Thursday, February 7, 2019

Sadly, Milwaukee Requires a Pied Piper Intervention

Sadly, Milwaukee Requires a
Pied Piper Intervention
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

The next focused city by the media and social haters of law enforcement in Milwaukee, the saga continues...

Another law enforcement officer shot dead in the line of duty serving a warrant!

Police Officer Matthew Rittner was shot and killed as he executed a narcotics and firearms related search warrant at a home in the 2900 block of South 12th Street near West Dakota Street. 

As the Tactical Enforcement Unit made entry into the home a suspect opened fire with a high-powered rifle, striking Officer Rittner in the chest. Officer Rittner was transported to Froedtert Hospital where he died from his injuries.
This is not a law enforcement agency issue, it is a societal and policing breakdown of intelligence.  Those that serve warrants and papers in most cases have nothing to do or are connected to the case at hand.

They must have more information on who the warrant is to be served on, the location and known unique identifiers attached to the serving of papers.

Criminality must be dealt with under the provisions of the laws on the books with more data for officer safety. 

Previous incidents in Milwaukee from reports state the start of other problems was an armed criminal being stopped by police and non-compliance.

Even the individual's father stated that he, the father, had not been a good role model and this is what you see is the result of his, the father's failure in that regard, as reported by Fox News.
It is a family issue, especially in black disjointed families who have no real father figure for decades and we have done nothing to stem the problems.

Anger and jumping to conclusions by an unintelligence section of society is a driving issue of all the violence against police agencies and their own community.  

It shows we have a section of people who, no matter what will resort to violence, destruction, and mayhem.  If you look at these individuals you will find that they too have legal issues, either prior arrests, outstanding warrants and an anger management issue that is beyond belief.  Basically, demonic low life's who scoff the law and want to do harm to law enforcement officers and their community.

Police officers will tell that summertime and the heat exacerbate incidents and the downing of additional alcohol only increase the possibilities for violence, even within families and so called friends.  It seems even winter is a time of discontent!

This is not the time for local politicians to speak, it is a time for local community leadership and law enforcement agencies together to deaccelerate the problems. 

First, though it is knowing intimately the beats and streets, inch by inch, person by person and every single incident and the connections.  That happens when the daily reports, data, and experience when collectively reviewed bring you the full picture.  

This connected information not available, or you thought it should be.  Borders and the ability to share vital information is just not there.

Here is a typical Twitter user who happens to be in Baltimore and their Twitter profile, tell me that is not a concern to law enforcement?

Social media monitoring through us plays a major role.  We can delve below the surface and know it all, the connections, GPS locations and thoughts of the criminals as they use this social and anti-social medium and share with their contacts

How can we, CommSmart Global Group make such a statement? Simple, it is true and already working in major agencies and has, even more, advantages for all communities.  crossing beats, streets, cities, counties and states.  Collective means to know all that goes on with every incident that is logged.

Analytics is only as good as the base data. Under or miss-reported data is the failure of the collection that makes a mockery of the weightless and missed results.

The actions of sheriff deputies and police officers on the streets are the beginning of the information chain.  They see and hear the initial incidents and subsequent conversations with the individuals.  You cannot get closer to the facts than our law enforcement ‘boots on the ground.’  In notating within LENSS and not just robotically checking boxes, they are building an information flow with unique identifiers for all their fellow officers across borders, counties, and agencies.

You do not have to write a book; it is just short words, sentences, and phrases that become searchable for all.  Law enforcement officers at all levels are trained and have ‘soft skill sets’ that are based on gut feelings.  Those must be noted, as they may and will play an important part in a further or a connected investigation down the road.

It is those unique identifiers such as, vehicle tag, driving license number, type of vehicle, passenger or passengers, location, time, and the reason for a traffic stop that just like a field interview or ‘call for service’ highlight time-based facts and statements that must be noted.  There is the difference and been proven over and over for the last three and a half years in the use of LENSS.

There is categorically no solution on the global, nationally or on a local basis that can share across borders and agencies in the manner of LENSS.   It is the law enforcement game changer and can be assimilated as productive ‘Policing on Steroids.

No, it is not expensive, not even the price of a cup of coffee a week per sworn officer!  This information source does mean a 'hill of beans' with proven results for the agency and the community they serve.

I know you want to know more so contact us either by phone or email for a discussion and demonstration of a life saver! 


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UK: 0207 1019247

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