Saturday, March 22, 2014

Duh! Learning Centers Are Learning That Students & Faculty’s Social Security #’s & Personal Data Are More Important Than Their Minds…

Duh!  Learning Centers Are Learning That Students & Faculty’s Social Security #’s & personal Data Are More Important Than Their Minds…  
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Centers of Learning are also epicenters for the theft of personal data.

It is stated that online thieves have increasingly sought sensitive and valuable data from educational institutions. Last year, security breaches included possible exposure of over 2.5 million Social Security and bank account numbers associated with an Arizona community college system, 74,000 Social Security numbers of University of Delaware students and staff, 145,000 applications to Virginia Tech, and hundreds of thousands of records from Indiana University.

In the two weeks between recent revelations that hackers stole data on students, alumni and faculty from the University of Maryland-College Park and the Johns Hopkins University, nearly 360,000 records were swiped in similar attacks at schools in Pennsylvania, Indiana and North Dakota, contact has been made to these educational behemoths to advise and inform of how they can stop dead in their tracks, Hackers, Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers.  

Results, very disappointing and D grade for communication skills.

When someone who is knowledgeable reaches out to assist, albeit they are the developer of the finest patented proprietary end to end data in motion security and you ignore and fail to even return the telephone call, would you send your child to such a place of learning?  

Isn't about having an open mind and absorb all you can from those that know more than you?

Colleges and universities are attractive targets for hackers because there are many access points into their networks, especially Hotspots, which contain not just financial and personal data but also valuable intellectual property. That threat is forcing academics to reassess the way they keep and protect vast collections of information, often held in decentralized computer networks accessible to thousands of students, professors and researchers.

All that they do for everyone to enter their networks is to issue a PASSWORD!  

There lies the problem!  A password is typed in, that then lets the individual enter the treasure trove of information. 

Who is it typing the password?  

Is it the owner or the cyber terrorist?  The system has no earthly idea! Then they merrily go about their sordid trade of thievery, causing havoc for those that will now suffer through the theft of information.

Since January 2013, more than 50 colleges, universities and school systems across the country have been the targets of attacks that may have compromised personal information, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a California-based consumer-advocacy group.

"It's been a long-standing concern that our culture of collaboration and trust kind of flies in the face of the need for security to be more closed, more alert and more skeptical and cynical," said Rodney Petersen, senior policy adviser for SecuriCORE, a higher-education information security project at Indiana University. Just as campuses have added gates, guards and surveillance cameras on in recent decades, they may have to end the era of open access to online resources, he said.

The University of Maryland and other institutions reeling from major data thefts are redoubling efforts to confine and protect sensitive data spread across networks - sometimes so scattered that it's a complicated task simply to learn where the data might be hiding and vulnerable. The growing security risks may also require new barriers around networks that have been traditionally open in the name of academic discourse and unfettered access.
But unlike retailers, banks and other companies that guard sensitive data, universities can't mandate what devices or software are used to access their networks. And they must accommodate students and researchers spread across the globe, making it more difficult to prevent and detect security breaches.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is not really the issue.  

It is understanding BYOD is NOT an ISSUE!

KEYTALK has resolved this for over twenty years and has been protecting governments and enterprise in Europe against such issues.

Since a breach compromised names, Social Security numbers and birth dates of 287,580 students, faculty and staff at the University of Maryland on Feb. 18, officials said they have purged more than three-fourths of the sensitive records, some of which dated back to 1992. But they are also hastening to learn how vulnerable the university's data remains, and how to prevent future attacks.

A cyber-security task force that university President Wallace Loh called together within 24 hours of the attack is set to consider whether information technology systems on campus should be centralized to keep sensitive data in one place, rather than scattered across various colleges and departments. The group, which met for the first time last week, also is launching an effort to scan all university databases for personal information that could be at risk.
Similar actions have taken place at Johns Hopkins, where officials on March 6 announced an attack that occurred late last year compromising names and email addresses of 848 bio-medical engineering students, as well as confidential evaluations of classmates. In response to attacks and at the urging of auditors, the university has moved to prioritize what data needs the highest levels of protection, said Darren Lacey, the university's chief information security officer.

It is not about where you store the information, it is about how you allow access.

There is an even simpler method which is more cost effective, virtually zero management and productive, KEYTALK!

Understand, that by using your log-in human credentials, (password), you are the total opposite of being secure! Your data, transactions and or your Identity is at major risk to be stolen by hackers, phishers and man in the middle brutal attackers.

KEYTALK, not only it secures the connection end to end but KEYTALK also distributes short lived device DNA related keys for access. DNA is pulled out the device based on a combination of 12 to 17 device components.

This means you are hidden in the KEYTALK bullet resistant end to end data in motion tube, totally anonymous to all!  This works to a major advantage, especially in the education campus environment.  The device is their secure connection and once the transaction of information is finished, there is nothing on the device to even show there was a connection.

We ask you to become more educated and take a leaf out of the Book of Learning, research, call and let us explain in simple terms on how and why KEYTALK is the Answer.  This will give you A+ grade to all, including the parents who fund your establishments.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking… KEYTALK!

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Action In Motion – Asset Information Management with Full Chain of Custody!

 Action In Motion – Asset Information Management

This is a unique web/cloud based 
Asset Information Management Solution Platform

Real Time Incident/Event Management Visual Information
  • Fresh Eyes
  • Real Time – Any Time – Anywhere
  • Directly To Your Server
  • Date/Time/GPS Location
  • Secure Evidence Chain

Using a range of devices (mobile phones, tablets and laptops) the AIM Solution is a comprehensive, but simple to operate, completely automated software system for uploading captured Data (audio/video clips and images), which automatically incorporates details of date, time, GPS location and originator of the Data – essentially turning mobile devices into a “live” stream to your server, creating a Chain of Evidence.

The AIM Solution, sits on a windows Internet based server, with a secure password log-in requirement.  

It also has KEYTALK, the Secure DNA Connection. 

AIM was developed, by a team of retired police officers and computer security specialists. 

It enables Authorized and Trusted Users to have real time access to transmitted Data, to view, monitor and manage incidents and events throughout their duration.

Utilizing sophisticated search tools, the AIM Solution enables the transmitted Data (Videos/Images) stored on your servers, to be searched under the same parameters (date, time, GPS location and originator) and for that Data (Videos/Images) to be shared with all Authorized/Trusted Users and, where applicable, clients as well.

Imagine the possibilities of having the equivalent of multiple hand held mobile cameras at a location of an event or incident, whereby “live” Data of (audio/video/images) can be streamed to and from those at the scene to a central control center and other devices at the event.  Even link into existing CCTV and record on law enforcement’ servers

The Data can assist with the co-ordination of responses commensurate to deal with the event or incident; provide “live” recording and playback facilities; sharing the Data “live” across a range of ‘authorized/trusted’ users and provide irrefutable evidence (with full chain of command) of the circumstances of the event or incident so as to ensure its admissibility in any subsequent criminal and or civil court proceedings.

Imagine a paramedic at the scene of an accident can now transmit advance photographs/video of the injured person’s injuries direct to the hospital, as on-site treatment is being carried out and before the injured party is moved.  The ER Department or Doctors surgery/hospital consultant can guide from afar as to appropriate treatment.

A wide spectrum of organizations, including, facilities management, insurance industry and the construction industries, where “live” Data (audio/video /images) can be transmitted to a PC ‘back at the office’, stored on your servers with date/time/GPS location, where it can be used for a wide range of day to day functions such as carrying out and recording risk assessments, documentation of work schedules and contract compliance, monitoring the delivery and handling of materials, monitoring of Health and Safety compliance etc. Or, for the management of a sporting event to have an on-site temporary event management communications system.

The transmitted Data (images/audio/video) can be forwarded to another organizations' FTP server, thus enabling them to use their own (API) to integrate the Data into their own platform.

This is the most secure transmission of data, (video/audio/images).  KEYTALK is your secure connection.

You can still use the password, but what is really allowing you to enter the system is your devices DNA, this authorizes you and knows you are a trusted device.

You are then transmitting in a secure bullet resistant connection, even in Hotspots, you are anonymous and secure.

Real Time Solutions for Industry
  • Accident Investigation
  • Paramedics
  • Police Officers
  • District Nurses
  • Security Officers
  • Loss Prevention
  • Construction Work
  • Fire Department
  • Health and Safety
  • Insurance Risk Assessors

For Your Fresh Recorded Eyes Contact Us: or call +1 (317) 426.0110

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How Real Is The Threat To Your Corporate & Personal Information?

How Real Is The Threat To
Your Corporate & Personal Information?
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Unless you have been in a cave in the depths of Utah or a member of a Pot Club in Colorado, you should have been very aware that Hackers, Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers have been extremely busy and very successful in accessing and stealing data.

You though must be securing your own computers, including your Smart Mobile Phones.  Malware protection is available and the best free product is from Microsoft.

Cyber-Terrorism, hacking, has been going on for decades and suddenly the increase was felt on a vast personal basis when the retail chain, Target suffered, as their customers the brunt of a full force cyber terror attack.  It is stated that 70-140 million records were stolen from their database.  One is too many and Target believe they were secure, they relied on their IT department be their frontline protection.  Obviously, they did not do enough and think that they can handle internally.

Universities and our youth is under attack and the Duke University was HACKED and then announced they had taken precautions and all was well.  It was not, the next day HACKED AGAIN!

I can assure you that for all commerce, education facilities and the protection of clients and customers, KEYTALK has a solid answer and solution.

After all, KEYTALK has been protecting data on the move for over twenty years plus, so someone had to know!

You notice, we are not stating that this what happened.  Is it possible, yes, feasible, yes!

The door is wide open on any computer system for compromise and serious consequences.  Not just the hacking of Target, who were the bull’s-eye for being the center of customer data and information theft of up to 140 million records of their customers.

Can this be rectified quickly, effectively and not cost prohibitive?

It is all about a secure connection.  We are using passwords for this, passwords for that, pin numbers and they are all created by humans.  Created by humans and stolen by lowlife humans!

Our philosophy is simple, make the device (Server, Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Mobile Phone) the access point.  The devices DNA is the Key, hence KEYTALK.

We create a bomb-proof tube that is the connection, all data in motion that travels is 100% secure.  The log on is a short lived certificate, which is encrypted beyond the normal encryption level used in government or banking.  Once verified, it becomes a direct connection to do its business.  Nothing of this connection, once completed, is left on the originators device whatsoever.

Corporations can use this for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) with the security that pleases even the IT Department.  In fact, you can use this connection via a hotel or public hotspot without being seen whatsoever.  Anonymously sending information and the hacker has no idea that you are doing so.

So, today we talking with our client to expand his usage and you, can also call us and please understand, we have the answer.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking, Key Talking… KEYTALK!

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Tracometry Group of Companies – Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF

Copyright 2014