Saturday, August 10, 2013

So what about the kid at the back of the class, slouched in his chair?

The Kid At The Back Of The Class, Slouched In His Chair Has A Far Better View Of All Before Him!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

What was Obama thinking, when he slighted Putin of Russia?  President Obama is not the man I want negotiating even a parking space for me!  This is the leader of a nation speaking like a twelve year on the corner of a Chicago street! 

I forgot, he is a member of the worst political click in Chicago and has no idea about life whatsoever, only how to force people to get his way.

The so called content of his press conference regarding the National Security Agency (NSA), about transparency and winning back the trust of the people of America and our partners of the world was as effective as a single mop and bucket in a hurricane.

Citizens of the USA and illegals, you are being spied on, not matter what the guy in the White House says on television. 

Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching YOU!

The fact is not everybody out there is a nice person, even maybe your next door neighbors.  If you are not breaking the law and leading a normal life, then you have nothing to worry about, right? 

Wrong!  Government oversteps their mark daily, makes mistakes and misconstrueds what goes on every single day.  So you need to be aware of that fact. 

Knowing what is going on in the world, city, town, corporation and at home is important.  Lack of understanding can get you in a whole different mess. 

It could be as bad as not knowing what your children and teens are up and ignoring the signs of criminal activity like using or selling drugs, texting and sexting, bullying other kids physically and through social media, or lying to your face heaven forbid, and being little obnoxious tikes and not even going to school.

This could never happen, we would never be so foolish and believe are children/teens are all saints, could we?

We all recognize our failings do we not?  Could never be your neighborhood and children that are behaving this way?

So what about the kid at the back of the class, slouched in his chair? 

He is gathering all the information and has all in his sights.  Who would you rather be?

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

We Are Big And Ugly Enough To Be Told The True Facts And Not Feed Bovine Slurry Any More!

We Are Big And Ugly Enough To Be Told The True Facts And Not Feed Bovine Slurry Any More!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Doing Police Work is Sh*t!  

It has come down to chasing your own tail hoping you will be given that important break.  The clock is always ticking and there never seems to be the positive feedback, even from your peers.  Too much going on and no time to work the leads.  It is rather strange that in this results driven society, we cut back on resources on the most important subject matter in public safety and technical and physically it is costing us all.

Being reactive is overpowering in the energy spent, time wasted and spending resources you can ill afford.  It is hard work with little respect or results.

Proactivity, planning, collecting information and analyzing in real time makes a radical difference and proven results.  So why are agencies stuck in a void of unproductive tail chasing? 

The old days of the beat cop worked, they knew everyone on their beat and when crime occurred, they knew who it was and where to look to solve the issues.

Now mix proven technology with foot patrols, leadership and first class communications, chatter on the streets, social media scraping, analytics, next event predictability and you have the conclusive elements for success.  Crime patterns do change!  The fact of the matter is, you are being told crime is going down.  Really?  It might be going down because it is not being reported as the public has lost faith in the public safety departments or the figures are being altered.

What if you told the public the truth?  Not the political truth, the real down to earth facts of what is really going on in their communities and cities.  You have commanders of districts and regions cooking the bookings with statistics, telling the analyst to make them look good for the bosses.  Change this number and fudging the real facts!

Who is that helping? No one!  They are placing the public and officers who are doing their job in jeopardy. I was at a meeting in April, 2013 with a city official who made the exact statement that he wanted to stop the falsehoods of cooked books of command staff, who were changing the stats of their districts to look good and give the politicians what they wanted to hear.  It is going on in every City, USA and you are putting up with it and turning a blind eye to the collusion of dishonesty.

The politicization of crime fighting has to be stopped in its tracks if we are to gain a foothold on the true violence within society.  Recent crimes and court cases have been thrown into the spotlight and we have seen sections of deranged society jumping up and down about racism and black on black crime, by an element of society that want to show that black society is being picked on and lied to.  So far from the truth!

The fact of the matter is there is racism rampant in America and being fueled by so called black naysayers who make their living in pouring more gasoline on the fire of hatred.  Yes, men of the cloth, pastors, church leaders who would not have a congregation or a paycheck if they did not preach on black issues and put down all others in society.  Real statistics prove the point, but these people do not want the reality or realism of the deep seated problems.

There are the two aspects of why society is going to hell in hang basket, especially in the Untied States of America.  Disconnected and do-gooders who tell the rest of the world what their problems are.  Fudged reports and facts and a core of society that are fueling the fire, allowing communities to fall apart and fail.  These people, us, are being preyed upon and they think we do not know about it or what is going on. 

How wrong they are!

So that is the ranting raving, what are you going to do about it?  Yes, you!
There are those that are doing something in the positive and have amassed a team to fight these issues worldwide.  Tracometry People is not the normal every day team of people who see the issues in the same way.  It is with fresh eyes, decades of expertise and not beholden to politics or master that just wants to look good.

Former Metropolitan Police officers, top former FBI, former police crime analytical developers, Military Intelligence operatives, Counter Insurgence personnel social media analysts, lawyers, and media specialists to name but a few.  This international team is diverse, listeners and have the ability to solve the issues, simply because they have no preconceived ideas of the issues only how to arrive at the solution. 

It is pure logical in understanding that rules the day and the topics. 

There is the difference, they all care...

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The word on the street, the key influencers, the opinions, perceptions, myths, rumors and chatter.

The word on the street, the key influencers, the opinions, perceptions, myths, rumors and chatter
By William F. Metts, Atmospherics Director, Tracometry People.

Yesterday I wrote in this blog post about the similarities between gangs and insurgents.  I will disclose that I had no idea about the 60 Minutes story, hat was rebroadcast this last weekend from the original airing in May 2013. 

The story is exactly what I was talking about in yesterday’s post.  Exactly what other guys that served overseas have known about for years.  We know about this because we have witnessed the same thing happening in areas of the world that could not be more different.  Other countries, including ours, have the exact same problems but do not have the benefit of having seen these issues elsewhere.  Policing is local, and outsiders are regarded as suspect – they don’t understand us, we’re different! 


Understanding the word on the street, the key influencers, the opinions, perceptions, myths, rumors and chatter are key to responding to the 3 elements that make an insurgency viable: 
  • Security,
  • Economic opportunity
  • Education 

By themselves, these 3 areas can be baffling to attack: 
  • How does one create an environment for economic opportunity when security is nonexistent and education is low? 
  • How do you improve education in a war zone? 
  • When the locals trust the gangs more than they trust the police, how do policy makers address the security problem?

As Tracometry People have been preaching, Leadership and communication are the absolute necessary first step to attacking these problems.  Unified vision and a shared stake in the success of an area are second.  Then, gathering and analyzing atmospherics, the real-time street chatter that reflects the real sentiments of the locals give an organization the blueprint to solving these issues collectively.  Then policy makers can attack the problem at its root cause, rather than sporadic, reactive, traditional policing – and get the positive results that much quicker.

I noticed at the end of the 60 Minutes piece that this officer and his National Guard unit are going back to Afghanistan to teach these policing measures they have developed to the Afghans. 

Wait – what makes these guys think that what works in Springfield, MA will work in the Khost Province in Afghanistan? 

Oh that’s right – it’s the same problem, no matter where you go. 

I got it.  Do you?

CBS 60 Minutes Video:

Billy F. Metts is a down to earth expert and designer of Atmospheric Noise Collection, what some call Chatter on the Streets.  It is the commercial application on the streets of the world’s cities that has Tracometry People making the difference.  The well-oiled team is making a vast difference in understanding the chatter and the use of social media scraping by those that wish and are doing us harm.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

Now Is The Time...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Insurgents and Gangs Living Within Business and Communities.

Insurgents and Gangs Living Within Business and Communities.
By William F. Metts, Atmospherics Director, Tracometry People.


: a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent
: one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one's own political party

a (1) : a set of articles : outfit <a gang of oars> (2) : a combination of similar implements or devices arranged for convenience to act together <a gang of saws>
b : group: as (1) : a group of persons working together (2) : a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially : a band of antisocial adolescents
: a group of persons having informal and usually close social relations <watching TV with the gang>

So I was on leave, from Iraq, having breakfast with a politician in my home state of Delaware.  She was talking about how the gang problem in Wilmington (Delaware’s biggest city) was one of the contributing factors to the very high crime rate in that city.  I told her about the insurgent groups in Iraq that we were battling, and the similarities struck both of us.
As I look as these two definitions as they apply to crime and destabilization of a region, there is no difference.  Antisocial and unlawful behavior can include are not mutually exclusive.  Gangs can be positive in nature.  However, I am talking about gangs as an unlawful and/or antisocial group.  To that end, a gang under this definition is an insurgency.  One need look no further than a medium sized city such as Indianapolis, IN, Wilmington, DE, St. Louis, MO or Baltimore, MD to see the effects of gang activity and the problems that appear to be increasing.  There has been much written about the desirability of having gang affiliation, such as the replacement for family roles where those roles do not exist otherwise (i.e., older siblings), or for one’s personal protection. 
Law enforcement attempts to deal with gangs and gang-related matters through a series of actions including gang outreach, co-opting former gang members and specific policies to address the problems by stifling or sanctioning gang affiliation.  This does not address the root cause of the insurgency mentality that allows gangs to form, flourish and thrive.
The leadership in both foreign insurgent groups and gangs within the US have identical motives:  the survival of the group is paramount.  Both rely on illegal activities to generate revenue, which is generally used to fund future operations and provide income (although not too much income) to the membership. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that gangs in this model thrive best in areas where there is a lack of economic opportunity.  If one can make a good living, the need for the gang to provide ends for one’s family is limited and therefore the affiliation is weaker.  Insurgencies, likewise, generally only exist within a community that is marginalized economically for the same reason.
Secondly is the absolute requirement that the gang’s leaders are not to be questioned.  Lack of education keeps the membership in line.  There is a definite structure to a gang’s organization, and generally the leadership will have its “thinkers” close to the top.  Strategy decisions are not made by street soldiers.  Insurgencies have equally strong leadership, in many cases religious leaders, politicians and other key influencers.  Future leaders are identified and escalated through the chain – but insurgencies and gang members both have a high degree of turnover, through arrests and jail sentences to catastrophic injuries and death at the hand of their activities.  Education is generally not encouraged among the rank and file; clearly an educated force could and would present a threat to the leadership in both cases.
The third condition that seems to exist where both insurgencies and gangs have fertile ground is either a perceived or real lack of security – that is, the ability for law enforcement to either stop the activities that the groups are doing and/or the ability to protect the community from the influence of those activities.  No one wants to live in an area where illegal drugs are marketed around the clock, with the associated problems – but few can afford to move, they cannot depend on the police for protection and ultimately the revenue that the operations generate are providing for the membership, thus elevating their status.  The gang members/insurgents are providing for someone, somewhere, and that has its own reward system, both psychologically and sociologically.
In both Iraq and Afghanistan, the military forces directly attacked the messaging, the economic backbone and the support of the various insurgencies that posed a risk to the region.  The success varied from area to area, but by 2011 the ability to counter the insurgency was well-defined and measured.  Atmospheric programs, psychological operations, human terrain teams, information operations and other experimental programs are now accepted as permanent fixtures within the military establishment.  These same programs can be adapted to work domestically.  Until the thinking changes within the law enforcement leadership and the tools are deployed to combat the gang problem in the US, the gangs will gain strength financially, generate their own message, co-opt political leadership and ultimately modify social policy to legitimize their existence.
Billy Metts is a down to earth expert and a designer of Atmospheric Noise Collection, what some call Chatter on the Streets.  It is the commercial application on the streets of the world’s cities that has Tracometry People making the difference.  The well-oiled team is making a vast difference in understanding the chatter and the use of social media scraping by those that wish and are doing us harm.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

There Are Good Somebodies Out There.

There Are Good Somebodies Out There.
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

To most, the closing of our embassies in the Middle East and Africa is just a run of the mill government reaction to distract the American people from the at home issues.  It is and it is not.

For individuals to state that Al-Qaeda is on the run and America and its allies are in control is insanity!  Like a red rag to a bull, making those type of pathetic statements is causing the terroristic issues against the western world increase. 

Let us be clear, people who hate us are alive, well and planning our demise on a minute by minute basis.

For a moment, stop thinking global attacks, just look at what we are doing to each other via social media.  Bullying, which terrorism is the extreme version of is being seen in all avenues of life, school, workplace and the home among siblings. 

Let’s face it, we don’t seem to have a good word for anyone!

Any time someone can get that dig in, or slight someone just to be nasty, they will.  The Internet is the perfect example, as many believe every single thing that is written of course is true.  Believe you me, there are sadistic bastards out there who write the most ridiculous lies and statements, which are so far from the truth just to be nasty.  You can see them wringing their hands as they type this crap.

There are Twitter and Facebook Trolls who are attacking people they do not know and are basically sick minded morons. They have no idea how people who are being attacked in this manner are reacting and what it does to their lives.  I know, the old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”.  Sadly they do!

The Daily Mail reported: Internet attacks have dominated the news in the past week as a number of high-profile women have been on the receiving end of vicious trolling. They have been subjected to a litany of lewd sexual suggestions, as well as threats of rape and murder.

Writer and feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez was threatened on Twitter following her success in lobbying to have Jane Austen put on the new £10 note. Then, Labour MP Stella Creasy was subjected to similar abuse after intervening in the debate.

Shortly afterwards, academic and television historian Mary Beard outed Oliver Rawlings – a privately educated 20-year-old – to her 44,000 Twitter followers after he called her a ‘filthy old sl*t’ on the micro-blogging site.

Before long, several female journalists who had written about the trolling received tweets saying that bombs had been planted outside their homes.

Now Melissa is speaking out about the abuse people are suffering from cyber-bullies. ‘Bullying hurts no matter how strong, thick-skinned, brave or articulate you are,’ she adds. ‘I know I’m not a kidnapper or a prostitute and don’t think I deserve to be dead. But some days I just don’t have the energy to deal with this.

‘Public bullying has widespread implications that affect whole circles of loved ones, not just the individual. That’s why it’s so serious.

Twitter yesterday agreed to introduce the measure and UK boss Tony Wang promised to do more to tackle the abuse, which he called ‘simply not acceptable’.

‘Lawyers, judges, the police, and Twitter all need to become more responsible and more responsive,’ Melissa says.

‘If you’re a cyber-bully there should be some sort of online “badge” so you’re easily identifiable. It’s not OK to be an invisible person behind a computer screen and expect there to be no repercussions.

‘Of course there are levels. Being able to express opinions is one of the great things about Twitter. But to go from “I don’t like your view” to “I’m going to find you and rape you”?’

‘Commercially, Twitter is fabulous,’ she says. ‘I use it for information-gathering and it’s a great resource, but it’s also a public platform with a social responsibility.

‘What I have learnt from all this is that cyber-bullying can happen to anybody, but everybody can rise above it. This experience has made me stronger, more discerning and a better person. In no way is this a victory for the trolls.’

So where do stand on this?  Simple, we stand our ground and do not give the bully’s any merit in the social media.  They have no testicular fortitude whatsoever.

On terrorists who wish to harm us physically, we take as much notice and defend ourselves.  It is the proactivity of others who are protecting your interest and we must listen, even if the politicians are not telling us all the details.

Right now by broadcasting the so called Intel threats is showing that Al Qaeda is still alive, well and lethal in winning the war against us.  Terror is rampant and the leaks of the threats harms us all.  This information should have been kept close to our chest and dealt with.  Politicians have no idea of the background to releasing this information and do more harm than good. 

We do!  You will never see us share the Intel we collect with the public, our clients are well informed to be the proactive professionals that they are.

There Are Good Somebodies Out There…

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2013