Thursday, February 13, 2014

US Government Announces New Cybersecurity Framework To Or Stem/Control Hacking? The Same Government Who Brought You The ObamaCare Website!

US Government Announces New Cybersecurity Framework To Or Stem/Control hacking? 
The same Government Who Brought
You The ObamaCare Website!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

NBC news reports critics are saying the White House's voluntary plan for a “cybersecurity framework” released Wednesday is toothless without incentives for firms to comply with the blueprint for dealing with potential attacks.

The new framework is part of an executive order that President Obama issued exactly one year ago, after cybersecurity legislation failed in Congress. Members of both the government and the private sector spent that time drafting several versions of the plan.

Codifying guidelines for "cybersecurity" as a whole is a broadly defined task, however. The final 41-page document is essentially a set of best practices for companies, banks and infrastructure to mitigate cyber risk: identify, protect, detect, respond and recover.

This reactive document is just that, behind the times and always behind the Eight Ball!

Government cannot and will not be successful as the bureaucratic methods of yelling “FIRE” is a forty one page document! 

Save Yourself is the right mantra!

In the fog of hacking and phishing you need a leader that has the foresight to lead with secure technology and arrive safely each and every single day.

It is the PROACTIVE approach which private enterprise has succeeded in and is available with KEYTALK now! 

Logic prevails and KEYTALK has available your answer.  Sadly, some believe they can ignore what is already available and develop their own, the American way.  This is a global situation that requires if not mandates a global solution.

If you remember the story of the Little Dutch Boy (Hans Brinker) that stopped the town from flooding by staying all day and night with his hand in a dike, stopping the flow of water doing untold damage to his town.  

That is what KEYTALK has done, created a patented, proprietary solution for Phishing and Man in the Middle Brutal Attacks.

For over twenty years, successfully protecting Europe’s computer infrastructure on a second by second basis.  Allowing corporations to protect their data and personal information.  Believe it or not, it was created by an eminent hacker who put his ill-gotten creativity to good use. 

KEYTALK is solid cost effective protection with virtual zero management requirements.

There are two video overviews below, the first is a KEYTALK overview and costing, the second, a more technical overview of the system as we know your IT department will have questions.

KEYTALK Technical Overview:

For more details please contact us for PDF documents and a link to see what we do every single day, within secure reasons that is, and how you can try the KEYTALK solution.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

KEYTALK, For A Far More Tight, Secure, Cost Effective & Management Hassle Free Data In Motion Environment

KEYTALK, For A Far More Tight, Secure, Cost Effective & Management Hassle Free Data In Motion Environment
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

To those that have the opportunity to work with data and computer security on a daily basis, we have empathy for the nightmare of the job.  With today’s growing hackers, phishers and man in the middle attacks, you never know what you are walking into each and every day that will consume any forward thinking prevention services.

Your daily workload is is reactive, time consuming and like fighting a battle that you walk in blinded by the information.

The Proactive approach is positive, less expensive and enjoyable to work with. 

The attacks on data by these terrorists is always to inflict pressure on the IT department and corporation. Stealing information both commercial and individual and either selling it to the highest bidder, blackmailing and making illegal profit from the criminal act.  

Using stolen credit/debit card information which if you are a retail operation is not only an internal nightmare, but a customer service disaster for your customers who are suffering.  Then, the media make your life a misery.

You are not just the guys in the backroom! The folks who are only called when there is a problem, like someone needs a new monitor or their PKI Certificate is out of date.  Then the rest of the world sees you out in the wide, wide world of retail, commerce, industry and that ever present picture of the guy with the pocket protector.

I know I have simplified the picture of the IT guy and the department, but that is what we do!

KEYTALK is a Public-Key Infrastructure that takes computer usage to a level of security only previously dreamed of, without the hassle, misunderstanding and complex, time consuming managerial criteria’s, without compromise.  

KEYTALK states that we have increased security with our patented proprietary software and passionately protection from the corporate data to the very personal and individual data of your customers.  

To say we dislike hackers and phishers is an underestimation!

KEYTALK is not some new spur of the moment company, we have been in Europe for over twenty years protecting banking, commerce, the shopping public and against industrial espionage.  You have the knowledge that we are solid in solutions and come to the USA geared, ready to protect you now!

If you care for the stability of your company and data, then view these videos.

There are two video overviews below, the first is a KEYTALK overview and costing, the second, a more technical overview of the solution as we know your IT department will have questions.

Then, contact us and discuss how we will make everyone's life more easy and secure.

KEYTALK Technical Overview:

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Secure online access for data in motion Is a reality with KeyTalk

Secure online access for data in motion
Is a reality with KeyTalk
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Heads of corporations have so much information being directed at them, how can they expect to know every nook and cranny of their company? 

They have to though. 

The liability and weight of the shareholders’ investment rests fairly and squarely on their shoulders.

All sorts of corporate attacks are happening every single moment of the day, by terrorists. No, not gun toting, suicide vest wearing unknowns or even car bombers.  These are cyber terrorists dressed in jeans and fashion T-shirt, drinking Latte Frothy Coffee and a Biscotti on the side.  Sitting in a cafĂ© with their laptops, smart mobile phone at the ready with a Bluetooth connection delivering all they need to know.  They can operate from anywhere and at any time.

That is what a CEO or board member needs to know about the reality of our social or unsocial world.  He or she also needs to understand how the corporation can stop these expensive cyber-attacks!

Hang-on that is why you have a head of IT to deal with these gigantic annoyances.  Sadly, all the corporate IT action is retroactive and expensive to boot. The IT budget is being depleted at a rate that you never expected or prepared for. These are unknown territories that are ever changing.

As the driving force of a corporation, the board members and CEO are the people that everyone turns to when it all hits the fan!  It is a bit late to ask the questions as your IT Department is in meltdown and you expect it to be fixed in the flash of a hard-drive!

In plain English here is Slamming the Door on Cyber Attacks to protect your databases and importantly your customers, the life blood of your company.  Failure of computer security is a total nightmare, ask Target, Michael’s, Neiman Marcus and others in the retail trade that need to come forward and not be ashamed that hackers came in the front door without their knowledge.  It is time for a solution and security that will change all that.

Automated certificate enrollment and crypto keys
KeyTalk seamlessly provides your client devices with a non-fake-able X.509 certificate, a standard since 1988 and known to every computer device.

KeyTalk uses Public and Private Crypto Keys on Enrollment

Even that statement is too much for someone who only uses his or her smart phone, tablet or laptop and the most used key is backspace button!

Let us give you the confidence that we are so transparent, that we cast not even a hint of a shadow.

Securing your sensitive data-in-motion
With every computer system supporting X.509, and having the standard option of securing your server with an SSL certificate, one can easily enforce server side the requirement of a connecting client device to have a valid client X.509 certificate. Effectively creating a Man-in-the-Middle intrusion proof 2-way-SSL tunnel over any non-secure network connection.

As a result only users and/or devices you trust can securely connect their client to your target server over any non-secure network or Internet environment. This includes Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), which is unheard of and will save you even more heartache and concern.

If you are a retail operation, your shoppers can at all Points of Sale locations, swipe their debit/credit cards to their hearts content, they are secure from having their personal information from being stolen and their life turned upside down.

Client X.509 certificates cannot be faked since a malicious party doesn’t have your primary private keys as stored in the KeyTalk server side product. Mathematical hashing ensures that no data in a client certificate can be altered.

Using the principles of a-symmetric encryption, i.e. one can only encrypt data with the public key of the recipient, and decrypt the data with the recipient’s private key, and the identity of the device and/or user being part of the certificate, ensures non-repudiation, and integrity of data, ensuring your company’s privacy compliance.

In plain English, your vendors are secure, even if their passwords are hacked or stolen.  We have disconnected the human side of the equation and removed the fault factor of the ever present human error.

This is all proactive, placing your systems, POS locations, online shopping and vendor databases locked and secure.  Removing the heartache of failed customer service and media hounds knocking your door down and playing the Blame Game!

I hear you, at what cost you are asking.  It is as simple as an Abe Lincoln, yes five dollars per device or less, depending on volume.  No changing out expensive bank card readers until necessary when smart bank cards arrive.

KeyTalk is overlaid on your computer servers and each entry point.

I know, some computer Gobble-de-Gook slipped in, but that is unavoidable.  It is now for you to have that conversation with us and ask your CEO and board member questions. 

You know we speak your language!

Straight Talking, Key Talking…  Key Talk!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014