We Are In The Now And Keep You; In The Know…
Law enforcement has come a long way since Sir Robert Peel created in 1829, the Metropolitan Police in London. Peelers, Bobbies and other endearing terms that addressed them or was called out so the thieves could get a good run from the coppers. Very visible, because the tall Top Hat that Peel insisted on, was part of their uniform.
Today policing is everyday news and not for the reasons you would think!
Criticism, concerns, attacks of people on people. Yes, the police are people from your own community and are paid to serve. Of course, there are issues, it is a pathetic human world after all!
The Peelian Principles still stand firm today, although if you look in your lifetime the faces of law enforcement on both sides of the pond have changed. Budget cuts and those that only know one method and not the experience of walking the beat. Sadly it is a younger force with 'real' experience at the helm. It has to be a mix of old with new to overcome our enforcement situations. It is all about proactivity!
Back in the day, the policeman walked his beat, knew everyone in the neighborhood. He carried a notebook, a pen, truncheon/nightstick and no communications whatsoever. The day of the Police Call Box, which today, is more associated with Dr. Who than law enforcement is even disappearing.
In the BBC Dr. Who series, the Police Box is normal size on the outside. Inside it is massive! That is what we have created through secure communications, simple Smart Mobile Phones that can have access to all information “live” in situations which directly linked to databases and the control room, being recorded, date/time/GPS/originator stamped and filed with the report.
All ready for court!
The tablet and Smartphone bring us the forms to fill out making us as near paperless as possible at long last, saving time, money and frustration of the delay of information to solve a case.
Now that we added to the paperless society, it is sent directly to the Tablet and Smart Mobile Phone on completion, securely from anywhere, even from a Public Hotspot.
Let us explain, looking at the security of the devices that can be used, literally Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Yes, any device basically.
The security for access is not dependent on a password. KEYTALK™ uses a Device DNA approach, this is cutting-edge technology that in fact, has been in use for over twenty plus years in Europe. This patented, the proprietary solution looks at the device and 17 aspects of its components. Choosing between 12 and 17 components, to create the Device DNA. This now is the identifier as it is totally secure.

When the individual log-in, it isn’t really the password logging them in, it is the server seeing it is a trusted and authorized device. Allowing for the access through an end to end data in motion, bullet resistant secure, anonymous tube, being created directly with the destination. This is using a short-lived certificate and once all transactions are completed, the sender’s device, on disconnection, deletes any footprint of the transaction. There is no residue left whatsoever.
Body Worn Cameras (BWC) has taken a life of their own and is as controversial as the introduction of dashboard cams, GPS and maybe even the original radio systems. Just like a kid with a new toy, it is being rushed, overused and is an accident waiting to happen if not controlled.
Data storage has been made the #1 issue with privacy slightly running behind. Being approached totally wrong and by people who have the only objective, to sell you cameras and expensive storage!
Chain of Custody is another major issue and opens the door for problems such as an officer deleting or editing video. I know, some systems have the ability to lock the system and download but is still an issue. The information is on the device and out in the field for up to 10 hours before it is effectively placed in the system.
Heaven forbid if a criminal snatches the camera and runs off with all the evidence gone!
Think back to the Dr. Who Police Box, normal on the outside and full of useful technology on the inside. A Law Enforcement or Public Safety Officer has been asked to carry too much on their person. The belt can only take so much!
The lack of communication from the top down and from neighboring agencies is the failure of policing. Until we stop the overall 'it is all mine' and 'you cannot see it' syndrome, nothing will change.
CommSmart Global Group is a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner and has over twenty years of Digital Policing. Their ability to converse, coach and mentor is the key to why their:
- Social Media Interaction
- Crime Analytics
- Community Mapping
- Predictive Analysis
- Facial Recognition (SIP) Stop, Interview, Process
- Professional Services (Coaching/Mentoring)
Start NOW and Communicate!
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WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…©
Copyright 2018