Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ban Perpetual Beta Phenomenon!

Proactive Actions
Policing the Past: Protecting the Future
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

Proactive Policing has got to be removed from Perpetual Beta Phenomenon. 

We do not any more new ideas to be tried this week!  The art of control, policing, is alive and well and been doing great for centuries.  It is the ability to take what has been successful in the past and easily overlay proven technology to actively understand your concerns and then eliminate them.

I was reading somewhere that things had been vastly different back in the day or had they?

England’s tithing system begun in 648 A.D.  This system included groups of village men (usually 10) responding to the commission of a criminal offense.  The group was summoned from the course of their daily routine by a “hue and cry” that beckoned a response to pursue the offender. Upon capturing the criminal, he was turned over to an authority and the group disbanded, returning to individual duties.  Sounds kind of sane to me, if you want to be reactionary.

Fast-forward to today, 1365 years later and observe patrolling in action. They randomly move throughout a subjectively drawn geographic beat conducting independent police and non-police actions.  The patterns they travel or the areas selectively chosen for conducting these random acts of policing don’t really matter.  That is until the high-band radio cries out an offense in progress, and the non-cohesive actions of a clustering of officers’ turns into a coordinated mass response.

Singular in mission and motion, these officers unite for pursuing the so called offender.  Once he or she is apprehended, the suspect is delivered to the local authority and the unit disbands back again into their non-choreographed areas of responsibility.  We even still use the horse, domesticated dog, and chase on foot during these actions while remaining close to the historical roots of our enforcement service delivery methods.  Although I’m sure even the village idiot would appreciate today’s police fleet advancements, whether it’s the act of deploying ultrasonic sound to disorient an offender, or throwing a rock from the village cliff, the philosophy of reactive police response remains unchanged from all those years ago.

Is this using our resources or inventory in the right manner?


The policing evolution has been slow to come, but it is coming, I know so, as we are at the forefront. Citizens, elected officials, and progressive law enforcement commanders are demanding efficiency and effectiveness from agencies serving as peace keepers and social service providers.  As a profession, policing assumes responsibility for measuring levels of crime and perceived effectiveness in combating that crime.  This is a dangerous combination, and is similar to asking the fox to keep a count of the chickens.  Feathers are strewn everywhere and those floating feathers never seem to hit the ground in real time, finding their way into our mouths, sticking and make us panic in the removal process.

Let us put the brakes on all these meetings and more bloody meetings and show you the answer.  I know bold that we are and rightfully on-track, successful and down-to-earth in our methodology.  I ask you to listen.

The Tracometry Group of Companies Circle of Fire is all encompassing, from the digital collection of street level data through the crime analytics, tracking, Calls for Service data, and importantly, Next Event Predictability, the Pied Piper Project – rejuvenation and restoration of Trust, Respect and Pride in communities and recoupeitreuniting revenues to municipalities and cities from the already agreed court imposed and ordinance fines.

We bring a full overview of the Tracometry analytics at the heart of our services powered by our strategic partner, BAIR Analytics.

Firstly, on a more technical note, we couple unique analytical methodologies and techniques with analyst-supporting software applications to identify patterns and predict serial events. This capability has been developed to aid analysts in better assessing the “when” and “where” of events through sophisticated software applications of predominately off-the-shelf technologies and analytical techniques that have been melded together in a unique way.

It is considered the best of its kind in the market place today with respect to predictive analytics for fighting domestic crime with similar performance for the DoD and the Intelligence Community at both the tactical and strategic levels.
In its first trial within the DoD Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat organization (JIEDDO), it has proven very successful countering terrorist intent on ‘blowing up’ U.S. tactical vehicles, undisputedly saving hundreds of U.S. lives on the battle field. With minimal modification and marginal costs BAIR Analytic’s capabilities can be adapted to other counter-terrorist and counter-threat programs within DoD (Service Branches, Combatant Commands, Provost Marshall), DHS (Federal Protective Service, I&A, Cyber Security, Secret Service) the Intelligence community (DNI, DIA, CIA, NSA, NGA, NRO, AFISRA, ONI, MCIA, NCTC) and the Department of State (Bureau of Counter-Terrorism, Bureau of Diplomatic Security).
Tracometry’s Tools, powered by BAIR Analytics and Methodologies Embraced by the Department of Defense
These tools and methodologies are currently being used by the JIEDDO as a unique counter­terrorism and counter-threat capability that has directly contributed to saving lives of our nation’s warfighters. This is being accomplished through BAIR’s groundbreaking behavioral pattern analysis and predictive analytics, greatly enhancing the capabilities needed to accomplish JIEDDO’s mission to assist in anticipating, searching, locating and removing or neutralizing IEDs from the battlefield and attacking the enemy networks which employ IEDs.
Predictions of behavior, space and time made by analysts using BAIR tools and methodologies are relevant to operational warfighters - not only to Route Clearance Teams clearing roadways, but also to intelligence sections with the primary mission of attacking the enemy network. At JIEDDO, predicting future events allows for preventing, deterring, disrupting, or displacing nefarious activity, thus enabling our warfighters to “get left of boom” to protect lives and accomplish the mission.
In addition to the analytical work being done at JIEDDO, our software applications and training have been implemented at regional offices of the U.S. Army’s Provost Marshall to confront burgeoning crime trends and patterns on military posts. The application of these tools has led officers to the exact time and place the bad guy hit next.”
Asked in a meeting the other day, if the DoD was using us with specific designed software, we had and do answer this way, due to security restrictions of information, the answers simple, it was for our street level ability that we were chosen.  Our everyday abilities for all, which of course includes every crime analytic department worldwide.  We give the same capabilities to all to catch the bad guys in the most cost effective, time saving resource utilization.
Tool-Enhanced Analytical Capabilities with Tracometry Analytics, powered by BAIR Analytics provides the development of dynamic and complex analytical solutions to critical and hazardous problem sets through the utilization of advanced Tactical, Strategic and Operational analyses.
Our analysts, supplemented by a robust suite of proprietary software tools, are able to identify patterns of illegal and nefarious activities allowing for the prediction of the next event. The software applications are used to enhance the analyst’s capabilities by uniquely combining tools and analytical techniques not found in other software applications:
·        dSpace – used to spatially predict next events
·        Next-Event Time Series – used to temporally predict next events
·        TeXtraction – Used to perform text analytics to find entities, relationships and events within text-based data
·        Concepts & KWIC Expressions – Used to mine data for key terms, individuals, actions or attributes
·        Temporal Topology – used to visualize relationships between days and times of events
·        Choropleth Calendar – used to visualize relationships between days and months of events
·        Anniversary Watch – used to measure the relationship between events and key historically important dates, seasons or previous events
·        T-Coordinate – used to measure the duration of events in a series
·        Calendar Topology - used to visualize the volume of events over long periods of time
Color Cueing – used to visualize values or densities in a dataset or map
Blink – used to determine the connectivity, relevance, structure and crucial linkages between key nodes in a social or organizational network of individuals or entities
3D Hotspots - used to calculate and visualize concentrations of activity geospatially
Prediction Zones – used to forecast concentrations and migrations of future threat activity geospatially
Trend Hunter – used to automatically identify new events in existing patterns
This unique combination of tools allows the trained analyst to ingest large volumes of structured and unstructured data to quickly identify and analyze events resulting in accurate and precise next event predictions. 
Time is of the essence and when a potential client ask of his analysts, if they could do with the present in-house system, what Tracometry does, they paused, and answered yes, but, what Tracometry does in seconds and minutes, would take us half a day!
This is just a mere sample of what we are doing today.  It allows you to use your restricted resources in ways you never imagined.
Instead of using man power, overtime you can ill afford in following a suspect, using our predictive analysis, we pinpoint the day, location and possible time of the suspects’ next actions.  Allowing normal work to continue and not wasting resources, yes, bankable resources for that rainy day.
So stop the Perpetual Beta Phenomenon and start using proven, state of the art technology today!
Book a demonstration through one of our personal webinars to see how cost effective crime fighting really is.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW… 

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cost Effective Resources

Crime Fighting Core Values 
By Nick Ashton, Founder/CEO 
Tracometry Group of Companies 

No matter where we look, the word budgets and attempting to maintain core values seems to pop off the page.

When it comes to policing our civilization, maintaining law, order,

investigations and court time, we have failed from the original reasons that Sir Robert Peel invented policing back in 1829. Back then it was visibility of the officers, wearing a tall hat and the sounds of the police whistle that stated that crime fighters where on the streets. Pro-active reasoning!

Warnings from high-ranking police officers that budget cuts are causing deep unrest, not with the criminals who benefit from the cuts, it is the front line police officers themselves and must be taken seriously. Demoralizing police, is leading to a loss of confidence from the community and a rise in crimes.

Comments from Public Safety Directors should not be ignored by the Government or police hierarchy. The same warnings went unheeded in the late 1990s with disastrous consequences and we see the results today of those moves.
"At a time when budgets and non-sworn support staff are being cut again and again, we would be very foolish to ignore the warnings now being given by senior police who have seen the long-term consequences of such cuts before.

In the late 1990s, senior police officers warned that budget cuts meant

resources were stretched too thin.

Gangs, drugs, child abuse and other areas of 'business-as-usual' policing were being neglected while police bosses focused resources on delivering so called paper results in the areas the Government demanded.

Those officers saw their warnings unheeded and many left with the same sense of frustration shown in street level policing comments of today.

The changing face of policing needs to be positive.

If the gate is undone, the field is empty and the sheep have gone, you then spend resources on searching for the known lost sheep. That is expensive failed reactionary policing.

Positive policing is pro-active, good sturdy fencing, a secure gate and locking system that stops them from escaping or being stolen. Even more hi-tech, are sensors, cameras and a reporting system.

Like all households, public safety and police are keeping a close eye on spending in difficult financial times, and are attempting in working smarter and better to produce citizen demanded results. The problem is the information they are working off, is old data and not current.

These public warnings are just the tip of the iceberg, echoing concerns being expressed privately by many senior officers.

The police hierarchy will always be tempted to dismiss such warnings as baseless, and those who make them, as out of touch with what they feel is modern policing.

And while the statistics keep running their way, the Government and public may find it easy to be foolishly reassured.

However, experience shows that we ignore such warnings at our peril.
Recognizing that there is a far better logical method of pro-active policing is the first step.

Now that you have done so, let us explain why we will improve policing with little, but adequate financial impact in the necessary areas.

Results orientated procedures are vital to the stability of crime fighting. Just like the medical profession, technology has got to be allowed to work hand in hand with professional police personnel to reduce crime and corral the instigators.

Street level information has always been out there since time began. Old fashion policing, the beat cop, who was a local, knew his people, their traits, habits and he stored that information in his brain, for retrieval when a potential crime was reported. In most cases, he nipped in the bud with the criminal before it happen, with the clip round the ear of the local lout, who was stealing, breaking windows or doing damage.

Crime has changed and progressed to murder, drugs, gangs, rape, domestic violence, child abuse, thefts and whole list of activities that can fill a book. So much information is on the streets, one beat cop cannot cope and needs technological assistance, real time pro-active assistance.

The Tracometry Group of Companies has the circle of fire concept, powered

by BAIR Analytics, which at its proven core is:

· crime analytics

· tracking analysis

· point to point analysis

· calls for service data

· next event predictability

All elements that are required to stay on top, beating the criminal at their own widening game. 

No, we are not IBM or one of the other so called data companies. We are a group of law enforcement savvy analysis, street level, logical purveyors of required solutions.

Over 500 agencies already use our street smart analytical solutions, plus the Department of Defense (DOD), overseas agencies, and for loss prevention with Target and Walmart.

Our techniques have been proven since 1998, our expertise in crime fighting and counter terrorism goes back much further, forty four years to be precise. Our team, is second to none in the understanding of crime fighting and the necessary required tools, which have to be easy to use.

We know budgets and where monies must be spent to catch-up and the use of your limited resources, in ways you never knew could occur. It is the cost effective results we both want and are demanded by your citizens, they are the ultimate beneficiary.

It is the public that know what is going on and those frontline officers who go to work each day.

Simply, they do care and deserve the tools to do the job of protect and serve.

Talk to us and let down to earth sensibility succeed, book a webinar and fully understand why we can work together and become one crime fighting team.

WE are in the NOW and 

Make that Appointment for the Webinar 

Call: (317) 426.0110 

copyright 2013