We Are Big
And Ugly Enough To Be Told The True Facts And Not Feed Bovine Slurry Any More!
Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.
Doing Police Work is Sh*t!

Being reactive
is overpowering in the energy spent, time wasted and spending resources you can
ill afford. It is hard work with little
respect or results.
Proactivity, planning, collecting information
and analyzing in real time makes a radical difference and proven results. So why are agencies stuck in a void of
unproductive tail chasing?
The old days
of the beat cop worked, they knew everyone on their beat and when crime occurred,
they knew who it was and where to look to solve the issues.
Now mix
proven technology with foot patrols, leadership and first class communications,
chatter on the streets, social media scraping, analytics, next event
predictability and you have the conclusive elements for success. Crime patterns do change! The fact of the matter is, you are being told
crime is going down. Really? It might be going down because it is not
being reported as the public has lost faith in the public safety departments or
the figures are being altered.

Who is that
helping? No one! They are placing the
public and officers who are doing their job in jeopardy. I was at a meeting in
April, 2013 with a city official who made the exact statement that he wanted to
stop the falsehoods of cooked books of command staff, who were changing the
stats of their districts to look good and give the politicians what they wanted
to hear. It is going on in every City,
USA and you are putting up with it and turning a blind eye to the collusion of
The politicization
of crime fighting has to be stopped in its tracks if we are to gain a foothold
on the true violence within society. Recent
crimes and court cases have been thrown into the spotlight and we have seen
sections of deranged society jumping up and down about racism and black on
black crime, by an element of society that want to show that black society is
being picked on and lied to. So far from
the truth!
The fact of
the matter is there is racism rampant in America and being fueled by so called
black naysayers who make their living in pouring more gasoline on the fire of
hatred. Yes, men of the cloth, pastors,
church leaders who would not have a congregation or a paycheck if they did not
preach on black issues and put down all others in society. Real statistics prove the point, but these
people do not want the reality or realism of the deep seated problems.
There are the
two aspects of why society is going to hell in hang basket, especially in the Untied States of America. Disconnected and do-gooders who tell the rest
of the world what their problems are.
Fudged reports and facts and a core of society that are fueling the
fire, allowing communities to fall apart and fail. These people, us, are being preyed upon and they think we do not know about it or
what is going on.
How wrong they are!
There are
those that are doing something in the positive and have amassed a team to fight
these issues worldwide. Tracometry
People is not the normal every day team of people who see the issues in
the same way. It is with fresh eyes,
decades of expertise and not beholden to politics or master that just wants to
look good.
Former Metropolitan
Police officers, top former FBI, former police crime analytical developers, Military
Intelligence operatives, Counter Insurgence personnel social media analysts, lawyers,
and media specialists to name but a few. This international team is diverse, listeners
and have the ability to solve the issues, simply because they have no preconceived
ideas of the issues only how to arrive at the solution.
It is pure
logical in understanding that rules the day and the topics.
There is the difference, they all
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (317)
Street Level Digital
Input Real Time Solutions &
Atmospheric Chatter
People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information
Group of Companies – Reg. office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex
CM18 7jF
Web Site: http://www.tracometry.com
Blog: www.tip2tap.blogspot.com
Copyright 2013
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