Proximity Marketing Beacons Without
An App is Like a Lighthouse Without a LightBulb
Apple is restrictive in its marketing regarding beacon technology. Do not let anyone tell you different!
Apple's ibeacon is a major player in the retail trade and other communications facets if it, like Android's Nearby, was available as an open opportunity.
So many beacons rely on Google Nearby as the only means of transmission, which is hit and miss with the relevance of the notification and who it is from. ProxComm Technology Proximity Marketing Beacons and Enhanced QR Codes are seen by all even via our App solution or scanned with any QR Scanner.
Having developed serious Proximity Social Marketing Apps for our clients we have now basically created a 'cookie cutter' opportunity for all to have a cost-effective App for both Android and Apple iOS operating systems.
It is not just notifications, it is our ability track shoppers, send them direct information and give our clients full analytics in 'knowing' their customers and clients.
Asset tracking for billing, where staff are and importantly equipment locations, especially in the healthcare field or transportation is vital.
This is the commercial revolution for marketing and information dissemination to all those that are within a 300-foot radius and their Smartphone. We broadcast a notification and an URL link to all. Android Smartphones automatically can receive our notification whether they have an App or not.
Apple Smartphones need an App!
65%+ of all Smartphones in the USA are Android based with Apple having just 30.1% of the mobile-phone market. Globally Android has over 80% of the Smartphone market, so you see why we have created an affordable App.

Telephone: (515) 200.7068
Copyright 2018
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