by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO CommSmart Global Group of Companies
It started with one of our posts -
There Is Nowhere To Hide! You May Have The Data, But Can YOU Use It Profitably?
It is about predictability, next event predictability, which is successful whence you have excellent data to work with.
Analytics is our life blood in all we do and accomplish. Whether it be our total cyber security or counterterrorism arm of our group of companies. Our employment solution and H.R. perfection on knowing your employees regarding 'passion and competencies' with the ability to have vacancy find the potential employee and allow H.R. to fully know their fellow staff and their ability to further the corporation for the upcoming Key Battlefields or, our full crime analytics which improve productivity and expenditure, we care and our passion shows!

Ian Ross:
"Total BS"
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Really? I smile at your two words! I suggest you open your mind and absorb FACTS! Proven FACTS... Contact us direct...
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Really? I smile at your two words! I suggest you open your mind and absorb FACTS! Proven FACTS... Contact us direct...
Ian Ross:
"facts facts facts! You sound like Tony Blair. Probably does your sales strategy for you."
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Ian, stop making a fool out of yourself... in a public arena. It seems you cannot pick up a phone and be shown the truth. No B.S., Reality... You can have an opinion and try and play clever, it will bite you in the rear...It is making a mockery of your company by your statements...
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Ian, stop making a fool out of yourself... in a public arena. It seems you cannot pick up a phone and be shown the truth. No B.S., Reality... You can have an opinion and try and play clever, it will bite you in the rear...It is making a mockery of your company by your statements...
Ian Ross:
"now this is getting boring. you can get therapy for your kind of problems. but not all narcissts can be"
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Boring because you have nothing to say of merit Sir... will speak with your company executives in the morning... Constructive comments we can handle childish comments from a supposed security expert we deal with in a professional manner.
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Boring because you have nothing to say of merit Sir... will speak with your company executives in the morning... Constructive comments we can handle childish comments from a supposed security expert we deal with in a professional manner.
Ian Ross:
"Yawn ) why wait until the morning? are you too tired to do it now? I
find it amusing as well when I see threats from some one trying to come
his corporate tough guy act! Opinions are allowed. Believe itor not, you
do not own linked-in."
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Boring because you have nothing to say of merit Sir... will speak with your company executives in the morning... Constructive comments we can handle childish comments from a supposed security expert we deal with in a professional manner.
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Boring because you have nothing to say of merit Sir... will speak with your company executives in the morning... Constructive comments we can handle childish comments from a supposed security expert we deal with in a professional manner.
Ian Ross:
"Slander is spoken. Libel is written 9just to help you know the
difference) I posted my comment as me. But whatever makes you happy. "
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Sir, we do not own LinkedIn. We do have a court system, which treats 'Slander' effectively. As per your web site and telephone number, it will be contacted in the morning as we do not take these type of comments lightly. You posted your comment as the Regional Director of GIF. Govern Yourself Accordingly.
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
It seems Ian Ross deleted his comments. In his last post, he corrected me on mentioning 'Slander' and that it was Liable. I knew that, and predicted his comment. Ian, you are anti-social individual and being in the security business and making all the statements which we have in email form, shows you are wrongfully employed. Sad, that don't have the balls to follow through on this thread. We are and going to your employer. Our 'Passion' is strong and we stand by our facts and success, importantly our clients.
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
Sir, we do not own LinkedIn. We do have a court system, which treats 'Slander' effectively. As per your web site and telephone number, it will be contacted in the morning as we do not take these type of comments lightly. You posted your comment as the Regional Director of GIF. Govern Yourself Accordingly.
Nick Ashton - CommSmart Global
It seems Ian Ross deleted his comments. In his last post, he corrected me on mentioning 'Slander' and that it was Liable. I knew that, and predicted his comment. Ian, you are anti-social individual and being in the security business and making all the statements which we have in email form, shows you are wrongfully employed. Sad, that don't have the balls to follow through on this thread. We are and going to your employer. Our 'Passion' is strong and we stand by our facts and success, importantly our clients.
The latter is an issue for all regarding social media and how your employees and even yourself handle posting comments and information.
As for Mr. Ian Ross, he is M.I.A. on Linkedin! Gone..., removed his comments and his profile is gone. I wonder why?
His supposed company has received a copy of this and I look forward to an apology. Oh, I will not hold my breath for that.
CommSmart Global is a 'straight talking' company, we wear our passion on our sleeves and protect all we do and especially our clients.
As you can see, we do not take even two words, simply and 'turn the other cheek'!
The likes of Ian Ross can have opinions when they are constructive, his were not!
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