Thursday, February 13, 2014

US Government Announces New Cybersecurity Framework To Or Stem/Control Hacking? The Same Government Who Brought You The ObamaCare Website!

US Government Announces New Cybersecurity Framework To Or Stem/Control hacking? 
The same Government Who Brought
You The ObamaCare Website!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

NBC news reports critics are saying the White House's voluntary plan for a “cybersecurity framework” released Wednesday is toothless without incentives for firms to comply with the blueprint for dealing with potential attacks.

The new framework is part of an executive order that President Obama issued exactly one year ago, after cybersecurity legislation failed in Congress. Members of both the government and the private sector spent that time drafting several versions of the plan.

Codifying guidelines for "cybersecurity" as a whole is a broadly defined task, however. The final 41-page document is essentially a set of best practices for companies, banks and infrastructure to mitigate cyber risk: identify, protect, detect, respond and recover.

This reactive document is just that, behind the times and always behind the Eight Ball!

Government cannot and will not be successful as the bureaucratic methods of yelling “FIRE” is a forty one page document! 

Save Yourself is the right mantra!

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There are two video overviews below, the first is a KEYTALK overview and costing, the second, a more technical overview of the system as we know your IT department will have questions.

KEYTALK Technical Overview:

For more details please contact us for PDF documents and a link to see what we do every single day, within secure reasons that is, and how you can try the KEYTALK solution.

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KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

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Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking…

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

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