by Nicholas Ashton. CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group
Silence has never ever been just good news, no matter what of part of life you exist in.
It can be knowing something and saying nothing because you do not want to get involved. Maybe, it is a wise move, so you think, as you don't want your bosses to know your real opinion.
A 'Fear Factor' on your behalf as a human, wanting to keep your job. Brushing it under the carpet or turning your back might be a decision that you felt right at the time, but as the situation evolves, you know you should have spoken up and out.
From the title of this article you might think I am directing this at police officers and management, if you think that and the cap fits, wear it!
Blues are a fantastic form of music and also a feeling of remorse, sadness, and a sick feeling. When you choose to ignore and turn your back on something you should speak out about, think of not just your consequences, but those it affects directly and are around you.
There a myriad of possibilities and scenarios of success and failure, the latter is not acceptable.
You are a member of a community and through the employment, you have the charge to protect and serve. Just because you wear a uniform and badge does not make you superhuman with extra powers to weld among your neighbors. You as much a community member as the scoffers of the law. The difference is simple, you are paid to uphold the laws and not be a judge or jury in your actions.
You are a member of a community and through the employment, you have the charge to protect and serve. Just because you wear a uniform and badge does not make you superhuman with extra powers to weld among your neighbors. You as much a community member as the scoffers of the law. The difference is simple, you are paid to uphold the laws and not be a judge or jury in your actions.
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