Happy Fourth...
Bring Out the Body Bags and Toe tags
Bring Out the Body Bags and Toe tags
By Nick Ashton, CommSmart Global Group of Companies
The level
of stress has gone beyond “take a pill
and call me in the morning” days.
The frustration of people, working class people is fractured and the
healing hasn't even started.
If you
think Orlando was bad or the killing in Syria, then you have Turkey on the edge
of another terroristic event.
As the
nationwide election protests steadily turned against "Everything and Everyone," violent clashes with the police erupted at all of the Trump rallies.
So are you
going to start listening to what is
going on around you? No matter where you live, country, nation,
city or community, you must listen to what is being talked about, the concerns,
otherwise, well, you know the rest of the story, or do you?
In America,
the Presidential election are now being fought by the political parties, who think
they know what is good for the nation, but do they?
research is being done? I do not mean
people with clipboards asking questions!
I mean people on the streets, among the people, using their ears and
honing their listening skills to find out what makes the American people tick
each and every day.
Atmospheric Noise Collection, the Chatter on the Streets, analyzed, understood and packaged into what
is good for the whole nation, a nation that is sadly not got all its wheels on
the track.
Forefathers of the American Nation would be so disappointed in this 240th
In the immortal
words of Winston Churchill,
“We Shall Never Surrender…”
“We Shall Never Surrender…”
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Email: listen@commsmart-global.com
Blog: www.tip2tap.blogspot.com
copyright 2016
copyright 2016