Media Interaction
The Art of Conversation
Without Moving Your Lips!
Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart
Global Group
How do you
wrap your communications around your fingers and thumbs and still be a
successful communicator?
Simple, learn
to type short, sharp statements without anger or retribution. Concise statements and questions will reach
your intended and publicly receptive audience.
Fingers and Thumbs Can
and Do Control the Art of Conversation!
Social media
is sorting out the ‘wheat from the chaff’
and those that use anger, nonsensical verbiage
or pure trolls,
will fall and stumble by the wayside. Just like a true debate, those that have
no viable statement cease to speak and move on.
Social media
is the most excellent means of:
- placing significant information
- calls to action
- marketing facts
- product placement
- public event particulars
- asking those all important questions
All to draw
attention and cause dialogue.
Social Media is an Art
Form that we all can
participate in. Just like a writer,
painter or social wall fly, it is a precise means of exercising your points of
it is free, insomuch that it only takes your time
to produce. The quality of statements is a priority and this why corporations,
small business and Public Safety (police, fire,
and EMS) are expanding their digital writings.
Working with
your clients and community to inform them there is a ‘New Town Crier’ at your
fingertips on your Smartphone, which goes everywhere with you.
Signing up
your customers, community businesses, and the public to understand this, is the
most defined means of communications ever!
understanding ‘The Art of Fingers & Thumbs Conversation’ is a supreme
priority for us all. We are not talking anymore, we have our heads down, pressing keys
on a smartphone and is not quality time.
It is though
being used by a majority that cannot live without information. It is like they have an insatiable appetite for
facts, data, digital conversation and gossip.
When it comes
to products, travel, vacations, even which hotel to stay at, social media,
Twitter, Facebook etc. are used far more than Google. You trust your friends within social media
for their opinions and experiences.
Some five
years ago in the U.K., the Borough of
Lambeth police agency started using social media, it was a direct change in
communications skills within the borough.
Today it is stronger, although all law enforcement needs to have
refresher courses on how to use social media more successfully and with
It has
changed and we can change it more for the better for you. It is not going away and only
getting stronger if you can control your
fingers and thumbs!
CommSmart Global Group,
a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner uses social media to delve deeper into how criminals use
this communications system. It affords
us more information so our crime analytics and predictive analysis are the
success they are today.
Our social
skill sets are available globally with cost effective coaching and mentoring
for corporations, small businesses, via your Chamber of Commerce and global law
Use your
Fingers & Thumbs to connect to us and see digitally where your improvements
will lead.