Saturday, January 12, 2013

This is a Call To Action...

This is A Call For To Action...
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry

With the reduction in the finances available to municipalities, cities, states and federal law enforcement agencies, we must look to our next assets, the public. 

In the original formation of a police force, Sir Robert Peel, (1829), took members of the public and brought them inside his vision of a uniformed police force to keep the peace.  The means of communication was a simple whistle, the only protection they carried was a stick or truncheon and their visual identification was the uniform and the top hat.

What is left of our society in 2013 needs assistance to maintain law and order under a different model.  Police officers are fully trained to keep the peace, investigate and resolve crimes and infractions and then be adjudicated by a court.  The old days of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, we flooded the streets with officers who walked their beat.  They knew everyone, from the kids in the alley, to boys in the big house.  When an incident went down, they knew which door to go knock on and resolve the issue.  Our courts and prisons had a smaller flow of visitors as it was taken care of, on the streets, in a very down to earth legal manner.  Yes, a clip around the ear, or your father taking a belt to your backside, to resolve the issue.  I know I was one of those kids!

When you have fights at school bus stops by parents, open drug dealing like a corner supermarket, domestic violence on every block or more, intimidation and downright bullying in the schools and that is just the tip of the iceberg, where will it end?

Professional officers and management require assistance and we can revive a solution first used by the British Police forces, special constables.  These are sworn officers with limited but powerful abilities to complete some of the mundane duties, where a professional officer’s time is wasted and can be better utilized.  I am not trying to minimize the capabilities of the special officers; it is just not cost effective to have professionals tied down with duties that can be completed by others.  These folks are not rent a cops; they will be retired police officers/detectives or trained VETS.  The common denominator is training, respect and trust.

The Pied Piper Project (P3) © is a community based revitalization program.  Changing the social vista, using existing codes and laws, that clean up and clean out the neighborhood and communities in an expedited manner.  Policing, this includes animal control, housing (code enforcement), tenant/landlord ethic codes, gang and drug enforcement and community policing.  A proven solution that works in short periods and is then maintained. It makes folks sing to your respectful tune.

Pied Piper 3 Officer (P3O), a fully trained officer at a lower cost, individuals who know the old ways with a twist, simple street smarts.  When it is a paperwork crime, from car break-in, simple burglary or what is deemed a low-level expectancy apprehension incident, these officers can complete, using new digital technology, which collects all the data and it is then processed through criminal analytics.

This solution can also secure our schools.  We overlay today’s technology on the expertise of experienced individuals and create a level of understanding that has worked through the decades.  Now, we have the communications capabilities, analytics and next event predictability within, for use, today.

Social event centers, malls, conference centers, stadiums and concert halls are major gathering points and need increased eyes and ears and the Pied Piper 3 Officer (P3O)©,  is trained and available for this type of work also.

Our street level technology even goes as far to revitalize the old Neighborhood Watch, renamed, redesigned and reinvigorated.  Cop wannabes are not welcome! The day of the Neighborhood Block Captain is gone and replaced with socially acceptable visionaries.  Yes, leaders, who have the respect of their neighbors, the responsibility of understanding and importantly, the resolve to enact the needs of a radically, socially changed 2013 and beyond.

It is the overall ability to manage our society cost effectively and importantly, socially.  It is the training, criminal analytics, tracking, call for service, next event predictability and methods to gather this information at street level.  This includes digital input and communications, which are more than economically effective and affordable.  In fact, communication of information is directed to our analytic data repository via any mobile phone, which is securely linked through the Pied Piper Project (P3).  It is beyond proof of concept and this technology has been in use since the late 1990’s and is being updated all the time.  Innovation is part of Tracometry’s daily life and as the creator of this social change, has been able to develop and implement this solution and have the understanding of all concerned.

This is a Call to Action! 

copyright 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why Do We Outright Challenge Each Other?

Why Do We Outright Challenge Each Other?
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry

There are so many great and excellent ideas created every second.  Why is it, it has to be ours, our idea before we really examine the other folks ideas?  Is it that we think, no one else can have a great concept, solution or innovation that works and is a success?

Acceptance of others is part of culture, sadly culture is dying on the vine and attitudes have done that 180 degree change in the wrong direction.  Look at the youth of today, worldwide they are so different, many, in the worse possible ways.

Responsibility is an important keystone to leading a positive life.  Many today cannot spell responsibility, let alone understand the ramifications of not being responsible to all others in our lives.

Trust, use to be a day to day occurrence, in most cases, it is nonexistent in most people's lives.  This is not just in our daily family lives, our communities as well, it is in the workplace too. 

How cohesive is your business?  Are there daily battles which involve personality issues?  Have we changed culturally and our levels of understanding been thrown out with the bath water?

Issues with individuals are apparent in both our families, communities and workplace and they must be addressed before they develop into a major crisis.  Violence, drug use/selling, bullying/intimidation, domestic violence, tenant/landlord issues are not confined to one place, it is all over and spills into all social environments on a daily basis.  It can be and must be stopped!

Responsibility and Trust can be reintroduced into our communities and be successful.  It is the positive vision and willingness to participate that will move us off this downward spiral. 

Remember when someone stated, "It is the Economy Stupid".  It is!  Revial of people, communities and commerce is vital and more important than ever to bring back what the people deserve.

There are more responsible and trustworthy people in the world than you might think.  Do not get it wrong, no one is perfect in any way, shape or form.  As we have all grown older, understanding our failings rises to the top and just like fine wine, aging improves it all.  Only though, if you understand life and what it takes to move forward with the fortitude of a good grounding within your own life.

From a business and social perspective, changes, ideas and successful aptitudes has already assisted many and Tracometry has a lot to offer.

Talk to us regrading our services and solutions, we do not bite!

Whether it is a municipality or a business that has monies owed and need that collected professionally, our nationwide collection company recoupeit, reuniting revenues, can assist.  After all, cities have to pay their bills to keep infrastructures in place and satisfy the residents.  Commerce can also benefit from our services.

Communities can change too!  Our Pied Piper Project (P3), will change your communities and bring back responsibility, trust and improve the economic state of the area.

Law enforcement will change their success rate and be even more cost effective with Tracometry's BAIR Analytics, crime analytics, call for service, tracking and next event predictability services, we are your "back office" and supply your citizens the data of crimes via the Internet, 24/7.  Whilst law enforcement has all the tools at their fingertips to solve the crimes and continuing the safety of all.


Pied Piper Project (P3)

Tracometry's BAIR Analytics

copyright 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Revolt, Rollover or Resolve?

Revolt, Rollover or Resolve?
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry

The animosity toward government and society has never been so contemptuous. Whenever you wish to increase taxes, take away services or rights, you have a fight on your hands.  As you are seeing and hearing on a daily basis on the Internet, television news, newspapers and talk radio, people are angry, upset and downright "not going to take it any more".

What has happened to Respect, Trust and Truthfulness?  Did this whole planet take a turn for the worse?  Look around, see the blight of nations, cities and your neighborhoods. This is your community that you live in and stop turning a blind eye on the delusional visage of today's messy social environment. 

They are telling us statistically, murders have dropped dramatically, but overall criminal acts are up.  As crime analysis, we know this first hand.  That means more people are affected by criminals and are suffering in most cases the financial consequences, which they can ill afford.

How do we make change without enacting more laws on the books?

It is the action of putting Respect and Trust into the neighborhoods, allowing people to value what they have and respect each other in the communities where they reside, socialize and rear their families.

This awareness of increasing the value of the locale is then reflected on the businesses in the area.  Importantly, the chance for employment in the revitalization of the community.  Placing money back into an economic depressed neighborhood and bringing them back to where they deserve to be.

Tracometry© as group, have the answers, even how to collect the money off the streets, rightfully owed to municipalities, to pay for the improvements.

The Pied Piper Project is the proven answer!  

Take a look:

Street Level Digital Input Solutions
Full Criminal/civil Analytics, Tracking, Call for service, Next Event Predictability, intelligent social survival initiatives

Telephone: +1 (317) 426.0110


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Identify & Clarify

Street Level Digital Input Solutions
Full Criminal/civil Analytics, Tracking, Call for service, Next Event Predictability, intelligent social survival initiatives

Telephone: +1 (317) 426.0110

In Case of Emergency, Identify & Clarify…

We have been indoctrinated in the art of questioning and searching for information and answers in all that we do.  The Internet search engines allow us to have instantaneous information, that must still be verified are all at our fingertips to make sane or profitable decisions.  The last couple of generations have this aptitude for more information and it is in their DNA.

The concerns of all today are what happens in a tragic event, school attack, workplace violence or at any social gathering experience.  These violent events will continue no matter what the Left or Right want regarding gun; magazine or backgrounds, whether they are changed or stay the same.  It is the ability to proactively know the victims and their medical needs concerning their injuries.  Today, so many people are on differing medications and have allergic reactions to many of the simple remedies used in a triage situation. 

This of course includes traffic accidents or other situations where the injured are either incapacitated to the point of not being able to communicate.
Knowledge is not only power, it is a time and lifesaver when it is readily available.

Tracometry© and its innovation management are always searching out solutions that tie in to information and its dissemination in a timely fashion.  This is what we do with RAIDS online,  BAIR Analytics© solution, collecting street level information via digital input and processing with algorithms and human pattern modules, to precisely predict the trends and next events.

Indentifying individuals and their medical concerns and whom they are, is vital and can only be accomplished by an “on-person” identification process. 

Biometrics is always on professional responder’s minds, but not every department has these expense devices for finger printing or eye scans yet, but they are coming.  Tracometry has the answers for now and the future with our secure PosiQR© I.D. and NFC Solutions, which is scanned by any mobile smart phone with Internet capability, the medical history information is retrieved in seconds.  Our Penamatics© digital pen and paper solution works in a similar way and can be used in many other medical applications and solutions.

Capturing the information from individuals is as easy as someone subscribing as an individual, family, school district, corporation, hospital, even the military.  The information is securely available through the database and encrypted.

This brings ease for all families and employers to know if there is anything untoward occurred in an emergency.  The solution informs the EMT’s of your medical concerns and allergies and even which hospital to transport you to.  Indentifying individuals and medical concerns in real time is a necessity in today’s information age. 

This is a full database of enrolled schoolchildren, family members, workforce and a hospital can use this as a “Loyalty Program”.  Imagine that you can offer your loyal patients a service of all their records securely available, anytime, anywhere in a medical emergency worldwide and even transported to the hospital of choice.

It is about Indentify and Clarify, which in turn saves lives…

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Copyright 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Reuniting Revenues
Municipalities & Commerce

Telephone: +1 317-426.0110

The Power of “Real” Collections

Federal, Municipalities, States and All Businesses, Large or Small have uncollected revenue, through fines, code violations, court imposed civil fines, unpaid invoices and legal ordered payments or law suit awards and have never collected. 

Ø  You issued the parking/code violations, won monetary rewards in court cases and completed work, demanded, invoiced, and never collected?

Ø  recoupeit will, you will see the power of change from our proven professional approach

Ø  Less is more. Less complaints, Less fraud, Less headaches

Ø  recoupeit is committed to undertaking on the core problems inherent across the USA for collections

Ø  Collecting the owed cash left in the hallways and streets of America

Ø  recoupeit Our management team has decades of success on previous uncollected owed monies in Europe and Internationally

Ø  Digital Street Smart Input, Crime/Civil Analytics, Tracking, Next Event Predictability and Collections Trusted Proven Technology

Time to recoupeit Reuniting Revenues   

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...

See Our Videos Overviews

Time to recoupeit Reuniting Revenues
Call Derek, Nick or Shawn to start your success with recoupeit