and Gangs Living Within Business and Communities.
William F. Metts, Atmospherics Director, Tracometry People.
: a person who revolts against civil authority or an
established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a
: one who acts contrary to the policies and
decisions of one's own political party
a (1) : a set of articles : outfit <a gang of oars> (2) :
a combination of similar implements or devices arranged for convenience to act
together <a gang of saws>
b : group: as (1) : a group of persons working
together (2) : a group of persons working to unlawful or
antisocial ends; especially : a band of antisocial adolescents
: a group of persons having informal and usually
close social relations <watching TV with the gang>
So I was on leave, from Iraq, having
breakfast with a politician in my home state of Delaware. She was talking about how the gang problem in
Wilmington (Delaware’s biggest city) was one of the contributing factors to the
very high crime rate in that city. I
told her about the insurgent groups in Iraq that we were battling, and the
similarities struck both of us.

The leadership in both foreign
insurgent groups and gangs within the US have identical motives: the survival of the group is paramount. Both rely on illegal activities to generate
revenue, which is generally used to fund future operations and provide income
(although not too much income) to the membership. Therefore it is reasonable to
assume that gangs in this model thrive best in areas where there is a lack of
economic opportunity. If one can make a
good living, the need for the gang to provide ends for one’s family is limited
and therefore the affiliation is weaker.
Insurgencies, likewise, generally only exist within a community that is
marginalized economically for the same reason.
Secondly is the absolute requirement
that the gang’s leaders are not to be questioned. Lack of education keeps the membership in
line. There is a definite structure to a
gang’s organization, and generally the leadership will have its “thinkers” close
to the top. Strategy decisions are not
made by street soldiers. Insurgencies
have equally strong leadership, in many cases religious leaders, politicians
and other key influencers. Future
leaders are identified and escalated through the chain – but insurgencies and
gang members both have a high degree of turnover, through arrests and jail
sentences to catastrophic injuries and death at the hand of their
activities. Education is generally not
encouraged among the rank and file; clearly an educated force could and would
present a threat to the leadership in both cases.

Metts is a down to earth expert and a designer of Atmospheric Noise Collection, what some call Chatter on the Streets. It
is the commercial application on the streets of the world’s cities that has Tracometry
People making the difference.
The well-oiled team is making a vast difference in understanding the chatter and the use of social media scraping by those that wish
and are doing us harm.
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