Thursday, February 27, 2014

If You Don’t Protect the Corporate Board, Your Shareholders And Clients/Customers… You Become A Target!

If You Don’t Protect the Corporate Board, Your Shareholders And Clients/Customers…
You Become A target!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

When they chose the name Target for their stores it was a great idea, what do you think now?  They are the target in so many ways and from reports, their profits plummeted in the 4th quarter 2013 due to the hacking incident.  Which by the way did not have to happen! 

If the CEO, CFO or Trust & Security Director would return our calls we leave with the Gatekeepers, we want to resolve the issues and bring back the Trust to Target for their Shoppers and their Profit margins!. 

Seriously, Key Talk is the answer.

If they were using Key Talk for their Data in Motion, would have never occurred.  Their Vendor’s password, which was hacked and stolen, would have never happened the way it did.  Theft from a refrigeration company, they got hacked and their Target Vendor password was stolen and then used to place malicious software in their main data servers.  A cold thought, so to speak.  I called them, but Joe has never returned my call, I am still waiting to assist them.

I believe the following words and video helps in understanding our philosophy:

The Keeper of Data and Other People's Personal Information, Has Solid Obligations To Protect At All Costs!  That is YOU, not just the IT Department!

It Is Data on the Move Or In-Transit That Is At Its Most Vulnerable.  The swiping of a bank card initiates a data flow there and back and it must be protected.

Look, Passwords Are Human Keys and It Is the Importance of Securing the Log-in Without Human Intervention That Key Talk Developed and Uses Successfully for our clients. 

Humans Make Errors, This Is the Reason Data Doors Are Left Open For Hackers, Phishers and Man In The Middle Brutal Attacks!

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Is Not Only Possible With KeyTalk, It Is Welcomed With Open Secured Arms.  That means using your devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones securely.

We Shut The Front Door and the Back Door!  Stopping the human error factor for Data in Motion.

It is simple, secure and common sense, is it not?

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Law Enforcement Vehicle Laptop, Tablet & Smartphone Secure Wireless Access to Police Web-Portals For The Data In Motion Environment

Law Enforcement VEHICLE Laptop, Tablet & Smartphone SECURE WIRELESS ACCESS TO POLICE WEB-PORTALS For The Data In Motion Environment
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

It is a PROACTIVE approach that wins all the time...
The Five P Principle - Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance! 

Being REACTIVE is a Deception, Distraction and a Delusion as You, are Always One Step Behind in Your Actions…

Wasting Time, Money and Re$ource$ You Can Ill Afford!

Hacking, Phishing and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers could care less who or what you, they just want your data and information, which is either used specifically by them or sold to the highest bidder.

Public Safety Departments worldwide are susceptible to computer attacks and the theft of vital and private information as anyone else or in fact, even more so!

With the reduction budgets, especially for law enforcement, which on average is 20% per department, holes, gaping holes within administration are being left wide open.  In the IT Department this is a totally unacceptable as it costs even more when you are dealing from a REACTIVE standpoint.

Protection of Data on the Move or in Motion is a Priority!

This video will explain more, both logically and technically.

Most wireless communication solutions are by nature, unsecure, not even to discuss the ever increasing data in motion threats when exchanging highly classified and private information.

In addition network coverage in some areas the operations take place, is not always available. As a result vital systems will be unable to work properly and become unresponsive due to absence of a network signal.

When the network signal is available again, traditional police systems need to be logged in again to get access, resulting in a daily loss of 8% of effective patrolling hours per police officer.

With KeyTalk short lived certificates the officers stay logged in for the duration of the certificate and when in reach, of a network connection, on-line data will be available automatically, saving time and frustration.

Due to KeyTalk’s certificate technology the car, laptop, tablet and or smartphone is identified and becomes trusted to connect to the web-portal positively, excluding Man in the Middle attacks.

Even using the right log in credentials no access is granted if the car, laptop, tablet and or smartphone is not known and therefore not trusted.

Secure your Data Streams with KeyTalk and effectively increase your budgets aptitude.   After all, why make more work and expense when PROACTIVELY, you will be ahead of the game!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Naivety, False Trust and Peer Pressure Within the Enclaves of Our Education Centers Is Fueling Criminal Acts

Naivety, False trust and peer pressure Within the Enclaves 
of Our Education Centers Is Fueling Criminal Acts
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

The hubs of learning are teaching more than the three R’s, it is the three D’s 
  • Drug use, manufacturing and selling
  • Data Extraction (Hacking, Phishing & Man In The Middle Brutal Attacks) and Identity Theft,
  • Dumbing Down of Intelligent Potential

Two are criminal acts, the last one should be!

Peer Pressure is more prevalent today, than ever before.  Those that are wanting to learn are having their will to be educated diminished by the unsocial actions of others.  Many falter under the misnomer to go along with the behavior, just to fit in.

Schools, colleges and universities are havens of information to be taken from unsuspecting individuals.  Phishing and Man in the Middle attacks are happening in all of these establishments as we speak. 

It is the Duty of Care of the administration to protect the unwitting from these known issues.  Ignoring or watering down the possibilities of data theft, which leads to personal information, such as Social Security Numbers, Bank card numbers and passwords and even more personal data of the individual’s family and background being criminal used, is a failure that is occurring worldwide.  

It must stop!

Is it possible to protect all from these digital miscreants? 


It is not just up to the faculty to provide Trust and Security of Information, each individual has to participate and there will be rule changes. 

We are surrounded by computers which are input and output devices that includes your Smartphone, Tablet and Laptops.  It would be nice if all devices could be trusted to transmit and receive on all data networks. 

They can! 

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is part of the Key Talk Solution of Protecting Data in Motion.

So why are we not talking?

It is SERIOUS matter and getting worse day by day. 

It is not IF it is going to happen to you, it is WHEN!  Then it is too late…

Believe it or not, there are companies who have developed the solution for these issues.  Key Talk is more than one step ahead of the situation and there to assist with virtually zero managerial impact on the day to day running of your IT requirements. Not a new company, they have been protecting Europe for over twenty years.

Although some schools, colleges and universities will have expensive security in place, that sadly is not doing the job that is demanded today, KEYTALK overlays the existing system without having to replace or make radical changes. 

In our case it is Plug and Secure!

Just ask the IT/Trust and Security Director at the University of Maryland how they are feeling regarding the outright criminal act of stealing 300,000 Social Security Numbers and the need now to spending monies on credit protection for those people for at least the next year.  This is a reactive move, which should not be needed if you are PROACTIVE!

Universities have long been a favorite target for hackers bent on pilfering private data for identity theft and exploitation.

Since 2005, when breaches at universities began being recorded, an average of 1,268,394 records have been exposed in the US per year.

Numbers have been declining, however. In 2011, a reported 478,490 records were breached. 2013 it has built yet again and 2014 is not off to a good start!
To complicate matters, higher education has a reputation for employing looser data security protocols in general, making those susceptible to accidental data loss and exposure.

The breadth and volume of personal data collected by universities, coupled with high turnover and a generally technically un-savvy population, makes the problem of data loss at institutions nearly epidemic in nature.

A prominent educational group suffered damages from highly skilled students hacking their network, allowing them to change student grades and accessing upcoming tests and exams.

Investigating the source of the hacks revealed that students hacked the login web-portal installing Trojans on teacher/professor computers to obtain their usernames/passwords.

During an initial pilot program of 30.000 teachers and professors, KeyTalk’ s solutions provided all known and identified laptops, tablets and smartphones with short lived certificates to secure data in motion.

As a result, students who still manage to obtain the teacher/professor’s authentication credentials through Malware or Phishing, are unable to use them, since KeyTalk authenticates the laptop, Tablet or Smartphone instead of the user.

With the KeyTalk solution being software based, cost could be significantly reduced when comparing to traditional physical security tokens.

Maintenance wise the solution required around 0.1 FTE to manage once up and running and could also be offered as a managed service by the providing partner.

Since the KeyTalk solution makes use of standards, existing school and university network infrastructure could be re-used, requiring no additional investments.

Additionally the KeyTalk solution scaled sufficiently to allow the 300,000 students in the pilot group to also make use of the solution, allowing for secure read access to their privacy sensitive school files.

KEYTALK Education Solution Overview:

KEYTALK Overview:

KEYTALK Technical Overview:

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

USA Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking, Key Talking… KEYTALK!

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014