Friday, June 23, 2017


by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Information is at the central part of life, especially in business, we cannot live without knowing more with that insatiable appetite for more from today’s technological social knowledge tree.

Be it known there are many who never follow through and actually digest the supplied information/data passed to them through the written word, visual mediums and social media interactions!  It is all about taking advantage of the information.

Forgive the short preamble, but being a company with over fifty years of gathered and retained ‘life experiences’, we shall condense and guide you to the main points for important time consumption’s sake. 

In fact, it is not the company, CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner that can help you, companies, are but just dumb names who cannot do a thing for themselves, it is the people within with their capabilities, insight, communication skills and perceptiveness that are the crucial key. 

Believe it or not, in this technological gizmo world, it really does come down to people, real people, not programmed holograms of espoused opinions and ‘one size fits all’ solutions or promoted so-called excellence, which believes it is their inalienable right to sit in the captain’s chair for a while, to live out their days until they retire.

Each of us has two ears that we listen with, some do use them and yes, many never retain the received content and are not willing to know that in this great big world, there are people who can evaluate, work outside of the box and implement change with the understanding that it will be shared and used successfully.

You know now we are direct and sincerely serious about communications and here to work alongside you to make that change in your abilities to communicate in this oh so ever-changing world.  Yes, it is about how we connect, how to disseminate usable quality information for potential and current customers/clients.

A few years ago social media was thrust upon us and only the young ones embraced this radical communication tools.  Not anymore, it is across the board ‘fingers and thumbs’ extravaganza of fast moving characters, that when assembled and used correctly, is social communication circle of stimulation. 

Today it surrounds us and is not going away. Time to climb aboard!
The Smartphone has changed life for all of us and these powerful hand-held computers have so much to offer, without having to really lift your ‘fingers and thumbs’ too high!  76% of all mobile phones are Smart and reachable by your company and the user, who wants compliant driven information to make the thousands of decisions made by them and for them each day.

Social marketing is a means to connect with customers and clients.  Everyone wants to be ‘friends’, a ‘follower’ or a ‘connection’ and be part of life and not be an outsider, they want to be ‘in the know’.

SOCIAL IS LOCAL, people trust their friends and connections as a true search engine, rather than Google or Yahoo.  You know that recommendations go a long way from perceived close by friends and connections!

It is all about Words, Graphics and ‘LIVE’ Video socially delivered consistently.

Our Digital Dialogue expertise is more than just ‘fingers & thumbs!

Societal marketing has only one meaning, which is the consideration of the wider social aspects of marketing a particular product to a particular group. It is, therefore, an aspect of ethical marketing.

It is the Art of Possible when instituted it becomes a daily part of your marketing department.  No matter what size your company is, social media interaction is achievable for all, it is a social communications revolution, which must be understood from the top down and bottom up of the corporate ladder.  We leave no one out of this important communications chain.

Attached are some marketing and background information for you to peruse and why we must meet, either electronically or a table top meeting, for us both to understand your company from your own words and not just our perception.
Then we can work alongside each other for the common goal.

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USA: (515) 300.6130 or (330) 366.6860
Europe: 072 4059420

Copyright 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Create An Exceptional Experience For Your Event!

Create An Exceptional Experience For Your Event!

We are so much more socially inclined than ever before.  From Spring to Fall, we have every event imaginable going on, charity walks, beer and art festivals, family sports events and all are there to promote something oh so special.

Promote for the NOW and for Next year!

Digital Dialogue was borne out what we do as a company to garner and glean attention.  Social media is nothing new to us or the technological understandings.  After all, we analyze this information for business clients every single day.

It was only natural to further our reach when our clients asked if we could assist them in promoting and ensuring their social media interactions were reaching the right people cost effectively.

So, we can coach and mentor your employees to use their “Fingers & Thumbs” more than productively in creating the digital dialogue or words, graphics, and video to literally grab the attention of all in seconds.

Social media creation is a mindset all of its own. Control of emotions and the fingers and thumbs is so important for all companies, one wrong word and you can have a tempest in a teacup.  Shakespeare would have a field day with Twitter & Facebook and his ‘Taming of the Shew’ or ‘Much ado about nothing’!  
Let alone presidential tweets!

We offer you the hands-on ability to promote your event through social media with a flow of pertinent information prior to, more social media interaction during the event of both words, ‘interview shorts’ photographs, graphics, and video, with a combined interaction with the public attendees being involved. 
Allowing those attendees a vehicle to post comments, photographs and the excitement which is captured in the moment and archived for future events for promotional gain.

It is productivity perfection personified!


CommSmart Global Group – Virtual Digital Dialogue Center
A LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner

Direct Telephone: +1 (515) 300.6130