaks of carnage at scene - BBC

Investigators probe whether wife radicalized husband before San Bernardino massacre

Having law enforcement doing the background on this heinous crime, it is evident it was terror related.  For Goodness sake Mr. President, it walks and talks like a DUCK!  Radicals are among us and you seem to have a different agenda, WHY?

It is no good telling Pork Pies (lies) regarding this major concern for us all.  It is no good cutting off the head of the snake, we must annihilate this deadly group worldwide.    

It is a Humping Duck!

Corporately and individually you must be aware of those of around you! 

See Something, say Something...

Having been involved in counterterrorism since 1976, especially with terroristic groups worldwide. United Kingdom, Liberia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Iraq and Afghanistan are all physical locations I have worked and been involved first hand.  Which has allowed us to have a street level understanding of the progression of terrorism, both physical and cyber.

Our team is worldwide, in all interconnected fields of both physical and cyber counterterrorism.

There is never the possibility of 100% security.  When a government states "there are no credible threats that they know of", is correct.  It is impossible to know everything, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, that they are using.

I can state we have gone beyond the norm of protection and have the ability to have real time knowledge, which is available and capable to enhance the developing situations we are facing daily.

Today, it is a combination of older solid techniques, mixed with newer and cutting edge proven solutions.  It really comes down to Atmosphericschatter on the street, in the social media world and telephonic and data communications.  

There are not enough people in the world to track known or suspected physical and cyber terrorists.  The U.K. have 1,500 possible terrorist under their watchful eye, the U.S.A, only 48.

Listening, watching and getting into the heads of these people is not like you see in the movies.  The legwork is much deeper and takes much longer and law enforcement cannot work alone.  They need the public's assistance, hence "See Something, Say Something" program.

We are connected with law enforcement and have excellent dialogue with full logical understanding of the daily issues being faced.  

Our Fusion Center based in Europe is a 24/7 operation with the greatest minds and a work ethic, second to none.  We have a presence in the Midwest of America and have boots on the ground with effective communications.

Our expertise in cyber and physical terrorism, viewed from today's perspective, only works when you have a complete understanding of the transformation of communications and information dissemination which continues to revolve. 

The mindset of both forms of terrorism change daily as we live and breath.  The incident in San Bernardino of December 2nd, 2015 is a prime example of events that have, can and will unfold again and again.  America is the center of violent workplace attacks over one per day nationwide.  Is it that the public is blind to the issues and want to keep themselves to themselves?  The NIMBY effect which is so deadly and must change!

It does not matter if it was a domestic or international terrorism act, it happened and people died.  If proven it was a Daesh connected act as a Lone Wolf operation, then we can and will address in the strongest and direct terms.

The Internet has made a radical change to life in more ways than one. Connected is an understatement!  There are no degrees of separation whatsoever and whilst it is allowing for terrorist groups to roam the world, out of control, it will continue, escalate and whilst unchecked and change our lives once more, forever more.

CommSmart Global Group of Companies, which includes Red Tagged, the leading team of understanding and implementing security methods, both physical and cyber is making it known that they collectively are available for consultation with full solutions on all levels of communications and information protection.

Governments must allow private enterprise to work hand in hand with them. Corporations, who are the lifeblood of employment must also protect the third party data they have been entrusted with.  

Cyber crime/terrorism is more devastating globally than the bomb or the bullet.  
Nothing must stand in the way of securing us all.  Do not just be informed       

copyright 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernardino Deadly Attack Sadly is a Training Video for Both Terrorists & Law Enforcement

San Bernardino Deadly Attack Sadly is a 
Training Video for Both Terrorists & Law Enforcement
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Having been involved in counterterrorism since 1976, especially with terroristic groups worldwide. United Kingdom, Liberia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Iraq and Afghanistan are all physical locations I have worked and been involved first hand.  Which has allowed us to have a street level understanding of the progression of terrorism, both physical and cyber.

Our team is worldwide, in all interconnected fields of both physical and cyber counterterrorism.

There is never the possibility of 100% security.  When a government states "there are no credible threats that they know of", is correct.  It is impossible to know everything, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, that they are using.

I can state we have gone beyond the norm of protection and have the ability to have real time knowledge, which is available and capable to enhance the developing situations we are facing daily.

Today, it is a combination of older solid techniques, mixed with newer and cutting edge proven solutions.  It really comes down to Atmospherics, chatter on the street, in the social media world and telephonic and data communications.  

There are not enough people in the world to track known or suspected physical and cyber terrorists.  The U.K. have 1,500 possible terrorist under their watchful eye, the U.S.A, only 48.

Listening, watching and getting into the heads of these people is not like you see in the movies.  The legwork is much deeper and takes much longer and law enforcement cannot work alone.  They need the public's assistance, hence "See Something, Say Something" program.

We are connected with law enforcement and have excellent dialogue with full logical understanding of the daily issues being faced.  

Our Fusion Center based in Europe is a 24/7 operation with the greatest minds and a work ethic, second to none.  We have a presence in the Midwest of America and have boots on the ground with effective communications.

Our expertise in cyber and physical terrorism, viewed from today's perspective, only works when you have a complete understanding of the transformation of communications and information dissemination which continues to revolve. 

The mindset of both forms of terrorism change daily as we live and breath.  The incident in San Bernardino of December 2nd, 2015 is a prime example of events that have, can and will unfold again and again.  America is the center of violent workplace attacks over one per day nationwide.  Is it that the public is blind to the issues and want to keep themselves to themselves?  The NIMBY effect which is so deadly and must change!

It does not matter if it was a domestic or international terrorism act, it happened and people died.  If proven it was a Daesh connected act as a Lone Wolf operation, then we can and will address in the strongest and direct terms.

The Internet has made a radical change to life in more ways than one. Connected is an understatement!  There are no degrees of separation whatsoever and whilst it is allowing for terrorist groups to roam the world, out of control, it will continue, escalate and whilst unchecked and change our lives once more, forever more.

CommSmart Global Group of Companies, which includes Red Tagged, the leading team of understanding and implementing security methods, both physical and cyber is making it known that they collectively are available for consultation with full solutions on all levels of communications and information protection.

Governments must allow private enterprise to work hand in hand with them. Corporations, who are the lifeblood of employment must also protect the third party data they have been entrusted with.  

Cyber crime/terrorism is more devastating globally than the bomb or the bullet.  
Nothing must stand in the way of securing us all.  Do not just be informed       

copyright 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Once More Unto the Cyber Breach Dear Friends, Once More...

Once More Unto the Cyber Breach Dear Friends, Once More...

By Nick Ashton and Will S.,

Once more unto the Cyber Breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the firewall up with our Hacked & Phished dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness, humility
of personal information when safe and private:
But when the blast of Cyber war blows in our ears, eyes and wallets,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect of Financial and Brand ruination;
Let pry through the portage of the Hacker’s head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded Cyber stolen base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful actions of his mind and fingers.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every true trusted Cyber spirit
To its full height. On, on, you noblest Internet People.
Whose blood is fet from fathers of Cyber war-proof!
Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call'd fathers (corporations) did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to war. Proactive Cyber Security is for now
And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made by those you trusted and respected, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear, WTF…
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble security lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this Cyber security charge
Cry 'God for Sanity, Worldwide Web, and Information Security!'

Let your keyboards roar take charge of your Privacy…