Saturday, March 10, 2018

Aisles of Smiles Dating Game - The Proximity Location Based Beacon & Enhanced QR Code

The Proximity Location Based Beacon & Enhanced QR Code
Aisles of Smiles Dating Game

It has been going on for decades, meeting in the grocery aisles!  Walking the aisles with smiles, surveying the singles with the same intent as you!

Now, Supermarkets can bring you together with special evenings.  Especially when they have an attached restaurant with a bar!

ProxComm Technology has developed the ability to be in the grocery store and knowing others, with the same intention, are cruising the aisles of smiles as well.  Aisles of Smiles Dating...

The Wall Street reported:

'When Bob Schneider goes out on a Friday night, he no longer heads to the local singles bar. Instead, he goes to the grocery store.

“I once dated a woman from the potato section at Mariano’s,” says Mr. Schneider, a 67-year-old semiretired, twice-divorced lobbyist in Oak Brook, Ill. “The next thing you know we’re at the wine bar and then we’re dating.”

Supermarkets—those havens of the not-so-scintillating chore of scouring numbered aisles, pushing carts and perusing produce—are finding a new identity as a social hub in communities. Parents now bring their children here to play, retirees gather for Bingo, and singles find romance.
Grocery stores are fulfilling the new role as traditional gathering spots, from shopping malls to social clubs like Lions Clubs and Rotary International, continue to shrink from decades-earlier peaks. Malls, in particular, are in danger of extinction. Credit Suisse has projected that up to 25% of malls will close over the next five years, as the internet continues to reshape the way Americans shop.
As more shoppers consider alternatives including online shopping apps and meal kits, grocers are finding ways to avoid a similar fate. Many are reinventing themselves as destination spots.'
So, ProxComm Technology brings the Mobile App for Shopping Cart Dating!

If you are the Supermarket who wants to be better than Amazon and their Whole Foods operation, contact us and serve your customers an additional reason to shop with you!

Call: (515) 200-7068

copyright 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Recent Email Response Regarding Proximity Beacon Marketing Straight To the Point!

Recent Email Response Regarding
Proximity Beacon Marketing
Straight To the Point!


Thank you for reaching out to us.

Yes, you can reach Smartphones with a Notification within a proximity of your location.  Google 'Nearby' allows Android phones to receive the notification if it is relevant information and not just Ad Clutter.  Meaning that others have opened the Notification and not push it away and dismissed it in volume. Google filters garbage information.

Certain companies who market proximity beacons are being restricted to these issues. 

ProxComm Technology has never been filtered and has an excellent relationship with Google.

67% of all Smartphones in the USA are Android, with App having 30% of the mobile phone market.  Globally, Android has 80%+.

Apple in its wisdom requires a Mobile App to receive Notifications.  For large companies, a Mobile App is how they cover all Smartphones.  As an individual not so much.  You could have one, but the cost would outweigh your goal.

Our website states that all Smartphones can see Notifications and we highlight that we have Mobile Apps, depending on your business and application.  It is a pure overview of what is available.  This is not a simple subject that our website is used for.  We like to know what a company is wanting and how they understand how the Proximity Beacons are used.

These articles are on our website within PDFs & Videos:

We are more than upfront on what Smartphones can or cannot see regarding proximity beacons.  We understand the content of a proximity beacon must be relevant and not Ad Clutter.  All clients and potential clients understand the full capability of proximity beacons and the success.

Having been the driving force and innovators globally for the last seven years in Asia, Europe, and the USA, we know the true capabilities of the marketing medium and work for hand in hand with our clients of all sizes.  From Supermarkets, healthcare, banks, auto-industry, public event centers and all retail, the usage is endless.

Our vital difference is also the type of content and our ability to transmit up to ten (10) notifications from one beacon.

This also applies to our Enhanced QR Codes.  Here is a QR Code which emulates a Proximity Beacon, please scan.

The simple fact is, through Proximity Beacons you will reach up to 67% more opportunities than ever before without a Mobile App. Our recommendation, depending on the size of company and potential is to have an App.

I hope I have answered all your listed questions. 

Please call me direct if you have more. (515) 200-7068



copyright 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Proximity Social Marketing Beacons Without An App is Like a Lighthouse Without a Bulb, Useless!

Proximity Marketing Beacons Without   
An App is Like a Lighthouse Without a LightBulb

Apple is restrictive in its marketing regarding beacon technology. Do not let anyone tell you different!

Apple's ibeacon is a major player in the retail trade and other communications facets if it, like Android's Nearby, was available as an open opportunity.

So many beacons rely on Google Nearby as the only means of transmission, which is hit and miss with the relevance of the notification and who it is from. ProxComm Technology Proximity Marketing Beacons and Enhanced QR Codes are seen by all even via our App solution or scanned with any QR Scanner.

Having developed serious Proximity Social Marketing Apps for our clients we have now basically created a 'cookie cutter' opportunity for all to have a cost-effective App for both Android and Apple iOS operating systems.

It is not just notifications, it is our ability track shoppers, send them direct information and give our clients full analytics in 'knowing' their customers and clients.

Asset tracking for billing, where staff are and importantly equipment locations, especially in the healthcare field or transportation is vital.

This is the commercial revolution for marketing and information dissemination to all those that are within a 300-foot radius and their Smartphone.  We broadcast a notification and an URL link to all.  Android Smartphones automatically can receive our notification whether they have an App or not.  

Apple Smartphones need an App!

65%+ of all Smartphones in the USA are Android based with Apple having just 30.1% of the mobile-phone market.  Globally Android has over 80% of the Smartphone market, so you see why we have created an affordable App.

If you want to be in the new wave of the communications cost-effective marketing, we need to converse!


Telephone: (515) 200.7068

Copyright 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018

What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise. ~ Oscar Wilde

"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." 
~ Oscar Wilde

The negativity of our unsocial world is causing mayhem in every level of society.  Never has there been so much 'hate' in everyday life.  From 'cradle to grave', no one is not in the spotlight to feel some form of bullying or hatred.

Life is never simple and if we're all really honest with each other, it sucks some days. Creativity is but a mask to move away from the daily rigamarole of living. Overcoming the realities that no one is perfect and never will be.

It is all to do with effort and follow through, perseverance and true belief in oneself. No matter how hard you work and think you have the ultimate answer, you're wrong! It might have been flowing in your head and fingers, you feel awesome about it all, that's fine. It is the next step, the marketing of the idea that you are so passionate about. Yes, passion is the key and your delivery from the heart and the depths of your soul is vital to garnering the attention of the potential buyer of your mythical ideas.

The thinking outside of your inner box better have the storyline straight and true, even taking deep breaths as you deliver the core ingredients for the success of the project.

Only you can control what is thrown at yet. It is how you handle it which is the key to the next moves in your life. The positives always outweigh the negatives, which you only see and realize when whatever turmoil settles.

Even the most experience do not believe in themselves, thoughts and disappointment is just a cycle of life.

Guess what, just keep moving, moving forward and never stop dreaming, creating, sharing...

Yours and others future depend on it...

Nicholas Ashton
March 4th, 2018