Friday, April 12, 2013

Crime Analytics & Next Event Predictability - The Reality...

Public Safety, Law Enforcement, EMS and Fire are on call 24/7/365.  The amount of information regarding the calls for service, crime statistics and reports are a nightmare to keep on top of.  

Yes, the Too Much Information Syndrome is alive and well, unless you are a client of Tracometry Group of Companies.

Our Tracometry Analytics, is a analytic tool that gives you peace of mind on knowing, all of your data is being reviewed, analyzed and reported on.  It even works when your sleeping soundly.

What has been keeping you up at night, like trying to decipher the crime statistics is completed for you, in record time.  It releases resources and officers to do their job and combat the crimes.

  • Easy of operation
  • commander staff control
  • low investment
  • high results
Join our Circle of Fire and trap the criminals by using in-house data that is now available at your fingertips.

Here is a sample on our Next Event Predictability:

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; IN the KNOW...

Call (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Days Are Ticking By and It Is Heating Up!

What Will This Week Bring?
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

More incidents, in Any City, USA, teens shooting each other, domestic violence, rape and as the heat increases what else will you all do to each other? 

Just thought I would mention it... 

As the summer starts is warming trend, so do community and employee issues, with warmer temperatures comes hotter tempers which usually end with an altercation of some sort or another. Angry management, if mentioned, is an insult to the individual who is boiling over and family and employers must step in. The worry is simple, do they, the anger individual have just fists or something that is more lethal? Concern in going out the wee hours and telling an individual to turn off their car radio, do not do it! Call 911 and report!

Employee situations, where you see someone in melt-down, tell management, it is not snitching, it can save lives.

If you are concerned and want action, not just words, join us, together we will make the difference!

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW… 

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110


copyright 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How Is Your Weekend Going?

Weekend Ponderment
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

So it is the weekend and the weather is warmer.  How do I know that?  Not from the local weather girls and guys, but by the moron, who at 2 a.m. turns up his car stereo and blasts Rap Crap for twenty minutes!

Yes, warmer weather brings out the worst in the human kind and our crime statistics prove it.  2013 is becoming a very interesting year in the world of crime analytics.  California, Philadelphia and New York, larger populous areas are experiencing a reduction in crime incidents and it has us wondering why.  People are still killing, raping and abusing each other but the trend is going down.  Should this be comfort to us?  Yes and No!

Unemployment brings boredom and begets violence and criminal activity and increases during the warmer months.  Last night was an example.  Please do not go out at 2 a.m. and confront the morons, they may have a gun and lead poisoning is not good.

Migration is lowering crime in some states, others massive increases and we are focusing on you!

So follow what we talk about on this blog and we shall guide you on the change, The Pied Piper Project is alive, well and working.  

People are in a TRAP and we need a better mouse trap and we have it. 

It equals placing respect back into neighbors.  It brings understanding that people need jobs, retraining and education.  Entitlements are over, you must work for what you have and we shall show you how through positive reinforcement  the proactive approach.  Reactionary tactics do not last and have failed us.

The time is now and the Tacometry Group of Companies leads the way in social initiatives, which include:

  • Crime analysis
  • Tracking
  • Calls for Service Data
  • Next Event Predictability
  • The Pied Piper Project - Rejuvenation of Communities and People
  • Recoupeit - Reuniting Revenues with Municipalities and Cities
  • Digital data Collection - from the street to the data in real time
WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW… 

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110



copyright 2013