Operire, the Enemy Within…
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO CommSmart Global group
We have all heard the phrase “The Enemy Within”, never has it been so true today, worldwide. Of course, the other well-known phrase is, “You Are Your Own Worst Enemy.” Both are very applicable to worldwide events and especially to American leadership and Public Safety.

Distracting the truth could also be another analogy. We have perfect examples in politics, local government and panicked officials. Even public safety officers have been known to suffer from this problem.
If they wish to hide something from everyone, these people, use strong arm tactics to place in front of the public, a lesser problem and emphasize that they will do everything in their power to make change and it will never happen again. They believe that if your voice is louder in an argument, the louder voice wins, as you have drowned out your opposition, even if you are lying through your teeth.
So wrong and so pathetic, but still a problem. You see, there are people who believe they, the shouters, can do no wrong. Why? The sympathetic listeners have been conditioned, bought or purchased by giveaways and freebies that the shouters have bribed them with over generations. They have received entitlements which they should never have received as they never earned them, in any way, shape or form.
It is ingrained and part of everyday human action to protect one’s self and so you should, when you are in danger of your life. Not though, when it is to mask the truth as you failed in your actions and caused pain, heartache and even death.

Just take yesterday as an example of news and there is every answer I can give you. I will not tell you every detail, it is for you to decide as you watch your national and local newscasts.
Oh, what is it, this chemical or thing?
In Latin, it is, Operire
In plain English, it is, Cover-Up!
We are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
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