Starts Somewhere With Someone…
Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.
No, things
just don’t happen! We are not going to review
the old saying of the chicken or the egg
syndrome. It is always an idea first, a
suggestion or one man’s plan that is proposed, discussed and put into
action. The initial concept grows and
becomes disgust/hatred or a brilliant business idea which then grows over
time. It is not just shared with one or
two people, it is
mentioned to others to gain momentum, be altered and
perfected. Or to raise capital, so it
can become a reality and deliver the plan or dastardly deed.
In today’s
world, ideas, information situations and news, both in words and pictures are
flash across our minds, vision, conversation and social media plays the major
role in propelling the news. It is the speed of now that is concerning and
grasped by individuals and they follow through without even thinking of what
they are getting themselves into.
was the perfect example of the bad side of planning. Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood, who took to
the streets. We saw how a government dealt
with the issue at hand. This of course
began with the planning of the Arab Spring uprising, the development and forward
thinking took place many, many months ago.
The demonstrators knew the risk and were so hyped for what they believe
is their right, over 638 died for their cause.

who has been subjected to violent issues by demonstrators, which included
killings, bombs and fires, has just thwarted a day of protest by being
proactive to a point. It can happen
anywhere at any time, if you do not have the means to understand the chatter of
the streets.
started as a Moral Compass, ended in this
technology age as an Immoral GPS defined
event that has stained the world for both sides. The real issues of both sides is hidden by
the bodies and blood that ruins down the streets of a nation. Democracy was thrown out of the window and
violence on both sides was born with fury in mind.
Prior to
the first Arab Spring events, information was on the streets, someone,
somewhere with common sense and not a clouded mind on the issues, knew what the
plan was. They knew that people would
die and they said nothing! They had the
chance to apply the brakes and didn’t even apply pressure to the pedal. It was all to freewheel and crash and burn,
right in front of the world.
through social media take on a life of their own if allowed to fester.

You cannot
allow anarchy to prevail and become the driving force of a few and over run the
majority. Protests and riots start with the
furious and so called down trodden people.
Do not get me wrong, not all governments have the citizen’s rights in
mind. There are those that misuse the power afforded to them and need to be
challenged through due process.
and gang activity is rising by leaps and bounds worldwide and has to be
curtailed or it will be totally out of control.
The likes of Al Qaeda are infiltrating all levels and are taking
advantage of the missed opportunities by nations, cities and communities of
rebuilding society.
and corporations are as guilty as nations and what can be a wonderful idea and
plan, can be turned into a nightmare for all.
requirements to be able to act before the events occur are here. Tracometry People understands the
issues and has the ability to work hand in hand with you to be the catalyst for
a safer future for all.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (317)
Street Level Digital
Input Real Time Solutions &
Atmospheric Chatter
People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information
Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex
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