Photographic Scars Harm Both Sides…
Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Bahrain is
teetering on the edge of violent protests and as a nation has suffered many
individual attacks, including unsophisticated bombs and fires. Syria continues in its bloodbath, Iraq is
suffering the worst bombings this year and is expecting even more. Nigeria has seen an uptick in violence and
shootings and most of these are a surprise to the government. Tunisia was in shock last month in political
assassinations and the unrest that followed.
Trinidad and Tobago had 12 murders in 72 hours, the majority gang
related, with gang on gang suspected.
The Caribbean is suffering with gang related crimes and this is
increasing. Britain had its killing in the street and Northern Ireland is back
to violence in their streets last week.
The picture
is far too clear that events that are going on are only increasing and in all
parts of the world and someone knew it was going to happen before it began.

Whether it
is insurgency or gang related, it is all part of the same problem as the two
are deeply connected. These same situations are also on the streets of Any Town USA or in the world.
Gangs are trying to dominate the crime statistics and can be stopped and
It can be
likened to an iceberg, a small proportion above the water and a mass
below. It is the unheard and unseen that
causes the complications. The concerns
of the citizens once known about, can be tackled with authority, meaning you
know the root cause and can address these issues before they become festering sores
on the side of society.

What do
people, the human race do best or maybe worse?
Communicate or fail to communicate, insomuch they really do not really
listen or totally ignore what they hear.
Knowledge of what the streets are saying is exactly where it is at!
Our team
includes those that perfected Atmospheric Noise Collection (Chatter on the Streets), in Iraq and
Afghanistan and other concerning places we will not discuss.

This is our
expertise, the full path of understanding, techniques and solutions. Never has there been such an international
team that has the empathy of both sides to curb these ongoing problems that
once started take on the enormity of situations to stop it.
understanding from both Tracometry People
and our clients starts with a full appreciation of leadership and
communications. This being established
allows both to work on the resolution in a team spirited manner. It is a logical approach that kindles the
results all of us require and deserve.
To give you
a further perspective of the issues of unrest is simple, insurgency and gangs
is virtually the same and are dealt with in the same manner.
difference between Al-Qaeda and MS-13, Bloods, Crips, etc. is
negligible. Both groups:
1) Seek out prime areas in which to operate (low security, poor economic conditions and under-educated population)
1) Seek out prime areas in which to operate (low security, poor economic conditions and under-educated population)
Offer token assistance to the locals in terms of security and financial
assistance (to include paying new members to perform illicit tasks)
Expand their enterprise through illegal and antisocial means (kidnapping,
murder for hire, trafficking in persons, drugs, etc.)
4) Extort
local business to support their effort (Al Qaeda does this very effectively)
Once established, find politicians that can be bought, co-opted, threatened,
etc. to ensure the group's longevity
Control the local messaging to effectively blame others for the conditions in
the area where the group is operating (churches, mosques, community leaders)
and kill/marginalize any local opposition or conflicting message
Separate the leadership from the "street soldier" - middle
"management" takes on the role of issuing orders,
compartmentalization occurs, the leaders take on a more public role but not
associate with the events they are in fact controlling (plausible deniability)
8) The group, having reached saturation in a given area, will begin to use its resources to expand into the next area where the cycle continues
The requirements to be able to act before the events occur are here. Tracometry People understands the issues and has the ability to work hand in hand with you to be the catalyst for a safer future for all.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (317)
Street Level Digital
Input Real Time Solutions &
Atmospheric Chatter
People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information
Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex
CM18 7jF
Web Site:
Copyright 2013
The Clock Is Spinning...
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