Responsibility, Trust & Admission ON ALL FRONTS
Responsibility, Trust & Admission ON ALL FRONTS
Data usage, whether written by a pen, passed by conversation or stored in a filing cabinet has been circulating since the beginning of time.
Since the inception of the computer and the Internet of Things with the storage and search capacity has opened Pandora's Box for street criminals, 'white-collar con-artists and intellectual thieves. Bamboozling all, our so they think.
Zuckerberg is the typical computer nerd that hides behind his deception by pretending to be a 'nerd'.
Yes, even Terrorists are using encrypted methods to communicate. Cyphers or Encryption has been part of life since goodness knows when and will always continue.
For the Public, Government, and Corporations, sensitive information must be protected and those that produce such software capabilities have a responsibility to hold harmless the rest of us, as we all do!
We at our 'behind the scenes' Red Tagged operation know oh so well about the protection of information and why it is so important at all levels.
It is all about TRUST!
Even our Government Civil Servants cannot trust their Master!
21 million records and counting that has been compromised...
Previous Old Report: FBI Investigating OPM Cyber Intrusion: http://www.fbi.gov/news/news_blog/fbi-investigating-opm-cyber-intrusion
Security of information is preached at all levels and falls on deaf ears nearly 80% of the time. How many times have you downloaded a new app for your Smartphone or Tablet and just accepted the terms and conditions without even reading them? Every bloody time, right?
You are being told that the Chinese or Russians hacked our government employee and voter data. Do we know that for a factor is it just hacked speculation yet again?
When are YOU going to take a STAND against this never ending circle of the BLAME GAME and take YOUR OWN ACTIONS on SECURITY of DATA?
Never has there been such a feeling of mistrust in the world and at the rate, we are moving, it will only get worse. Every single one of us today is connected and there are not just six degrees of separation, it is a 100% connection!
It is not just about the cyber world, it is about people, people you hired and have responsibility for!
Since the inception of the computer and the Internet of Things with the storage and search capacity has opened Pandora's Box for street criminals, 'white-collar con-artists and intellectual thieves. Bamboozling all, our so they think.
Zuckerberg is the typical computer nerd that hides behind his deception by pretending to be a 'nerd'.
Yes, even Terrorists are using encrypted methods to communicate. Cyphers or Encryption has been part of life since goodness knows when and will always continue.
For the Public, Government, and Corporations, sensitive information must be protected and those that produce such software capabilities have a responsibility to hold harmless the rest of us, as we all do!
We at our 'behind the scenes' Red Tagged operation know oh so well about the protection of information and why it is so important at all levels.
It is all about TRUST!

21 million records and counting that has been compromised...
Security of information is preached at all levels and falls on deaf ears nearly 80% of the time. How many times have you downloaded a new app for your Smartphone or Tablet and just accepted the terms and conditions without even reading them? Every bloody time, right?
You are being told that the Chinese or Russians hacked our government employee and voter data. Do we know that for a factor is it just hacked speculation yet again?
When are YOU going to take a STAND against this never ending circle of the BLAME GAME and take YOUR OWN ACTIONS on SECURITY of DATA?
Never has there been such a feeling of mistrust in the world and at the rate, we are moving, it will only get worse. Every single one of us today is connected and there are not just six degrees of separation, it is a 100% connection!
It is not just about the cyber world, it is about people, people you hired and have responsibility for!

They can see all we do, as a majority of people are suffering from TMI Syndrome, (Too Much Information).
On the lowest level of all, Facebook is the greatest source of information for criminals, hackers, phishers, and man in the middle brutal attackers.
Social media is a collection point of opportunity and it seems the more we tell you this, the more you ignore!
Only desperate fools break-in to homes, local businesses, rob banks and pharmacies. The majority get caught and their reasoning for the attempt is mainly drug-related. Our communities today have not fallen apart, they have been disintegrated by the majority turning their backs on the events and not wanting to know the whys or wherefores. Then they turn to others for help and protection without taking responsibility for the actions of the others, even their family members. It is an entitlement society and it is being taken away from you. Time to stand on you owns two feet.

Why you?
As simple as not keeping your password private, leaving your home or business Wi-Fi Router unprotected and generally, not giving a toss!
Meaning you do not care!
Meaning you do not care!
You soon come running when it affects you and you are the one shouting the loudest wanting others to help you. Yes, your poor me attitude.
It is not just there, it is the attitude of IT departments, the Chief Executive Officer, his managerial selection and the Board. Companies are owned by people, shareholders who place the daily running of the company in someone else’s hands. If those in charge are ignoring the one area that is the riskiest area of a company, the data, the heart and lifeblood of the shareholders, then all is lost.
The Duty of Care, Corporate Governance and logic are being ignored which means they, at the top, the Captain of the Ship have failed and negated their responsibility.
Do not tell me you have an insurance policy to cover that,
It will not pay out for the reason of negligence! We know, we talked to Lloyd’s of London and posed the scenario and it was categorically stated they would be NO Payout Whatsoever.
There is nothing wrong to ask for help!
IT managers, heads of departments and those, whose responsibility is to make sure your computers/databases/servers do not get attacked, do have issues.
It is like the British and the French, they are 22 miles apart with the English Channel between them, they neither like each nor speak each other’s language.
There lies the problem! It is a, 'them and us' situation.
There lies the problem! It is a, 'them and us' situation.

Running a business has changed, it is not 1976 anymore! You have 14-year-old children who know more about computers than those at the top of Fortune 500 companies!
I stated and titled this as, Responsibility, Trust & Admission, there is no more time to procrastinate on the issues regarding the largest criminal activity in the world, Cybercrimes.
This is not some white collar crime spree, it's guys sitting around in their PJ’s and Bermuda shorts hacking away at getting into your corporate treasure chest.
The #1 country for illegal computer activities is Russia, USA, China, N. Korea and India then the list goes on and on. Computers that are infected with virus, malware, and intrusions is even worse.
- Russia
- India
- United States
- Vietnam
For those that believe we are advertising our wares, think what you like, you will not stop us in whatever snide ways you wish to try.
Oh, we choose who we work with when it comes to Cyber Activity, selective that we are, we know the issues better than anyone. We do not advertise and will not call you from Red Tagged, we work behind the scenes for all.
Oh, we choose who we work with when it comes to Cyber Activity, selective that we are, we know the issues better than anyone. We do not advertise and will not call you from Red Tagged, we work behind the scenes for all.
The message is clear, you need help and stop your arrogance in refusing to turn to those that have the answers. You are being worse than a man with a medical issue who refuses to go to the doctor for help and then dies. Is that your goal, to be gone and have no more responsibility whatsoever?
The admission that you require assistance does not make you a lesser man or woman, it is common sense after all.
The rope is broken and the drop below will kill you and take down the rest of your team, which includes your clients and customers. They do not deserve that and you know far better!
We are not really offering you a secure rope to get you back to normality and succeed. If one was thrown, catch it, let us reel this situation in and work together if you have an interesting case and want to be brought back to reality. Let the past be the past and use people who care and know they have the answers you, your Board, clients, and customers deserve and demand.
Oh, this is not just for companies, we work hand in hand with all, Public Safety, Emergency Management, Enforcement Agents/Process Servers and even you!
Call: +1 (515) 200-7068 UK: 0207 1019247
Copyright 2018
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