It is Not Just An Excuse To party!
By Nicholas Ashton, Executive Vice President, Entrical
The truth of the matter is simple, Corporate America and as families, like most communities, treats this Memorial weekend no differently to any other. Burgers, Beer, Hot Dogs, false friends, and family you cannot stand.
With COVID-19 you should be 'Social Distancing' and you are not! Foolishly you play with your lives and those of others.
With COVID-19 you should be 'Social Distancing' and you are not! Foolishly you play with your lives and those of others.
You think of it as an excuse to party and goof off. Just like the way business is being conducted every day of the week, the lack of responsibility and honor.
It is Memorial Day and you have time to Google it and find out the way you need to change your ways. Others before you believed that this country meant something and they served and laid down their lives.
They died for you and you have No Respect whatsoever!
It is not too late!
Honor them and take a leaf from the immense book they left behind!
Wear a MASK and Keep YOUR Distance or be a KILLER!
Wear a MASK and Keep YOUR Distance or be a KILLER!
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Copyright 2018