Saturday, August 17, 2013

Make Yourself More Aware About The Gangs On Your Block & Community.

Recap On Insurgency and Gangs
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

The following information highlights the need for proactive actions to stop the growth of insurgency and gang activity.

It is sponsored in some cases unknowingly by governments who had the right idea in the first place in bringing employment opportunities to a community and then sadly over run by insurgents and gang leaders which in turn start the gang wars and the killing of citizens.

Teens who have no love at home join the gangs thinking that they can be
something by being inside the gang.  Sadly it is a path to death and despair.

Tracometry People highlight our solutions…  we are the Pied Piper, who remove the rats from the neighborhoods!

Read on… and share…

Information Is King, Street Level Knowledge Is Power...

There Are Good Somebodies Out There.

Insurgents and Gangs Living Within Business and Communities.

The word on the street, the key influencers, the opinions, perceptions, myths, rumors and chatter.

Gang Wars - The Failure of Enforcement Tactics and the Need for Effective Public Safety Strategies.

We Are Big And Ugly Enough To Be Told The True Facts And Not Feed Bovine Slurry Any More!

The Photographic Scars Harm Both Sides…

It Starts Somewhere With Someone…

Island Turf Wars, Chicago Style…

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It Starts Somewhere With Someone…

It Starts Somewhere With Someone…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

No, things just don’t happen!  We are not going to review the old saying of the chicken or the egg syndrome.  It is always an idea first, a suggestion or one man’s plan that is proposed, discussed and put into action.  The initial concept grows and becomes disgust/hatred or a brilliant business idea which then grows over time.  It is not just shared with one or two people, it is
mentioned to others to gain momentum, be altered and perfected.  Or to raise capital, so it can become a reality and deliver the plan or dastardly deed.

In today’s world, ideas, information situations and news, both in words and pictures are flash across our minds, vision, conversation and social media plays the major role in propelling the news.  It is the speed of now that is concerning and grasped by individuals and they follow through without even thinking of what they are getting themselves into.

Yesterday was the perfect example of the bad side of planning.  Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood, who took to the streets.  We saw how a government dealt with the issue at hand.  This of course began with the planning of the Arab Spring uprising, the development and forward thinking took place many, many months ago.  The demonstrators knew the risk and were so hyped for what they believe is their right, over 638 died for their cause.

The Egyptian government was ready armed and not going to allow the protesters to rule the day.  A bloodbath ensued and through yesterday and today the newspapers, Internet websites, blogs and social media is filled with video, photographs and articles on the day of violence.  This is not the residual effect that was wanted as the last impression of democracy.

Bahrain, who has been subjected to violent issues by demonstrators, which included killings, bombs and fires, has just thwarted a day of protest by being proactive to a point.  It can happen anywhere at any time, if you do not have the means to understand the chatter of the streets.

What started as a Moral Compass, ended in this technology age as an Immoral GPS defined event that has stained the world for both sides.  The real issues of both sides is hidden by the bodies and blood that ruins down the streets of a nation.  Democracy was thrown out of the window and violence on both sides was born with fury in mind.

Prior to the first Arab Spring events, information was on the streets, someone, somewhere with common sense and not a clouded mind on the issues, knew what the plan was.  They knew that people would die and they said nothing!  They had the chance to apply the brakes and didn’t even apply pressure to the pedal.  It was all to freewheel and crash and burn, right in front of the world.  
Incidents through social media take on a life of their own if allowed to fester.

Tracometry People has a forward thinking solution that has been proven in the war zones of the world.  Simply collecting street level information, the chatter of the streets directly from the people themselves.  Atmospheric Noise Collection has proven time after time to work during conflicts and war, Tracometry People have perfected the art during peace time and use it with the Social Medium Information Gathering (SMIG).  This is social media scraping, knowing what is being discussed via social media, Twitter, Facebook etc., blogs and personal websites.  This information is then analyzed in real time, reported on and solutions are put into place, including Next Event Predictability.  It is not placed in data silos to be forgotten and ignored, it is there to be utilized now!

You cannot allow anarchy to prevail and become the driving force of a few and over run the majority.  Protests and riots start with the furious and so called down trodden people.  Do not get me wrong, not all governments have the citizen’s rights in mind. There are those that misuse the power afforded to them and need to be challenged through due process.

Insurgency and gang activity is rising by leaps and bounds worldwide and has to be curtailed or it will be totally out of control.  The likes of Al Qaeda are infiltrating all levels and are taking advantage of the missed opportunities by nations, cities and communities of rebuilding society.

Business and corporations are as guilty as nations and what can be a wonderful idea and plan, can be turned into a nightmare for all.

The requirements to be able to act before the events occur are here.  Tracometry People understands the issues and has the ability to work hand in hand with you to be the catalyst for a safer future for all.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Photographic Scars Harm Both Sides…

The Photographic Scars Harm Both Sides…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Today is just starting, (August 14th, 2013), Cairo, Egypt is dominating the headlines in world news, deaths, pictures of smoke, fire and people being carried from demonstrations on the streets.  To us, that is a normal headline from somewhere in this decade.  People who are challenging their government by protesting and believing that their protest will be heard.  Sadly, in most cases they have been infiltrated by outside sources whose agenda is far different from theirs.

Bahrain is teetering on the edge of violent protests and as a nation has suffered many individual attacks, including unsophisticated bombs and fires.  Syria continues in its bloodbath, Iraq is suffering the worst bombings this year and is expecting even more.  Nigeria has seen an uptick in violence and shootings and most of these are a surprise to the government.  Tunisia was in shock last month in political assassinations and the unrest that followed.  Trinidad and Tobago had 12 murders in 72 hours, the majority gang related, with gang on gang suspected.  The Caribbean is suffering with gang related crimes and this is increasing. Britain had its killing in the street and Northern Ireland is back to violence in their streets last week.
The picture is far too clear that events that are going on are only increasing and in all parts of the world and someone knew it was going to happen before it began. 

Iran is promoting violence in the region and it is being seen more openly in this action.  Al Qaeda is gaining a stronger foothold in both Africa and the Middle East and are openly fighting as core units.

Whether it is insurgency or gang related, it is all part of the same problem as the two are deeply connected. These same situations are also on the streets of Any Town USA or in the world.  Gangs are trying to dominate the crime statistics and can be stopped and curbed.

It can be likened to an iceberg, a small proportion above the water and a mass below.  It is the unheard and unseen that causes the complications.  The concerns of the citizens once known about, can be tackled with authority, meaning you know the root cause and can address these issues before they become festering sores on the side of society.

Tracometry People, as the name implies, is all about people.  We are listeners, street level listeners that have a stable of tools that guide us to resolution and solution to deal and understand the issues, before they happen.

What do people, the human race do best or maybe worse?  Communicate or fail to communicate, insomuch they really do not really listen or totally ignore what they hear.  Knowledge of what the streets are saying is exactly where it is at! 

Our team includes those that perfected Atmospheric Noise Collection (Chatter on the Streets), in Iraq and Afghanistan and other concerning places we will not discuss.

From that initial report of what is being discuss by the people, the citizens themselves, is collected via human means and social mediums.  It is Tracometry People’s ability to scrape this information from the social actions of the people that is the core of our leadership and communication attributes.  It is then, in real time, analyzed, reported and actioned, including Next Event Predictability

This is our expertise, the full path of understanding, techniques and solutions.  Never has there been such an international team that has the empathy of both sides to curb these ongoing problems that once started take on the enormity of situations to stop it.

Cohesive understanding from both Tracometry People and our clients starts with a full appreciation of leadership and communications.  This being established allows both to work on the resolution in a team spirited manner.  It is a logical approach that kindles the results all of us require and deserve.
To give you a further perspective of the issues of unrest is simple, insurgency and gangs is virtually the same and are dealt with in the same manner.

The difference between Al-Qaeda and MS-13, Bloods, Crips, etc. is negligible.  Both groups:

1)  Seek out prime areas in which to operate (low security, poor economic conditions and under-educated population)

2)  Offer token assistance to the locals in terms of security and financial assistance (to include paying new members to perform illicit tasks)

3)  Expand their enterprise through illegal and antisocial means (kidnapping, murder for hire, trafficking in persons, drugs, etc.)

4)  Extort local business to support their effort (Al Qaeda does this very effectively)

5)  Once established, find politicians that can be bought, co-opted, threatened, etc. to ensure the group's longevity

6)  Control the local messaging to effectively blame others for the conditions in the area where the group is operating (churches, mosques, community leaders) and kill/marginalize any local opposition or conflicting message

7)  Separate the leadership from the "street soldier" - middle "management" takes on the role of issuing orders, compartmentalization occurs, the leaders take on a more public role but not associate with the events they are in fact controlling (plausible deniability) 

8)  The group, having reached saturation in a given area, will begin to use its resources to expand into the next area where the cycle continues

The requirements to be able to act before the events occur are here.  Tracometry People understands the issues and has the ability to work hand in hand with you to be the catalyst for a safer future for all.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

The Clock Is Spinning...